9 – 1

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The Imperial Guard were well familiar with Underminister Darouzheh, which undoubtedly saved his life when he burst in on the Emperor and Empress having a state lunch with the Sifanese ambassador. Indeed, the fact that he was well known around the Imperial Palace was the only reason he could have possibly been permitted to dash pell-mell through its halls the way he apparently had, to judge by his breathless state of near-collapse upon entering.

Instantly, five staves were pointing at him, humming audibly with conjured destruction waiting to be unleashed. More guards moved to cover the windows and doors in case of further intruders, while the currently present Hand of the Emperor placed himself between his liege and the intruder so rapidly he almost appeared to have teleported.

Darouzheh completely ignored all of this.

“Your Majesties,” he gasped, doubling over. His paunchy frame was clearly not designed for the kind of exertion he had just experienced. “Emergency! Dragons!”

With that, he slumped forward, panting so hard he could barely stand. The guards powered down and lowered their weapons, the nearest actually stepping over to gently brace the Underminister lest he collapse entirely. At a flick of the Empress’s fingers, a maid darted forward to pour a carafe of water, which she carried to the gasping bureaucrat.

Sharidan had risen to his feet, gently moving the Hand aside with a touch to his shoulder. Ambassador Fujimatsu finally set down his teacup, studying the scene with admirable calm.

“That,” Eleanora said flatly, “is an unacceptable combination of words.”


“Dragons,” Darling said, “and chaos.”

“That’s a bad combination of words,” McGraw noted.

“Don’t I know it,” the Bishop replied, his expression serious. “Unfortunately, that’s not the scary part.”

“How is that not the scary part?” Billie demanded. “Why is there always a scarier part?”

They sat in the comfortable downstairs parlor in the Bishop’s home, Darling in his customary seat at the head of the coffee table, the others around it. No one had yet commented on Mary’s absence from the group, but it was even more palpable than her presence. When she was there, she had a way of quietly deflecting attention from herself.

“This is all I’ve been getting out of the Archpope’s oracular resources for the last week,” Darling continued. “You probably know how it is with oracles—or you may not, Justinian does seem to have a good percentage of them squirreled away. It’s all ‘that from beyond which is not,’ and ‘the titans of two forms,’ and an innumerable throng of vague metaphors to that effect. These things are difficult to read at the best of times; it took me a solid day’s work to suss out the consistent themes. Dragons, and chaos.”

“I think I see what the scary part is,” Joe murmured. “Now, granted, all I know about oracles is from readin’, and most of what I’ve read I suspect is more fictional than it liked to pretend, but any event in which all the oracles shut down and refuse to talk about anything but a coming disaster…”

“Yes,” Darling said, nodding at him. “In fact, that’s more than just common sense. This is a recognized apocalyptic portent.”

“Never staved off an apocalypse,” Billie said thoughtfully. “Bet that’s a feather in the ol’ cap, an’ no mistake.”

“Sounds like a titanic pain in the ass even for those who survive it,” Weaver grunted. “Who else knows about this?”

“And now we come to the complicating factor,” Darling said with a sigh. “Obviously, Justinian knows. There are the other Bishops who have access to his oracles, too; I don’t know how frequently any of them make use of the resource, but if they’ve tried in the last week, they know. None of them have mentioned it to me. What the Empire does or does not know I can’t be sure. I passed the warning on to the Hand of the Emperor with whom I work, and was told that the matter had been foreseen a good long time ago and the Empire has resources in place.” He shrugged.

“Just who are these other Bishops?” Joe asked.

“Don’t worry about that,” Darling said, waving a hand. “Justinian’s the one who demands our attention.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Darling,” Joe replied very evenly, “but we are well past the point of that bein’ an acceptable answer.”

A momentary silence fell, Darling lifting his eyebrows in an expression of mild surprise. Standing by the door, Price shifted her head infinitesimally, focusing her attention on Joe.

“After that stunt you pulled this spring,” the Kid continued, staring at the Bishop, “I am just about done gettin’ the runaround from you. Pardon my pushiness, but when I ask for details, you provide details or I walk out.”

Weaver snorted softly. Billie raised an eyebrow, turning to regard the Bishop expectantly.

“Well,” Darling said with a slight smile. “Upon reflection, I really don’t have any counter to that, do I? Fair enough. Not that I think it’s any concern of yours and I am possibly risking clerical censure by sharing the details, but the Bishops of Avei, Shaath and Izara also have access to the Church’s hidden oracles.”

