Tag Archives: Scorn

17 – 13

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“I can’t believe he did it! The son of a bitch actually went and did it!”

Natchua glanced over her shoulder at him, then returned her gaze to the manor window, with its view of Veilgrad spread out below. The city’s predilection for tall buildings and decorative spires meant there was no unobstructed view to be had of any of its public spaces, but the Leduc estate’s altitude provided a sufficient angle to see parts of several. Even from this distance, her elven eyes could make out bigger crowds of people milling about than she would have expected for the time of day.

There had been protests all over the Empire in the last few days, in Veilgrad more vehemently than most. As of today, there were now counter-protests. So far, it didn’t seem the two groups had crossed paths and exploded into conflict…here, at least. She had no way of knowing what was happening in other cities.

Archpope Justinian’s dawn address—or parts of it, at least—had been snapped up by reporters, telescrolled to all corners of the Empire, and printed off in special editions which had already been read by countless citizens. Natchua would likely have found the story soon in any event, but Embras Mogul had gleefully shadow-jumped right to the gates of Leduc Manor with a stack of papers to brandish under her nose.

“So,” she said quietly. “This story is true, then?”

“Oh, that’s just the most delicious part,” Mogul said with sadistic relish. She’d never seen him grin so much. “It’s a brazen lie, and the absolute gospel truth. Those are the best lies, you know. The ones made entirely of pure, unimpeachable facts. Selectively pruned from important context and presented just so that they present a very specific impression of what happened, regardless of what actually did.”

“Embras,” she snapped, “if you can find it in your shriveled little soul to provide information without editorializing or bardic melodrama, do so. Otherwise, shut your mouth and fuck all the way off.”

“Your pardon, dear lady,” he declaimed, sweeping off his hat and executing a florid bow that very nearly earned him a shadowbolt to the face. Probably sensing that, he continued in a much more brisk tone. “The Archpope’s account contains no inaccuracies, but it prevents only a partial description of that night’s events, designed to mislead the public about what went down. What he’s trying to present as an Imperial initiative that he chose to tolerate for the greater good, despite his…” Mogul’s grin grew to psychotic proportions. “…troubled conscience, was in fact a fully mutual Church and Imperial joint operation. Most of the actual demons were brought into Tiraas by holy summoners answering to Justinian. It was the Church which actually succeeded in capturing several of my closest allies, and the Church which detained and gratuitously tortured them over the following months.”

He paused, tilting his head slowly to one side in a posture of thought. Natchua waited.

“What really fascinates me about this account,” Mogul finally continued, “is one all-important name which is nowhere near it. The entire thing was Antonio Darling’s idea. His plan, suggested for his own surreptitious purpose—he exploited the chaos to wrangle himself a brief audience with Elilial. Now, don’t let me overstate the man’s involvement; he hadn’t the power to institute an action like that, the blame must rest squarely on the Church and the Empire. Still… Darling is a former close confidante of Justinian’s, who went on to start the rebellion of the cults against the Church. It’s very odd to me that his Holiness would so carefully refrain from throwing him of all people under the carriage.”

“Darling,” Natchua mused. “I know that guy. He fought at Ninkabi. Along with Snowe; I thought that was an odd business for a couple of Bishops to randomly show up in.”

“Oh, Darling has his sticky little fingers in a lot of pies,” Mogul cackled. “He’s an Eserite, after all. Either the best or the worst of the lot, I truly can’t decide.”

She turned fully to face the room. “Jon? What do you think?”

“Well, for one thing, some newspaper offices are about to get mobbed,” he noted. Jonathan was seated in one of the room’s armchairs, with Hesthri on his lap, holding open one of the papers Embras had brought so they could both read it—along with Melaxyna, who was leaning over his shoulder. The other papers lay in a haphazard stack upon the end table at his elbow. “The editorial slant in these is just about as brazen as I’ve ever seen; every one of these rags is either calling Justinian a liar and a heretic or pushing right up against the line of calling for rebellion against the Silver Throne. When the press is this divided and this agitated, popular sentiment is going to be even worse.”

She glanced back down at the city. “I think I can see the beginnings of that from here. I’m not sure how to… I mean, obviously I ought to do something. I just don’t…”

Hesthri carefully extricated herself, crossing to Natchua and slipped a comforting arm around her waist.

“Lovely, maybe you should sit this one out,” she murmured. “You’re good at working up a crowd; working one back down is a completely different skill set. And a lot harder.”

Natchua grimaced and leaned her cheek against Hesthri’s armored forehead plate. “Yeah, you are…definitely not wrong.”

“Wouldn’t hurt to check in with Malivette and Lars, though,” Jonathan suggested. “Specifically, before doing anything proactive. We should probably all keep in mind that House Dufresne actually rules the province, and taking initiative in supporting them can accidentally stray into undermining them. You and Vette tend to dance on each other’s patience at the best of times, kitten.”

“Yes, well, in my defense, you’ve met us both. Kheshiri.”

Natchua, of course, knew exactly where she was at all times, but Kheshiri made a habit of lurking invisibly whenever Embras Mogul was about. The two had a complex relationship. She now materialized seemingly from the air while slinking up toward Natchua—causing Hesthri to instinctively tighten her grip. Mogul did not visibly startle, but instantly fixed his attention on the succubus.

“Mmmmistress?” Kheshiri purred.

“You are easily the worst, most destructively minded person here,” said Natchua.

Kheshiri grinned widely, her tail waving. “I love you too, mistress.”

“What’s your take on the situation, as a…let’s call it a professional.”

“Oh, it’s a succubus’s playground out there,” Melaxyna commented from across the room.

“She asked me!” Kheshiri snarled, rounding on her. Melaxyna threw up her hands in exasperation and turned her back. Mogul glanced uncertainly between them, and Natchua carefully kept quiet.

Individually, Melaxyna and Kheshiri were mature and fiendishly intelligent women, full of pride and poise. In combination? Well, in public, they squabbled very much like toddlers, while in private they spent their time sharing the kind of imaginatively kinky sex that would kill anyone who wasn’t a shapeshifter. And thus the both of them remained…stable. Diligent, helpful, and not causing problems behind Natchua’s back. She had figured out that whatever twisted relationship they had, they were using the stress of it to satisfy the Vanislaad itch—which meant it must have been deeply twisted indeed—and so she carefully watched them, from a safe distance, and let them do what they needed to. It was a weird but functional compromise and that was probably the best result anyone had ever gotten out of a pair of succubi.