“That,” McGraw mused, “is a right peculiar assortment.”

“Bishop Syrinx has been off in Viridill on some Avenist business for the last few weeks,” Darling continued, “and I dismiss Varanus and Snowe from consideration because I’ve had indication several times before that both are fully behind his Holiness in whatever he chooses to do. Anyhow, this leads us back to the problem at hand, and what we intend to do about it.”

“Dragons and chaos,” Billie mused, kicking her legs idly. Sitting on the edge of the loveseat as she was, her feet didn’t nearly reach the floor. “Well, it does bring to mind an obvious answer, dunnit? Shame that’s almost certainly an ol’ wives’ tale.”

“Y’mean Belosiphon?” McGraw replied. “Or however you pronounce it.”

“You said it correctly,” Weaver said, rolling his eyes. “Which is kind of impressive when it comes to any dragon’s name. Tell me, Elias, does this ‘confused old man’ act usually succeed in deflecting suspicion?”

“Sorry, sonny,” McGraw said innocently, tugging his earlobe. “You’ll have to speak up, I’m a mite deaf on this side.”

“Yeah, well, point being,” Billie said with a grin, “we’re talkin’ about a legend from the time of the Elder Gods. You’re a bard, Damian, you know as well as I that any tale from that long ago’s not gonna have more’n a smidge of fact in its lineage.”

“Don’t use my first name,” Weaver growled.

“Yes, quite so,” Darling said, nodding seriously. “It’s inconceivable that there could really have been a chaos dragon, and the story is so old and from a time of such confusion that it’s just not sensible to give it any credence. So, imagine my surprise when I learned that the Church has specific records of Belosiphon, and knows roughly where his skull is buried.”

“Typical,” Joe muttered.

“Are you rubbin’ me ankles?” Billie demanded.

“I…have no idea,” Darling said, blinking.

Weaver shrugged. “Doesn’t particularly surprise me. One of the gods is chaos-tainted; why not a dragon? If anything, the odd thing is how no dragons since have ended up that way.”

“Nothin’ odd about that,” McGraw said. “Dragons tend to be wiser sorts than the average run of mortals, even before they’ve lived a few thousand years. Takes somebody exceptionally stupid to meddle with the powers of chaos.”

“Which is precisely the issue,” Darling said firmly. “Everytime a significant chaos artifact has surfaced, some imbecile made a good effort at seizing and using it. You being adventurers, I’m sure you know most of those stories, and how they ended. With the oracles giving warning, we can make two solid assumptions: at the intersection of ‘dragons’ and ‘chaos’ is Belosiphon the Black, and action has to be taken to prevent someone from meddling with his skull. It’s in the northernmost region of Upper Stalwar Province. That’s right about where the plains meet the desert in a particularly unappetizing little corner of flat scrubland, just below the foothills where the Dwarnskolds and the Stalrange intersect.”

“I’ve been there,” McGraw said, nodding. “The Badlands. Beautiful country, if you don’t have to live in it.”

“There’s actually a place called the Badlands?” Weaver said scornfully.

“Aye,” Billie replied with a grin. “After tryin’ to keep their butts alive in it, the residents were too worn out to think of anythin’ more poetic.”

“Here’s where it gets even more interesting,” Darling continued, his expression grim. “I’ve been rooting around in every official record I could find, both Church and Imperial. The actual location of Belosiphon’s skull is not known, merely the general region, but there are hints that more precise records do exist. It is worth mentioning, here, that I do not have access to all of Justinian’s hidden archives. Second, the Empire has almost no presence in the area. Third, this is mining country. Silver, copper, turquoise and coal. It was hit almost as hard as the dwarven kingdoms by the Narisian treaty and all those shipments of free Underworld ore, but people do still dig there. And prospect.”

“What better way to stumble across buried horrors,” Joe murmured, staring at the table.

“Justinian has not mentioned anything about it to me,” Darling continued, “nor I to him. He surely would have…unless this is to be another act in our ongoing cold war of misinformation.”

“And if he had the same idea you did,” McGraw said, frowning, “who better to send after something like this than adventurers?”

“Which means,” Weaver growled, “Khadizroth and the Jackal. And whoever else he’s rounded up.”

“Peachy!” Billie said, grinning psychotically and cracking her knuckles. “I have been just itchin’ fer another crack at those two assholes.”

“Not to be a wet blanket,” said Joe, “but we fought them to a bare stalemate last time, and that was with the aid of our most powerful member, who is not even here.”

A glum silence descended upon the room.

“Justinian’s silence on the matter does strongly indicate to me that he is going to use his adventurers,” Darling said gravely. “There are things he keeps from me, but he had to know I would discover what the oracles were doing. This is the only topic on which we remain mutually silent, both knowing that we both know what’s going on. So yes, what we are talking about here is sending you off to contend with the dragon and the assassin, not to mention whoever else—because I haven’t a clue who else he might have found—with the quest for an artifact of unspeakable danger as the backdrop and battlefield. I’ve gotta level with you, folks: this is above and beyond the call. If you don’t want to go, I’ll not hold you in violation of our agreement. I will still be at work getting your answers, though I’m afraid that has to wait until the oracles start speaking again.”

“Hell with that,” Billie snorted. “We’re in. Let’s skip the part where we all go ’round the table and agree—you all know damn well you all want your payback, fer a variety o’ reasons. But Joe’s got the right of it. We need to find Mary. Anybody got a clue where she is?”

“All I know,” Darling said, “is that another elf came here looking for her a few weeks back.”

“Who?” Joe asked.

“Nobody I knew,” Darling said with a shrug. “She was sent by Professor Tellwyrn, though. Elder Sheyann, I think her name was.”

“Tellwyrn?” Weaver said, narrowing his eyes.

“Did you say Sheyann?” Joe exclaimed.

“Ah, yes, I did,” Darling said, looking at him oddly. “Don’t tell me you know her.”

“Well, I don’t so much know her, but you don’t grow up in Sarasio without hearing the name. She’s the most senior of the Elders in the nearby grove.”

“Huh,” Darling mused. “Well. That gives us two places to start looking for Mary: Sarasio and Last Rock. Because, to be frank, we have a good bit of preparatory work to do before setting off on this particular adventure. Quite apart from the need to catch the Crow, there’s the question of what to do with the skull of Belosiphon itself. Pretty much the only certainty is that Justinian cannot be allowed to get his grabbers on it.”

“We could hand it over to the Empire?” Joe suggested.

“Assuming we can even handle something like that,” Weaver said. “Chaos is not healthy to be around.”

“Also,” Darling said firmly, “with all respect to his Majesty’s government, it is a government. I will sleep better it it does not get its hands on this slice of unimaginable destructive power. And I sure as hell don’t want the thing. I have to admit I’m against a wall here, my friends. This is outside the purview of either a thief or a priest. How do you dispose of a chaos artifact?”

“Destroy it,” said Joe.

“Very bad idea,” McGraw said emphatically. “You destroy a thing like that, and what you’re left with is pieces of said thing. Do your job well, reduce it to dust and smoke, and it disseminates into the air, the ground, the water, tainting the whole region for… Who knows? Centuries, millennia, maybe forever. Or you may get bigger pieces, which sure as the tides will get strewn to the four corners of the earth to work a thousand smaller mischiefs until some giftedly sinister idjit goes on an epic quest to gather ’em all up and ruin everyone’s day.”

“Okay,” Joe said slowly. “So, no destroying. That was my last idea. Sorry.”

“It’s simple enough,” said Weaver. “We’ll take it to Arachne.”

They all stared at him.

“Are you quintessentially outta your gourd?” Billie demanded. “Of all the people who does not need to get her hands on a chaos artifact—”

“I’m talking about the only person who probably should,” Weaver shot back. “Let’s face it, by any standard you could choose to apply, Arachne is a giant bitch.”

“Now, see here,” Joe began, scowling.

“For that reason,” Weaver continued loudly, “she doesn’t get nearly enough credit. Most of the world has no idea how many times she’s rescued it from the brink. With regard to chaos artifacts in particular, she’s already got two. Arachne Tellwyrn owns the Book of Chaos and the Mask of Calomnar. She’s got them both tucked away in a sealed pocket dimension where nobody can get at them and they can’t affect the mortal plane. In fact, she found the Book of Chaos twice, and made this particular setup after someone dug it up from its first hiding place. She has the sense not to meddle with chaos and the power to secure it. It’s simple. We take the skull to Arachne, and neither the Church nor the Empire nor anybody else will ever see the damn thing again.”

“Well,” McGraw mused, “that sounds like a workable solution, indeed, if you don’t pause to consider how irate the lady will be to have a thing like that dropped on her doorstep.”