“If this is what it’s like across the Empire,” Kheshiri continued, turning back to her, “then the situation in and of itself is…barely stable. The kind of thing that could, in theory, be calmed down again. But leaving aside the active powers that won’t let it be calmed—and oh, yes, every one of those crowds just needs one person with a silver tongue and a good set of lungs to turn it into a riot—leaving that aside, this is Justinian very cleverly turning the Empire’s position against it. All yesterday, people were out demonstrating in front of cathedral against Justinian’s actions, and that on the strength of mere accusations. The Empire let them, without a peep. Now? If they crack down on this, it will look so hypocritical it will agitate those who believe Justinian’s allegations, and possibly alienate some of those who are siding against him. And yet, they cannot ignore this kind of social disorder. It’s an impossible position for the authorities, not to mention an absolute smorgasbord of opportunity for creatures like me. Hell, not even creatures like me; anyone with the aptitude and inclination to cause serious trouble in this climate.”

“And more specifically?” Natchua prompted. “You worked directly under Justinian for almost two years.”

“Less…directly than you may think,” she said, grimacing. “I rarely saw him in person, and his operational security was annoyingly tight. I wasn’t the only capable member of that crew very interested in prying out details of the Church’s surreptitious operations, but we all came away with nothing except some unhelpful personal details about the specific Holy Legionaries set to watch us. What I can tell you, mistress, is that this is a move of pure desperation. That tight control is the absolute core of Justinian’s strategy, his entire mindset. He’s cautious, conservative, meticulous and detail-oriented; he never exerts force into a situation unless he either has full control of it from all sides, or is cornered and has no choice.”

Jonathan cleared his throat. “You paint a very different picture than the one we saw in Ninkabi, assuming we still believe that was ultimately his doing.”

“Oh, you are damn right,” Kheshiri agreed with a particularly ghoulish smile. “Plus, there was that predecessor event of his, with the Tide cult. I haven’t heard any proof, but I’m positive the remnants of that were what he used to set up the hellgate altars in Ninkabi. Think about what that means. He deployed massive force when he was cornered—but in a very Justinian way, using an asset he had developed surreptitiously, able to be leveraged with the full element of surprise however he leveraged it because nobody even knew it existed! The necro-drakes are more of the same. That’s what Justinian looks like when on the back foot. This? This is something different, something entirely new. Riling up civil unrest? Leveraging popular sentiment to undermine the overall stability of the Empire? He’s creating a situation he cannot possibly control. Justinian is all about control. If he’s doing this… Then either he is desperate, with his master plan hanging by a thread…or it is so close to its ultimate completion that he no longer needs to be careful about collateral damage.”

She returned her full focus to Natchua, eyes burning avidly. The succubus chewed her lower lip for a second in an expression of uncomfortably carnal delight.

“I can’t say definitively what’s in his mind, mistress, but… I have been around more than my share of plots, schemes, and carnage. My gut tells me this is both.”

“Both stronger and more vulnerable than he’s ever been, hm,” Jonathan murmured.

Embras cleared his throat. “Just throwin’ this out there: a meticulous planner like Justinian is at a disadvantage in a situation like this. What’s called for here is the ability to move fast and scheme on the fly. And…well, we know someone whose aptitude is right along those lines, don’t we?”

They all turned to look at Natchua, Hesthri pulling back just enough to study her face.

The Duchess of House Leduc drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. She gave Hesthri a last squeeze and kissed her temple, then gently pulled away.

“All right. Melaxyna, I’d like you to go check in with Malivette. She’s in charge here and it seems like a good time to emphasize that I haven’t forgotten it. Don’t…just do whatever she tells you, but bring her instructions back here. Jonathan, Hes, you’re on point on that. I trust your judgment. House Leduc needs to be ready to be of service to the province in whatever way its Governor decrees. Kheshiri, I want you snooping among those Narisians we just sponsored. Don’t interfere with them—in fact, don’t let them find out about your presence at all. We’re looking specifically for anyone among them planted by the Houses in Tar’naris. Jonathan thinks we may have a mole.”

“Boy knows his work,” the succubus said with approval. “Yes, that’s exactly how I’d put a listening ear in your camp, if I were running House Dalmiss.”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be out, exactly, but I’m not planning for it to be long,” Natchua continued. “I need…some perspective, and an outside opinion. You!” She pointed belligerently at Mogul. “With me. And mind your damn manners for once, Embras. We are going to make a state visit.”

As decreed by the lady of the house, upon shadow-jumping into the grand entry hall of Madouri Manor, Natchua and Embras were swiftly met by servants and escorted to the Duchess herself.

Ravana was ensconced in a solarium in a chair positively stuffed with cushions, a plush quilt covering her legs and a shawl draped over her shoulders, a tray of tea and cookies upon her lap, and bearing it with wry good humor as three of her guests fussed over her while Yancey stood impassively in the background. The mood in the room switched instantly upon the entry of the new arrivals.

“What is this doing here?” Trissiny demanded, baring her teeth.

“I’m in the process of housebreaking him,” Natchua said, giving Embras a single disparaging glance over her shoulder. “By all means, feel free to give him a kick if he needs it.”

“Natchua,” the paladin began in a warning tone.

“Come on, Trissiny, you were there. What’s left of the Wreath fought to protect Veilgrad. I gave my word and I’ll keep it: as long as they continue to behave, they’re my responsibility. And I was dead serious about what I said at the time: I welcome anyone willing to help keep an eye on them. What about your pushy dragon friend, what’s he up to? For some reason he hasn’t taken me up on my invitation.”

“Lord Ampophrenon has been somewhat busy,” Trissiny said pointedly, “as have the rest of the Conclave, and all of us. For all the socializing we’ve been doing lately, it has been mostly strategic in purpose.”

“Right, fair enough,” Natchua agreed, grimacing.

Ravana cleared her throat. “Speaking of strategic socializing, I gather from the presence of your companion, Natchua, that this is not a strictly congenial visit?”

“You gather correctly. But first, how are you doing? Did Justinian really poison you?”

Iris snorted, loudly and derisively, finally tearing her gimlet stare away from Embras. “Oh, please. She poisoned herself.”

“Oh.” Natchua’s eyebrows rose. “Oh! That’s actually brilliant. I don’t think I would’ve had the orbs to do that.”

“Do not encourage her!” Iris yelled.

“I’m fine,” Ravana insisted, reaching up to squeeze Iris’s hand. “Seriously. All of this was planned, and has been firmly under my control. Barnes does excellent work; even had it run its course the poison would not have been lethal.”

“I have to say you’re not looking great,” Natchua observed. “Someone with your complexion really doesn’t need to get any paler.”

“How kind of you to take an interest, Natchua dear,” Ravana said sweetly. “I once had a bad cold as a child; that was worse than this. I’ve suffered no permanent damage, it’s just that the need to create sufficiently dramatic symptoms placed quite a strain upon my body, however briefly. Some rest, fluids, and proper nutrition, and I’ll be good as new in a few days.”

“And may I just say,” Embras interjected, “that was an impressive move, your Grace. That kind of daring and slyness in one gambit? You’d have done brilliantly in the Wreath.”

“I shall assume that was meant as a compliment, and in the interest of precluding needless hostility, accept it as such.”

“No hostility here is needless,” Iris hissed, gripping Ravana’s shoulder and glaring at Embras.

“Ow,” the Duchess protested.

“He was there,” Trissiny said, also staring at him. “The Archpope’s accusations… Allegedly the reason the Empire summoned demons into the capital was to trap the Wreath. Is that why you brought him, Natchua?”

“Exactly. We need to discuss…this development. Embras has filled me in on his version of what actually happened and I wanted to bring you all up to speed. And then… I’m at a bit of a loss what to actually do about this, ladies. I’m open to advice.”


“Not from you!” she snapped at Embras. He grinned and held up both hands placatingly.

“And we are to trust what he says?” Scorn asked. She was far less tense at the sight of Embras Mogul than Trissiny or Iris, simply looming protectively over Ravana’s chair from behind.

“Now, now,” Mogul himself chided, grinning and tucking his thumbs into the lapels of his trademark white suit. “I would never dream of maligning the intelligence of any of you fine young ladies by suggesting that I would hesitate to lie right to all your faces if it suited my interests. I will simply issue a gentle reminder of what my interests are. As of Ninkabi, my cult has no hostile business with any of you Pantheon lackeys. Thanks to Vesk’s information, we know that it was Justinian himself who meddled with the archdemon summoning and killed my Lady’s daughters. And with the insight our good paladins have brought forth that the Archpope is clearly acting against the Pantheon’s interests, not only is he our sole remaining enemy, there is nothing in the truce forbidding us from going after him. We don’t need to like each other, ladies. We need only acknowledge that none of us can afford to turn down valuable help.”

“How valuable, though?” Scorn asked mildly. “The Wreath now are…what? A dozen traumatized warlocks?”

“Less,” said Natchua.

“This one’s value would seem to be chiefly in what he knows,” said Ravana, “as I gather is the reason Natchua brought him here. What have you to contribute, then?”

“According to Embras,” Natchua said as Embras himself opened his mouth to answer, “Justinian’s account is only partially true. The Church is at least as much to blame for the attack on Tiraas as the Empire, and it was the Church who actually defeated and seized most of the Wreath. And also,” she added directly to Trissiny, “your buddy Darling was involved in that and working some angle of his own.”

Trissiny narrowed her eyes to slits. After a second, though, she shook her head. “First things first, and Darling is obviously far down the list. If we are taking Mogul at his word—and I will reiterate that he is a known conniving backstabber—that means that the Emperor took advantage of the hellgate crisis in Last Rock to unleash demons in the streets of Tiraas, toward his own political purpose. Which, I should hope it goes without saying, is unconscionable.”

“Okay, but…” Iris finally tore her glare from Embras to look at the paladin. “What exactly do you wanna do about it? Even at the best of times, it’s not like we can go…punish the Emperor. And these aren’t those times, Trissiny. It sounds like Justinian is just as guilty of that, and what with all the other stuff he’s guilty of, he needs to be our sole priority right now.”

“There is the obvious fact that he said this now to deflect anger from himself,” Scorn grunted, folding her arms. “I am thinking we should not give him what he wants. Deal with the Empire after he is settled.”

Ravana cleared her throat. “I concur with Scorn and Iris. And further, I venture to suggest that we should take steps to learn more—from, it must be said, more reliable sources—before presuming to chastise our Emperor.”

“Oh, let me guess.” Trissiny turned on her with a tone of weary disgust. “You think unleashing uncontrolled demons in a major city to trap the Black Wreath is a fine plan.”

“No, I do not,” Ravana replied instantly, meeting her eyes with a level stare. “Speaking as someone whose aggressive tactics have become something of a running joke in my social circle, that is not a call I would have made. The weapon of choice is both unreliable and diffuse—in short, impossible to aim. The strategy would be to target it generally at the Empire’s own subjects and hope that its intended targets were among the collateral damage. It can be justified to cause collateral damage in pursuit of a strategic goal, but I consider this a categorically different act. And above all, the Black Wreath has always been a religious issue; for all their virulent opposition to the Church and the Pantheon cults, they have very rarely attacked secular authorities or forces, and were known to be useful in cleaning up demonic incidents.”

“It sounds,” Trissiny said very evenly, “as if it’s the nuances you object to, rather than the basic strategy.”

“Yes, precisely.” Ravana did not look away from her eyes, but leaned back in her chair as if the effort of sitting up were beginning to tire her. “Rulers are not paladins, Trissiny. A ruler must frequently make decisions in the full knowledge that they will cause direct harm to their subjects. To rule is to constantly apply one’s best judgment in pursuit of the greater good, with the ever-looming certainty that one will inevitably misstep as all mortals do, and that countless innocents will suffer for one’s errors. I will not malign my Emperor for making a hard choice. On the contrary, the fact that the entire Tirasian Dynasty and Sharidan in particular have pursued a notably gentle and hands-off approach to governance tells me that if he approved such a scheme, then his Majesty knew something of crucial importance which I do not.”