“Omnu’s balls, we’re not gonna just drop it at the University,” Weaver said scathingly. “Arachne’s one of our leads in tracking down Mary anyway, right? So we go to Last Rock, ask if she’s seen the Crow and tell her what’s up so she knows to prepare a place for Belosiphon’s skull. She might even help retrieve it.”

“Tellwyrn is not going to cross the Church’s agents directly,” Darling said, frowning. “Her carefully protected neutrality wouldn’t survive that; she won’t risk her students’ safety by dragging the University into world politics. For that reason, we will tell her the whole situation, so she doesn’t accidentally stumble into that, blame us for tricking her and blast us all to ashes.”

“I like this plan,” Billie said brightly. “Anything that ends with me not gettin’ blasted to ash is aces in my book!”

“I’ll have to sit that stretch of it out,” McGraw said with a rueful grin. “I’m already on record as getting’ the ash treatment if I show my face in Last Rock.”

“What’d you do?” Joe said, frowning.

“Well, it’s a long—”

The old wizard broke off suddenly, grabbing his staff and half-rising. Joe bounded to his feet in the same moment. Price, by the door, suddenly zipped across the room to hover protectively over Darling’s shoulder.

“What?” the Bishop demanded, looking around at them. “What’s going on?”

“Someone has just teleported into the house, your Grace,” Price said in a low voice.

Weaver also got to his feet, scowling and placing a hand on his holstered wand. Billie stood up on the loveseat, tucking both hands into pouches at her belt.

There came a sharp knock at the closed door of the parlor.

Darling raised his eyebrows. “Come in?”

The door opened, and a young woman in Army uniform stepped in and saluted. Her insignia had a blue eye behind the standard Imperial gryphon, the mark of a Tiraan battlemage.

“Pardon the interruption, your Grace,” she said in a clipped tone. “Your presence is urgently requested at the Palace by Lord Vex.”

“What’s going on?” Darling demanded, rising.

The mage glanced briefly but pointedly around the group. “My orders are to teleport you to the Palace, your Grace,” she said in a level tone. “I’m sure you will be fully briefed once there.”

“Ominous,” Weaver said.

“Well, my friends, I guess we’ll have to continue this conversation later,” said Darling, stepping carefully around McGraw and toward the Army mage. “In fact, though… Given the time frame involved, please go ahead and pursue the avenue we were just discussing. We’ll regroup tomorrow, or whenever you get back, hopefully all with more information. All right, Lieutenant, I’m all yours. Let’s go see what’s so urgent, shall we?”


“We’re receiving up-to-the-minute reports via telescroll,” General Panissar said. “Based on their flight path, this gate seems the most probable point of arrival. They are unmistakably making for Tiraas.”

“What can you tell me about the path they have taken, General?” the Lady asked.

“Oddly meandering,” Panissar said with a frown. “We are tentatively not considering this an attack. Dragons can be upon you from miles away before you know they’re even in the province, if that’s what they want. These four have been gliding all the way from north of Calderaas, tracking back and forth as if to deliberately waste time. Lord Vex is of the opinion that they want to be seen, to give us time to prepare.”

“Lord Vex is correct,” she replied, nodding. Lady Asfaneh Shavayad was a stately woman in her middle years, and apparently the leading expert on dragons in the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. That was the only explanation Panissar had been given as to why she was in command of this operation. Standing calmly in the main gate to the fortified border town, which she had insisted would remain open, she glanced around at the assembled soldiers, clearly considering them even as she continued to speak. “This is their custom when approaching one another, as well. It is a sign that they come in peace, seeking to talk.”

“Odd that they’ve never wanted to talk before,” Panissar growled.

“Indeed,” said Lady Asfaneh. “This is unprecedented for several reasons. Dragons are famously solitary creatures, and when they do associate, they markedly prefer the company of those of their own color. Are you certain of your intelligence regarding this group’s composition?”

“As certain as I was the last time you asked,” he grunted, choosing not to react to the amused look she gave him. “Red, gold, green and blue, one of each.”

“Very well,” she said, folding her hands in front of her, still a picture of serenity. “We shall see soon enough what they want. Are the tower artillery emplacements positioned as I said?”

Panissar nodded, his own expression not lightening. “With all due respect, Lady Asfaneh, I do not see the wisdom in disarming ourselves with a threat of this magnitude approaching.”

“It is symbolic,” she said calmly. “In any case, your mag cannons would not be useful against dragons.”

“We’ve brought down a dragon before with a mag cannon.”

“I am very familiar with the accounts of that incident, General, and I’m sure you are aware that it was quite possibly the luckiest shot in all of recorded history. If this does come to violence, the strike teams will be our best hope by far.” She nodded at the six teams which had assembled in the avenue behind them. “The presence of these armed soldiers is a show of our strength; they will not begrudge us that, and in fact will likely respect it. Aiming our largest and most visibly powerful weapons at them, however, is a provocation. Keep them pointed at the sky and their operators visibly absent from the controls. We must hope that violence does not occur. No one has ever fought off four dragons.”

“You don’t need to tell me that,” he said quietly.

There came a faint buzzing noise, followed by a sharp pop, and an Army battlemage materialized beside them, saluting. “General Panissar! Newest report from Madouris on the dragons’ approach. ETA less than five minutes.”

“Thank you, soldier,” Panissar said, nodding to him. “Colonel Ontambe! Is the area cleared of civilians?”

“Evacuation just completed, sir,” the Colonel replied, saluting as he strode up to them. “The last of the town’s residents have been moved into the city. Only military and diplomatic personnel are left here.”

“Then we wait,” Lady Asfaneh whispered, eyes on the horizon to the north.

For all that it was possibly the tensest seconds of their lives, it was considerably less than five minutes. The assembled soldiers stiffened further, even Panissar drawing in a sharp breath, as the four massive forms suddenly appeared in the sky above the northern foothills, gliding around in a wide arc as if to survey the city from a distance as they passed.

“Well,” he murmured, eyes glued to the four titans, “I suppose they could be just passing by…”

This time, Lady Asfaneh didn’t even spare him a glance.

They were not just passing by. The dragons wheeled all the way around, pumping their wings as they descended to the flat ground on the outskirts of the border town. This was the widest stretch of highway in the region, close as it was to the gates of the city itself, but there was not room for even two of them to land side-by-side. They settled to the earth in a formation that nearly rivaled the fortress itself in size.

“Gods be good,” Colonel Ontambe whispered. “Four of them. One of each.”

“Report to rear command, soldier,” Panissar said quietly. “You’ll lead his Majesty’s army if I fall.”

Ontambe, he reflected as the man saluted and strode off, was too old and too seasoned a soldier to publicly lose composure like that, but considering the circumstances, he was inclined to be somewhat lenient.

It was all Panissar could do not to take a step backward as the four dragons approached them on foot. Beside him, Lady Asfaneh’s composure remained totally uncracked.

Fortunately, they shifted as they neared. They were still an impressive sight in their human-sized forms, and not merely because of the palpable aura of majesty that emanated from them. Panissar had never met a dragon before, but he’d been briefed on this effect and steeled himself against it; these creatures were powerful beings, nothing more, and did not deserve the awe he felt welling up in him. At least they were marginally less terrifying this way.

In the lead by half a step came the gold dragon, dressed in golden armor and with a two-handed sword as long as Panissar was tall slung on his back. The blue wore robes more elaborately decorated than what the ladies of the court wore to formal balls. His cobalt hair was as exquisitely coiffed, too, and his fingers glittered with jewelry. The other two were less over-the-top; the green dressed simply in wood elf fashion, with a blousy-sleeved green shirt and soft leather vest, trousers and moccasins. The red dragon looked like he belonged on the cover of one of the tawdry novels Marie pretended not to enjoy, with his improbably tight pants and ruffled shirt unlaced down to his navel, both black.

They came to a stop a few yards distant, and then to the General’s astonishment, all four bowed deeply.

“Good day,” said the gold dragon, straightening up. “We apologize for so abruptly intruding upon you, but there is a lack of standing traditions for making such an approach as this. I am Ampophrenon the Gold. With me are Zanzayed the Blue, Razzavinax the Red, and Varsinostro the Green. We most humbly request an audience with his Imperial Majesty Sharidan Julios Adolphus Tirasian.”

“Greetings, exalted ones, and welcome to Tiraas,” Lady Asfaneh replied, executing a deep and flawless curtsy. A half-second belatedly, Panissar bowed from the waist. “I am the Lady Asfaneh of House Shavayad, and it is my honor to be the Emperor’s servant in the diplomatic arts. With me is General Toman Panissar, who commands the Empire’s armies. What brings you to seek our Emperor’s ear?”