She barely made it to the end of her sentence before the increasing rasp in her voice suddenly broke entirely, resulting in a hoarse cough. Scorn and Iris both reached to lay hands on Ravana’s shoulders, but she impatiently waved them off, clearing her throat and shifting her intent stare to Embras.

“What about it, Mr. Mogul? As you have come here specifically to tell us the truth of that night. Perhaps you can tell us why, of a sudden, the Silver Throne deemed the Black Wreath a sufficiently important target to diverge from its entire established policy and embrace such a moral compromise and massive strategic risk.”

All eyes turned to the warlock, Natchua folding her arms and raising her chin with an expectant look.

Embras put on a disarming smile, and a theatrical shrug. “Now, now, kids, be reasonable. A truce is a truce, but I’m still a servant of my goddess. You must know I can’t just go spewing her secrets willy-nilly.”

“And silence gives assent,” Ravana said wearily. “Frankly, I am surprised you did not deny it outright—which you surely would have, were the suggestion untrue. So we do not know why the Emperor agreed to this scheme, only that the Wreath did something to make him believe it necessary.”

“Now that,” Trissiny said quietly, “I believe. Natchua, I understand the position you’re in. Just know that he had to have put you in that position deliberately, and this is exactly why.”

“Trissiny, kindly refrain from implying that I’m stupid, at least while I’m in the room. Obviously I’m aware the Elilinists will take full advantage of any scrap they’re given. Considering you don’t know anything about how it came about than I told you, I gently suggest you climb down out of my business.”

“I am trying to spare you having the exact experience I did at the hands of this—”

“The Black Wreath must die!”

Silence fell, everyone turning to stare at Embras Mogul in astonishment, Trissiny and Natchua both deflating from the squared-up posture they had begun adopting toward each other.

Mogul reached up and pulled his hat off, the motion uncharacteristically lethargic. In fact, his entire bearing was suddenly out of character. He stood straight and still, his expression grim and intent.

“I wonder if you kids have any idea what it’s like,” he said quietly, “to be given a divine charge and utterly fail it.”

He looked directly at Trissiny; she visibly tightened her jaw but refused to look away.

“I am not just talking about the Dark Lady being forced into surrender on my watch,” Mogul continued. “Oh, believe me, that would be enough to haunt my every dream for whatever remains of my life. To be the last, the worst leader of the Wreath, the one under whose guidance it all came crashing down? Yeah, that’ll weigh on a guy. But… Somehow, amazingly, that wasn’t even the worst of it.”

He shrugged, helplessly, turning to Natchua.

“We’re not cunning. That is the crucial thing I never even suspected, that I’ve only been made to understand in the aftermath of the surrender at Ninkabi. She’s the goddess of cunning, and we… What we do, our meticulous subterfuge, our lurking in the shadows and weaving of webs? That’s not what cunning is. You know who’s cunning? Natchua Leduc, Ravana Madouri…Antonio Darling. People who stay on the move, who act aggressively and scheme while pushing forward, who are constantly doing bonkers bullshit that makes everyone around them think they must be stupid or insane no matter how consistently it works. That’s not us. And considering what I now know about how gods work…”

Mogul dropped his eyes, staring a the floor for a moment. No one interrupted him.

“I have to wonder,” he finally continued, more quietly. “Was it truly our fault? Did we weaken her—her mortal followers, twisting her aspect into something that damaged her own strength? It really does seem like that’s what happened.”

Natchua looked away, frowning through the glass walls at the snow-covered garden outside.

“Justinian is a creature like me,” Mogul continued after a moment, straightening his posture again, some of the steel returning to his voice. “Smart. Devious. Above all, careful. He isn’t cunning, either. The fact that he’s out kicking hornets’ nests left and right to keep people off his back… Well, not to underplay the damage he’s causing, but you need to realize what it means. The man is cornered and desperate; he has completely ceded the ground on which he’s strongest. The more chaotic it is out there, the more the terrain favors you: adventurers, not entrenched powers. When an opening comes, what’s left of the Black Wreath will be there, ready to avenge the Lady’s daughters and wipe the smug motherfucker off the face of the earth. I don’t have to tell you that warlocks with nothing to lose can kill just about anything, at the expense of everything else in the vicinity.”

Trissiny drew her lip back, but Mogul pressed on before she could interject.

“Because that’s how it has to be. Justinian is going down, no matter what it costs. And we are going down with him. The Black Wreath…has failed. We’re an anchor around Elilial’s neck. Once we’re gone… Then she can start again, with somebody new. With a fresh cult that won’t… That suits her. Those of us in the old guard, we just don’t have what it takes. It’s time to clear the way for the next generation.”

He carefully placed his hat back on, tugging the brim down to conceal the pained expression in his eyes.

“Take it from an old failure, girls. Do not let Justinian goad you into squabbling and infighting. Take the fight to him. Stay moving and think fast. It’s time to listen to your crazy Duchesses, not to the likes of me. Time for you to put aside parade formations and draw on what the Guild taught you, paladin.”

One by one, they tore their eyes from him, looking instead at each other.

“Natchua,” Ravana said after a heavily loaded pause. “Inspired by one of your own more surprising gambits, I have a…reckless idea.”

Iris winced, Scorn smiled, and Trissiny pensively chewed her lip.

Natchua just tilted her head to one side expectantly.

“I’m listening.”

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17 – 9

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Most of the group departed toward their own various objectives, but Ravana’s school roommates, plus Scorn and Fross, had congregated in the cathedral-sized grand entrance hall of Madouri Manor when the Duchess herself and Trissiny returned from their own after-breakfast task.

“It itches.”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“Ravana, I think I know what my own face feels like!”

“It feels unfamiliar,” Ravana said with amusement. “Trissiny, people of both sexes wear cosmetics on their skin all the time and don’t even notice once it’s applied. As soon as you’re engaged in a task that commands your attention, I promise you’ll forget it’s there.”

“I’m not sure that’s better,” Trissiny muttered, raising one hand halfway to her face and then lowering it. “I’m gonna absently rub my eyes and end up looking like some kind of clown…”

“Your first foray into makeup is of the highest quality, I assure you. It will withstand a modest amount of rubbing or even crying with no ill effect. Which reminds me, rejoin me after the press conference; I’ll need to provide you the requisite removal cream. I presume you wish to have the stuff off at the earliest opportunity.”

“Very much so, please and thank you.”

“I think you look nice, Trissiny!” Fross chimed as the pair strolled up to the rest of the group. “Actually… You look normal. From a distance your face just looks like it always does.”

“Well, of course,” Ravana said reasonably. “That was the objective. Using cosmetics to enhance her attractiveness would probably just cost Trissiny credibility with her core supporters.”

“What a narrow line we tread,” Trissiny said with weary resignation.

“So…I know this is a vacation and all, but it feels like a weird time to be just sitting around,” Iris said suddenly. “Ravana’s working, you paladins are out there neck-deep in it… Um, what I mean is… Can I help? Is there anything I can do?”

Trissiny regarded her in mild surprise. She didn’t know Iris very well, nor any of the girls in the year below hers more than casually, with the possible exception of Scorn.

“Is there something in particular you had in mind, Iris?”

“Iris is an excellent witch,” Scorn said, nodding emphatically. “She beat the Sleeper, that little idiot Chase. Unfortunately didn’t kill him, but there’s only so much to be done about a warlock that powerful.”

Rather than appreciation at the compliment, Iris’s expression turned bleak. “That…that wasn’t exactly…”

“At the moment,” Trissiny said carefully, “I think you’re better off asking Ravana about that than me. Much of what we’re doing is…frustratingly political. It’s not my own strong suit; if you have a knack for social maneuvering, you might be more useful than I am. If you’re talking about combat, though… Frankly I can’t imagine it won’t come to that, in the end. But there’s a great deal of more careful buildup that needs to be done first.”

“Indeed,” Ravana said, studying Iris closely. “We must position ourselves as well as possible for the inevitable confrontation before it arrives. Iris… It pains me to send any of my friends into danger, but the truth is that for such stakes and against such a foe, I suspect every spark of strength any of us can summon will be needed before the end.”

“It is the waiting,” Szith said softly. “I feel it too—as does Princess Zaruda, I have noticed, though she bears it with admirable discipline. None of us long for conflict, but it is painful to watch others risk themselves while we can do nothing.”

“Yeah…that,” Iris agreed. “It’s that, exactly. Thanks, Szith, you put it much better than I could.”

“I cannot imagine an outcome in which my humble blade will be a deciding factor,” Szith added, “but regardless, I pledge it to the cause. For such stakes… I have my commitments to my House and to Tar’naris, but I will be relieved to be able to contribute in any way which does not violate those.”

Ravana shifted her head subtly, looking silently at Trissiny.

“I understand how you feel,” Trissiny said, looking at each of them in turn, and also Maureen, who was chewing her lip and staying mute for now. “Every soldier does. Ravana is also right, ladies. We will probably all have to fight, but it’s crucial not to take the first swing when it is not yet time. We have to trust our strategists to find us the right moment. It’s never easy, but faith and patience are crucial aspects of war.”

“General Avelea.” Yancey arrived, in the way he always did: suddenly, smoothly, and with unparalleled discretion. This time it verged on the uncanny, as they were standing in the middle of an absolutely enormous open space with no cover save support pillars, the nearest of which was several yards away. “Your guests have just arrived.”

“Ah, perfect! Thank you, Yancey.”

Three more figures were approaching the group, apparently in the Butler’s wake but not having moved as swiftly as he; sometimes it seemed almost as if he teleported. Ordinarily Yancey would have shepherded guests himself, but this approach gave him the opportunity to step back and let Trissiny make the introductions.

“Thanks again for agreeing to this, Ravana. Ah, everyone else, this was Principia’s idea, not mine, for the record.”

“But a most sensible idea it was,” the Duchess said, nodding. “Since Trissiny is staying here—my hospitality aside, Madouri Manor is an excellent strategic compromise, in terms of being accessibly close to Tiraas and the Archpope’s shenanigans while being at a reasonable distance and powerfully defensible—Captain Locke is thus donating some command staff to serve as her entourage here for the duration. They’ll provide direct support to the Hand of Avei, as distinct from the network of allies assembling here, and serve as a link to the First Legion’s headquarters.”

“Which I believe is my job specifically,” said the tallest of the new arrivals as the group stepped up to them, tucking his crystal-headed staff into one elbow and politely doffing his hat.

“Yes, this is Elias McGraw,” Trissiny said, “a teleportation mage by specialty, but rather notably adept in personal combat as well. I know we have Veilwin on site, but…she’s primarily attached to Ravana, who has no shortage of her own responsibilities and a need to move rapidly around the province.”

“Also,” Iris said dryly, “she’s a little bit…Veilwin.”

“A pleasure, ladies,” McGraw said courteously. “Or several, as it were. Ah…by any chance, that wouldn’t be Veilwin Lightrider? Wood elf, likes to wear blue, usually drunk?”

“Hm,” Ravana mused. “I did not realize she had a surname.”

The old mage winced. “That bein’ the case, your Grace, I humbly beg you to deny havin’ heard it from yours truly.”

“Consider it done,” she replied with a smile. “It’s the smallest of courtesies I might afford the famous Longshot himself.”

“Lieutenant Avelea is the XO of the First Legion,” Trissiny continued, gesturing to the red-haired woman in Silver Legion armor, who saluted. “She has command of this detachment, subordinate only to myself. She’s also the First’s resident expert on Shaathists and Shaathism, which Locke thought might prove relevant to…another of Ravana’s projects. I told her,” she added to Ravana with an annoyed frown, “that you didn’t require and wouldn’t welcome oversight of your provincial business.”

“While that is true,” Ravana replied, “Locke’s instincts are again meritorious; advice is not the same as meddling, if it is solicited. Indeed, I have been more than satisfied with the work of Brother Ingvar and his followers, but they do bring with them certain…baggage. I might very well need to pick the brain of an outside perspective.”

“Please consider me at your disposal, your Grace, whenever I am not directly acting under General Avelea’s orders,” the Lieutenant said, saluting again. Then, faintly, she grimaced. “Also…please feel free to call me Ephanie.”

“Is that…standard practice for the Silver Legions?” Szith inquired, raising one eyebrow.

Ephanie’s grimace deepened for a split second before she smoothed it away. “It is not. Captain Locke has drafted certain…specific codes of conduct for our Legion, given our nature and composition. Cohesion among adventurer groups is apparently a different thing than among a conventional military unit.”