“We will discuss that with his Majesty,” Ampophrenon said, as calmly as ever.

The blue dragon cleared his throat. “Do you remember, Puff, when you asked me to warn you if you were being overbearing?”

The gold tightened his lips, half-turning to stare at his companion. “It was my assumption you would do so in private, Zanzayed.”

“Yes, and your proclivity for these assumptions is half the problem,” the blue said with a irrepressible smile. “Considering our aims here, it does these people good to see us as individuals with flaws. Such as, for example, a lack of social skills. Be nice to the Lady Shavayad, please. She can’t just bring four giant avatars of destruction into the Emperor’s presence without something to go on.”

“My companions speak truth,” Razzavinax added, smiling. Considering that he was a red dragon, he oddly seemed the most personable and at ease of the four. “Simply put, dear lady and honored general, we have come to announce the formation of our government.”

“Your…government?” Finally, Lady Asfaneh’s composure flickered for a moment.

“Indeed,” Ampophrenon said solemnly, returning the full weight of his attention to her. “No longer will we be as individuals, alone before the world. We stand together, as do your own races. We have come here, today, to be counted among the nations of the earth. The Conclave seeks now to open formal diplomatic relations with the Tiraan Empire.”

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46 thoughts on “9 – 1

  1. And so begins Book 9! No bonus chapters this time. This was a deliberate decision, made despite the fact that I have two sets of backstory chapters I want to get to. Book 8, compared to what came before it, was slower in pace, talkier in format, and focused on entirely new groups of characters. As I read back over it, I actually am quite pleased with how it turned out. Some books I don’t feel that way about; Book 1 was rather unpolished, being particularly slow in its opening chapters, and Book 6 is the longest because it got away from me. I’m afraid the lack of focus is quite evident on a re-read, which is a shame because it’s got some of my favorite stuff in the story. I wish I had time to go back and rewrite things…

    But anyway! I don’t feel that way about Book 8. It did exactly what I wanted it to, and in the long run, in the format of the story as a whole, I think it will serve very well in its place. However, I understand how people might have somewhat lost patience with it. During its run, there’s been a general diminishing of all measures of interest in the story: comments, TWF votes, links from other places, donations, etc. I getcha, guys, I really do.

    And so, right into Book 9, because Book 9 is a return to form. We’ll have the people we know and care about back in center screen, and the action ratchets up a notch! It’s also the first major return to the Western aspect of the story since Book 4.

    I think you guys are going to like what’s coming.


    1. I don’t think you have to worry about a lack of interest, for myself the only reason i didn’t post as much was because there was less mystery involved.

      The chapters were as awesome as always but were a lot clearer then previously, so there was less need to endlessly discuss the issue. 🙂

      I do have to ask though, are you planing on rewriting and then selling the series once you have finished it? You should be able to get a fairly nice amount of money from a professional publisher which would let you write full time and maybe write up the adventures of Arachne or something 🙂


      1. I do want to clean it up someday if/when I have time, but I don’t think TGaB would work as a conventional novel series. The pacing and structure are set up as a serial. It could be published that way, but the books would be wildly uneven in length, and for example there’s Book 3, which is mostly exposition.


    2. You’re getting two votes from me every day, one from home and one from work. I also donate every other month or so and I’m way too active in the comments as it is. 😉

      I don’t think your quality of writing has much to do with the interest the story has gathered. Maybe people simply had less time for it because they were distracted by something else?


    3. Since i can’t seem to reply to your reply, here is my response.

      While i can see what you mean about TGaB having an odd structure i don’t think this would be that much of an issue. Plenty of Novels have more that one ‘book’ inside them and if you split them that way then you would end up with thick but definitely readable Volumes.

      Still its your choice and if you don’t think it would work then thats fine, but it would be a real shame.



    We already know that red, green, blue, and gold dragons correspond to the schools of magic. What are black dragons then? Also, there was mention of silver dragons as well–I think someone said during Razz’s baby shower that the last black dragon and last silver dragon destroyed each other. I wonder what’s up with that? I think I initially surmised that black dragons might have something to do with chaos, but it looks like having a “chaos-tainted” dragon is rare. Or perhaps you can have a dragon that does chaos magic without being tainted by it?


    1. I’d guess that it is that, since Reds seem to be able to work Diabolic magic without as much to fear as mortal wielders. And I’m thinking Black is Chaos with Silver (or was it white… hmm… gonna have to check that out…) being “Order.” We don’t have direct evidence of order being a unique branch outside of the Circles of Interaction like with Chaos, but wherever one is, the other can typically be found.