Trissiny sighed. “Principia…”

“She nearly always turns out to know what she’s doing, General,” Ephanie offered. “No matter how…uncomfortable it may be in the short term.”

“I understand,” Szith said with a deep nod. “The whims of one’s superiors, yes?”

The two soldiers shared a commiserating look while Trissiny cleared her throat and gestured to the final member of the trio. “And this—”

“You’re Tinker Billie!” Maureen burst out, unable to contain herself any longer. She had been all but quivering the entire time the others had been speaking. “You’re my hero! I mean… Augh, Arachne’s boots, I didn’t mean…would you—” She broke off, apparently too choked up to remember what she’d been in the middle of asking.

“Well, how ‘bout that!” Billie said cheerfully, the tufted tips of her ears twitching. “I don’t ‘ave many fans from among the Folk, most reckon I’m an embarrassment. Some nonsense about ‘ow advanced tech ain’t proper adventurin’ kit. Ruddy balderwash.”

“Exactly!” Maureen squeaked, nodding emphatically. “It’s amazing—I mean, it’s so satisfying, how you can jam together bits an’ bobs an’ make somethin’ new outta the old. Somethin’ that nobody’s seen before! It’s so…it’s…” She gesticulated widely, struggling for words.

Trissiny cleared her throat again, smiling. “Well, as I was saying, Billie Fallowstone here is the First’s…actually, Billie, what title did Locke end up giving you?”

“Oh, ‘ell if I remember,” the gnome said airily. “Am I the quartermaster? No, wait, that’s Spooky’s job. I’m the one what works up the unconventional weapons an’ knicknacks.”

“Maureen is an engineer at Falconer Industries,” Ravana said with a warm smile of her own. “One of their true rising talents, or so Geoffrey tells me.”

“Oh, now,” Maureen protested.

“It’s true!” said Iris. “You designed their new flagship product, didn’t you?”

“Well, that…I mean, Teal did just as—”

“Teal insists that it was your design, with which she helped,” Trissiny said innocently.

“That a fact?” Planting her fists on her hips, Billie eyes Maureen up and down. “I may just ‘ave to take you under me wing, aye? Can’t let a talent like that go ta waste cobblin’ together carriages.”

Maureen froze with her mouth hanging open, seemingly unsure whether to squeal or faint.

“Bringing Billie along was my idea,” Trissiny continued. “The truth is, Ravana, I thought the two of you might find ground for…let’s call it collaboration. You do enjoy overpowered, unconventional weapons; Billie loves building those.”

Iris cleared her throat. “No offense, Trissiny, but introducing the two of them might not have been the best idea…”

“Yeah, I know,” Trissiny agreed, grimacing. “Desperate times and all that. Let’s just say I’m hoping we all live to regret this.”

“Do they often talk like this right to yer face?” Billie asked Ravana.

“Incessantly. In truth, I don’t really mind. I am firmly of the belief that any person with as much power as I have should be regularly criticized and denied. Unchecked power tends to cause criminal insanity; I have seen that all too personally.”

“Oh, aye?” The gnome studied the Duchess with a growing smile. “Well, blow me down. That might make you the least ‘orrible aristocrat I’ve ever met.”

“Perhaps you should wait and observe a bit before committing to that determination,” Ravana replied with a coy smile. “In point of fact, I find myself contemplating more than a general meeting of the minds. My House engineers and enchanters are working on an apparatus at my direction which I need finished posthaste, and they seem to rather resent what they call the inherent impracticality of it. I wonder, if you are amenable, if the insight of a noted expert with a less conservative mindset might prove efficacious.”

Billie’s ears physically perked up. “Do tell?!”

“Yancey,” Ravana said smoothly, “would you kindly show Ms. Fallowstone to the project site under the south terrace once she and her companions have settled into their rooms?”

“Ah, forget settlin’ in,” Billie said, waving a hand impatiently, “a bed’s a bed; ye can’t taunt me with a project an’ then leave me hangin’!”

“Best not to challenge her on this,” Ephanie said with a faint smile. “I’ll get our gear stowed away, don’t worry.” McGraw chuckled, shaking his head.

“Splendid!” said Ravana, beaming. “Maureen, I know you are on holiday, but perhaps you would consent to join her?”

“Oh! Oh, but I’d… I’m afraid I’d just be in the way…”

“To be clear,” the Duchess said, meeting Maureen’s gaze with a more serious expression, “I absolutely will humor you for the sake of friendship, but only up to a point. Considering what is at stake, and our unknown but obviously tight timetable, that I’m asking you to lend your eye to the project is strictly because I deem your input valuable.”

“Don’t sell yerself short, lass,” Billie said, winking at Maureen. “Consider that yer first official lesson from the great Tinker Billie.”

“Ravana,” Trissiny cut in warily, “how much of a runaround will you give me if I ask what exactly you’re cooking up this time?”

“It can hardly be kept a secret when I am sending your subordinates and my friends to have a look at it, Trissiny. Justinian has several terrifying new toys; I have commissioned a little something to counter them. More than that, I think I will leave to Ms. Fallowstone to describe to you when next she reports in. Truthfully I’m certain she can do it better; I lack the expertise even to follow along the efforts of my own people already on site. Who,” she added directly to Billie, “can likewise explain the intended function of the device better than I.”

“Say, would you mind if I went along to have a look at this?” Fross chimed. “I’m an arcanist, not an engineer, but I’m curious. And it’s pretty hard for me to get in the way!”

“Actually, Fross, arcane expertise may be precisely what is called for. Knowing your talents as I do, I would be extremely grateful if you would lend your practiced eye.”

“I’m gettin’ more intrigued with this by the word,” Billie said, grinning and cracking her knuckles.

“Yes, let us not dally,” Ravana said more briskly. “We have each our tasks for the day. Trissiny, Teal and Shaeine should be outside soon, if they are not already, with a carriage to take you to the press conference. I would of course have provided you a House driver, but…”

“But she insisted?” Trissiny guessed, grinning. “Teal takes exception to anyone else driving her friends around, and where she goes, Shaeine goes. Actually that suits me fine; if I have to talk to reporters I’ll be happier with some friendly faces in the crowd.”

“Iris and I would be glad to show you to the suite of rooms we are using, Lieutenant—that is, Ephanie,” Szith said, bowing toward the Legionnaire. “Since Yancey will be occupied showing the magical and mechanical talents among us to their new toys. It is adjacent to the suite General Avelea and her party have occupied.”

“Thank you kindly, miss…”

“Ah, please forgive me. I am Szith nar Szarain dal An’sadarr.”

“Iris Domingue, pleased to meet you!”

“The pleasure is mine,” Ephanie said dutifully, nodding to each of them; her eyes lingered on the saber hanging from Szith’s belt for a second. “An’sadarr? Perhaps you’d be willing to indulge me in a bit of sparring, when we have downtime? I’ve never had the opportunity to study Narisian fencing in person.”

“I would be delighted,” Szith replied with one of her rare little smiles.

“Yancey, before you go,” Ravana said, “where is Veilwin? I instructed her to meet me here.”

“Yes, my Lady,” the Butler said, managing to convey disapproval of the Court Mage’s intransigence without making an unseemly display himself. “I am uncertain what Veilwin intended that was taking her away from the Manor on a morning when she knew her services would be called for, but Princess Zaruda very adroitly engaged her in a drinking contest in the blue rose solarium. I believe they are still there.”

Trissiny whistled softly. “A drinking contest? With Ruda? That elf is in for a humbling.”

Ravana closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Thank you, Yancey. Hopefully Veilwin is carrying vials of sobriety potion as usual.”

“She customarily does, my Lady. I have also taken the liberty of keeping at least one on my person, and discreet but accessible stocks of them in all the rooms she habitually frequents.”

“Yancey, you are a treasure. Concerning my afternoon appointment at the Grand Cathedral—I trust preparations are underway as I instructed?”

“Barnes reports he will be finished within the hour, my Lady. He had the expected reservations about the idea, but claimed it was not fundamentally difficult. All should be in readiness well in advance of our departure time.”

“Barnes is your witch,” Iris accused, staring at Ravana through narrow eyes. “What exactly are you conjuring up this time?”

“It was not a slight at your skills, Iris, I assure you. I do pay Barnes’s salary, however; there is little point if I don’t put him to work now and then.”

Iris’s eyes narrowed further. “And?”

“And if I told you what I planned, you would not only refuse to help, but try to stop me. Much as I am gratified by your concern, I simply do not have time.”

“And there it is!” Iris exclaimed, throwing up her hands.

“There it is,” Ravana agreed. “And now I had best corral my mage before she contrives to make today’s work even more difficult than necessary. Everyone, I wish you the best of luck on your respective tasks.”

“This way, if you please,” Yancey said with a diffident bow to Billie, who sauntered off after him with Maureen in tow and Fross fluttering along overhead. Szith, flanked by Iris and Ephanie, headed away on a different course, the three of them conversing softly. Trissiny and Ravana strode off alone in opposite directions, the paladin toward the great hall’s front doors, the Duchess toward a side hallway.

Which left two figures standing alone together in the cavernous space.

“I’m Scorn,” she said with a grin, extending a huge clawed hand.

“Elias.” McGraw stepped forward and reached out to clasp her hand. “Now, I might be mistaken—it wouldn’t be the first time—but would you happen to be a Rhaazke, miss?”

“Hah, good job! Not many people on this plane recognize that.”

“Well, they don’t let you be a wizard unless you’ve read a whole heap o’ books. Gotta say, ma’am, this is a privilege I never expected to have.”

“I have read about you, too, Longshot McGraw. I wonder how many of the stories are exaggerated?”

“My educated guess is all of ‘em,” he replied, grinning. “Least I hope so; I did my best to ensure it. Well, what a very impressive pair we are.”

“Indeed, yes, the most impressive forgotten leftovers in the whole place.”

“Well, the nice thing about bein’ left at loose ends is you get to pick your own assignment, so to speak.”

“Yes! The paladin does not need help and you had probably better let your soldier friend give out bed assignments after she has finished having girl time.”

“The LT ain’t the flighty sort,” he said gravely, “but y’don’t get to be my age without recognizin’ an interaction that oughtn’t be intruded on, it’s true.”

“So we have two options! Would you like to follow Ravana on her administrative business across the province, or watch two mad gnomes and a pixie mess with a half-built super-weapon that only probably won’t blow us all up?”

He made a show of stroking his beard. “Thaaaat’s a thinker, all right.”

“One comes with a side of watching Veilwin get yelled at for being an obnoxious pantload,” Scorn smirked.

“…you reckon there’s any way to do that without her knowin’ an’ rememberin’ that I saw it?”

“That is tricky, with those ears.”

“True, true. Welp! How’s about we go get blown up? It may not be quicker an’ definitely won’t be cleaner, but it’ll sure as hell be less annoyin’.”

“You.” Scorn grinned. “I like you.”

McGraw tipped his hat. “Feels a mite presumptuous to declare likewise of a young lady I just met, so let me just say that beats the hell outta the alternative.”

“Yes, it does. Come, let us go supervise! When they get drunk on tinkering fever, and they will, you grab your gnome and I’ll grab mine.”

“It’s a plan.”

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17 – 8

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Trissiny was the last to arrive at breakfast—dressed casually without her armor, yawning, and with her regulation braid emitting a few uncontrolled blonde wisps.

“You look like hell, Shiny Boots,” Ruda stated.

“And good morning to you too, my dear friend and comrade Zaruda. I trust you slept well?”

“I slept at all, which is clearly not true of everybody here.”

“I got a solid four hours,” Trissiny said, interrupted by another yawn. “I just need a—oh, bless you, Yancey.”

“General,” the Butler said diffidently, sliding around her chair as smoothly as a martial artist, now that he had set a cup of strong black tea in front of her. He had only just arrived in the room seconds ago.

“Triss, I feel a nag coming on,” Toby warned.

“You see what you’ve done?” Raolo said reproachfully. “You’re making him nag. At breakfast!”

“Oh, climb down out of my hair, all of you,” she grumbled. “I will catch a nap when I can, later.”

“If you don’t get your rest, you can’t be at your best,” Toby said severely.

“It’s not like I went out dancing! We’re at war, I was working on strategy. As I hope all of you were as well.”

“Yes, but we managed to get at least six hours in,” Gabriel said. “C’mon, Triss, you gotta learn to sleep faster.”