      1. It looks like it was in Zanza’s pitch to Puff actually: “There hasn’t been a silver or black dragon since Ilvassirnil and Semathlidon finally succeeded in ridding the world of each other.”

        Ilvassirnil and Semathlidon, huh. The white one was the baby, though, who is apparently too young to have differentiated.

        Order is a possibility I hadn’t considered somehow! I guess I’d been thinking of chaos in this setting as being rather like antimatter, in which case “elemental order” would just be conventional matter and magic.

        (Also, which of the gods is chaos-tainted, did we hear about that before…?)


    1. There was a…. *reads again* was it the guy busting in at the beginning with word of the draconic emissaries’ approach?


    2. That’s a rather common trope, I think. I doubt Harry Potter was the first or the most memorable to do it either.


  3. Excellent start. I’m looking forward to Darling’s adventures on campus, maybe they even meet up with our students. 🙂


  4. I’ll tend to disagree with you D.D., I’ve been reading TGaB since day one and I’ve never more pleased to read a new chapter than those last weeks. I agree with Book 1 being a bit slow going at start but the more you write the more I want to read you, don’t trust too much the numbers, doesn’t mean the love isn’t there, just that we take you for granted and maybe don’t tell/give enough from time to time.

    But this is, by far, the most engrossed I’ve ever been in a story and I hope you won’t stop anytime soon.

    Pardon my lackluster english, I’m french 😉


  5. It would be funny if everyone interpreted the oracle incorrectly and the chaos in question wasn’t the the skull of a long dead dragon but the chaos created by the new dragon nation trying to be diplomatic with the mortal races. 😉


  6. Some of the early action was really gripping, but a story doesn’t survive on action alone.

    You need the story lines to connect to the characters and if anything the writing has been getting better and better as we have moved along.

    The only characters that do seem to be up in the air are the freshmen, but hopefuly that will clear up as the story progresses.


  7. My usual full review later. For now:

    What the heck time do you people stay up / get up? I go to bed before this is posted and then wake up to find many comments already. I feel like I am late to the party. Oh, well, probably some Europeans in the mix, I am thinking.

    Arachne: “If you didn’t cause the trouble, you didn’t cause the trouble. You start messing with the Sheriff and matters will be different, but if all the harm you’ve done is to Principia… Well, I did specifically exempt that from any promises of retribution, didn’t I?”
    This chapter:
    Longshot: “I’m already on record as getting’ the ash treatment if I show my face in Last Rock.”
    So either he mis-remembered or is overstating. The Sheriff did tell him “Get the hell out of my town, McGraw.” And McGraw noted that if things started with the Sheriff then Arachne might get involved, so the position isn’t clear. But Arachne has no reason to kill Longshot on sight.


    1. Yeah… but better safe than sorry. If Arachne ever finds out that she got played by Prin and McGraw, she’ll be annoyed.

      I’m German and the new chapters go up around 7 AM for me. I either read them while eating breakfast or at work, depending on how busy I am there.


    2. I’m central timezone in the US, but that just means I stay up till around midnight. If the chapter isn’t up by then, then I usually just wait till morning unless I’m up even later than that.


  8. Typos:

    Imperial Guard were
    (I believe the group counts as a singular noun)
    Imperial Guard was

    Every time

    I will sleep better it it
    I will sleep better if it

    a irrepressible
    an irrepressible


    “Dragons,” Darling said, “and chaos.”
    Darling might be misreading this. Dragons are figuring prominently in current affairs because of the new Conclave and chaos can come from many sources. Also, this smells somewhat self-fulfilling: Justinian and Darling believe that the problem comes from Belosiphon, so they send people to look, who clash in a nasty way, and since the clash involves a dragon, it brings in the Conclave. So they get dragons and chaos even if Belosiphon isn’t originally involved at all. And we have inside knowledge that some sort of astronomical alignment is related, so again the cause doesn’t have to be Belosiphon. Doesn’t this world have self-fulfilling prophecies as cautionary tales?

    “One of the gods is chaos-tainted”
    Tease, tease, DD. I would bet on one of the ones that act chaotic, e.g. Napthene or Naiya. Naiya’s children especially tend to come apart and go in chaotic directions quite easily.

    “Quite apart from the need to catch the Crow…”
    You know, if I were dealing with a five-millenia-old being of power who can supposedly hear her name being used, I would be a bit more polite about that. How about “Quite apart from the need to catch up with the Crow…”

    “Let’s face it, by any standard you could choose to apply, Arachne is a giant bitch. … For that reason, she doesn’t get nearly enough credit.”
    OK, that’s a weird coincidence. I wrote something similar in the comments last chapter (https://tiraas.wordpress.com/2015/11/20/8-25-2/comment-page-1/#comment-3773) but I wrote it late enough last night that I suspect Webb’s dialog here was already written. I would say something about great minds, but honestly my writing abilities outside of technical stuff are not good.

    Interesting reactions to the teleport – the two mages were expected to react to arcane power but Price apparently reacted as fast and knew what had happened. We know that Butlers are badasses, so I suppose reaction speed comes along with it, but there is a hint there that their power may be magical.

    “These four have been gliding all the way from north of Calderaas, tracking back and forth as if to deliberately waste time.”
    In other words, scaring the shit out of half of Calderaas and the Empire, but not actually entering Tiraas. Which is making a bit of a statement and may be part of their opening move – this will make the word of the Conclave spread much faster.

    Zanzayed continues to amuse. I wonder if he was one of the throwaway minor characters whose personality muscled its way into the larger limelight.


    1. The chaos in question in Chaos with a capital C. Remember that bonus story of Arachne where she had to deal with the Book of Chaos? No gods we’ve seen so far are chaotic like that. Also, if the goddess of nature was tainted by Chaos, then the world would look very differently.

      I agree with the dragon/chaos part though, I had the same idea (as mentioned above).

      I also agree with your comment about Arachne. I mentioned stuff like that several times in the past, too.


      1. From what we know the gods get their power from concept, not the opposite. The god(dess) may be affected without his/her dominion showing it. Of course it’s only conjuncture.
        I’m too lazy to check all the gods but Nayia and her children which take their energy from her have directly interacted with Tellwyrn which is studying the later, I think it would show.
        I don’t remember anything from Avei or Vidius that would makes me think of them (beside the fact that Avei ordered Principia to be accepted in the legion but maybe the goddess of justice believe in rehabilitation). We didn’t see much from Omnu.
        My bet would be on the goddess of many arms and eyes (what became of her we can only guess), Scylithene or Eserion.
        I would bet on a goddess since Arachne which seems to be one of the local chaos expert was looking after one during her bonus chapter.


      2. The chaos mentioned by the oracles is specifically ‘that from beyond which is not.’, which sounds like magical chaos rather than conventional chaos, yeah.

        On the grounds that a god tainted by chaos would be thoroughly fucked-up, maybe it’s Scyllith? I doubt it’s one of the gods of the Pantheon, and allying with an incredibly destructive force sounds right up her alley.


      3. The ‘that from beyond which is not.’ bit was one of Darling’s two examples of how Oracles are more than a little vague, rather than being specifically about the dragons and the chaos. Or, at least, that’s how I took it.


  9. Lots of curiosity about the chaos tainted god. Keep in mind that not all the gods of the Pantheon have even been named in the story; this is one who hasn’t been discussed, though his name has come up twice as of this chapter.


    1. Registering a guess now, based on your blatant statement (rot13 just in case):
      Pnybzane – zragvbarq va 1-9 nf n tbq, jvgu gur Znfx bs Pnybzane orvat zragvbarq nf n punbf negvsnpg urer.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I TOTALLY KNOW WHICH GOD. I just didn’t know he’d never been brought up again.

    Oh my gooses, though, I bet Lady Asfaneh’s about to crap her pants. All that dragon and diplomacy training and education did not foresee this; does not compute. Ooh I’ve been wondering about the dragons. It’s wonderful you’ve started the new book so soon!


  11. Frankly. I’m still dying to know what exactly Sheyann meant with ‘the great uncreators’. I’m pretty sure those are the vast beings with tentacles and eyes at unimaginable distances we saw mentioned, but apparently there’s a name for them, and ‘uncreator’ sounds oddly specific, vastly intriguing and immeasurably terrifying. I hope there’s more information on them later on, because I would love to know where the terrors between the planes come from.


  12. Now either Darling’s translation of the Oracle is all wrong, or it was designating both that AND whathisname the black’s skull.

    Alternatively, it’s possible the newborn dragon will get close to that skull one way or the other, living on site, and be contamined by the chaos.


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