“…what does that even mean?”

“Young lady, I expect you to take a nap at the earliest opportunity,” Toby instructed. “I will not hesitate to make a disappointed face at you.”

“You wouldn’t! Not the face!”

“Full puppy eyes, you see if I don’t.”

“Shaeine, make him stop!” Trissiny pleaded.

“Alas, there are forces in this world with which I cannot contend,” Shaeine intoned. “I dare not risk being grazed by the face, even indirectly.”

“Last time we had to go to a week of sunrise services to feel normal again,” Teal said gravely, “and that was just from a glancing hit. We’re not even Omnist!”

“Miss Juniper, this arrived for you,” Yancey said softly, presenting a cream-colored envelope sealed with old-fashioned wax.

“Oh! Um, thank you.” Nonplussed, the dryad accepted the letter and pushed aside her plate, flipping it open.

“I am sure Trissiny needn’t be lectured on the importance of sleep,” Ravana said smoothly from her customary position at the head of the table. “Soldiers of all people know how crucial it is to rest when they can, and work when they must. As she was not with us for last night’s strategy session, this gathering is the first opportunity for her to be brought up to speed.”

“Exactly,” Trissiny said with more emphasis, seemingly somewhat invigorated by her first few sips of tea. “See, Ravana gets me. I want you all to think about that, my so-called friends.”

“I am so glad I can serve as the designated villain in any situation,” Ravana said with a pleasant smile.

“Yeah,” Ruda snorted, “that’s a real mean thing everybody does at your expense which has nothing at all to do with the archetypal villain shit you’re constantly doing on purpose.”

“All right, all right,” Gabriel said soothingly, “picking on our hostess is always fun and all, but she’s got a point. Sooner we bring Trissiny up to speed, the sooner she can go back to bed until it’s time for her press conference or Justinian pulls some fresh carnage out of his hat.”

“Does the Archpope wear a hat?” Fross chimed. “Yes, yes, I recognize the colloquialism, it just prompted me to wonder.”

“There is a hat,” said Toby, “a sort of crown with a turban attached, but it’s…well, it’s the most amazingly pompous looking thing. Only about half of the Archpopes have actually worn it. Justinian never has, he likes to present himself as down-to-earth.”

“A real man of the people, when he’s not unleashing zombie dragons on them,” Teal muttered.

“You see what I mean,” Scorn said pointedly to Ravana.

“Indeed, the banter,” the Duchess murmured. “There’s a streak of Vesker in all of them. Ahem! As I was saying, we do have actual business to discuss.”

“Yes, marching orders for our press reveals,” said Trissiny. “What’d we decide?”

“Natchua is going to take point in leveling accusations of Justinian’s culpability in everything that’s happened to Veilgrad,” said Toby, his tone now all business. “Not that she’ll be exclusively on that—the whole Belosiphon thing is at the bottom of a lot of what we can lay at his feet, and needs to be spelled out first. But Natchua’s a big deal in Veilgrad now, bizarre as that twist of fate is; her word carries a lot of weight there and it’ll look very natural and logical for her to be mad about that in particular.”

“Yeah, she’s in good with the reporters out there, too,” Gabriel added, with the slightly quizzical frown he often wore when discussing Natchua. “And from what I hear, she’s got a knack for working a crowd. I’m reasonably confident that by the time she gets done, Veilgrad and most of that entire province will be firmly our territory. Both in terms of the public siding with us, and the two Duchesses out there viciously rooting out any agents or assets Justinian still has in the region.”

“I wish I could be so confident about Tiraan Province,” Ravana murmured. “I am popular here, and my network of influence has served me well, but Justinian has been working the same angles since before I took power. His own base of power is in Tiraas itself; Madouris and its surroundings will be a fight. One I do not expect or intend to lose, but one I also do not expect to be easy.”

“So, we need you to take point, Triss,” Gabriel said seriously. “Establishing that Justinian has the skull of Belosiphon is the necessary background for explaining where those necro-drakes come from. The three of us saw his forces seize it in person, but you also have those recruits in your Golden Legion who provided the firsthand accounts of his maneuvers at that time.”

“I’m up first, then,” she said grimly, tossing back the rest of her tea. “Well, good. Always better when you can get the worst part of the day over with first.”

“Public speaking not getting any easier?” Teal asked sympathetically. “Hang in there, Triss, you’d be amazed what you can learn to like with enough practice.”

“I will provide you the necessary cosmetics to conceal those circles around your eyes,” said Ravana with a sly smile, “as well as the proper instruction in their use. By a great stroke of fortune your complexion is close to identical to mine; my own personal supply should suffice.”

“Makeup?” Trissiny recoiled physically, her lip curling up in revulsion. “Ravana, I realize I haven’t spelled this out in so many words, but I’m not like Laressa; Avei didn’t call me ironically. I actually am an Avenist.”

“And this is war,” Ravana retorted. “A war of words and perception. You cannot appear before a crowd of reporters and spectators looking so haggard; we must all project strength. The options are makeup, or the necessary fae magic or alchemy to actually suppress fatigue and all its symptoms. I have practitioners on my payroll who can provide both, but such measures will interfere with your body’s ability to actually rest, and thus should only be used in an emergency. Are your aesthetic sensibilities an emergency, Trissiny?”

The Hand of Avei slumped down in her chair in a most un-military posture, scowling. “Ugh. The things I do for my goddess.”

“Face paint bothers you more than all the killing?” Scorn inquired. “Religions here are so fascinating.”

Toby cleared his throat, shooting an annoyed sidelong glance at Raolo, who was trying (but not very hard) to suppress a laughing fit. “Anyway. The other big matter that we need to pin on Justinian is Ninkabi. That one is less certain… Even with the additional perspective from Trissiny’s recruits and the Thieves’ Guild, the evidence that he was behind the hellgates remains circumstantial. It is overwhelming and compelling as circumstantial evidence can get, but…still.”

“Hence the order of attack,” Teal added, nodding. “Trissiny has to present the testimony of Khadizroth as the key acquisition which busts the whole case wide open, so to speak. Once that’s established, we’ll continue to build the story based on it. What we’re doing is crafting a narrative; things have to be set up before they can be paid off. That’s why I recommend taking today to get the Belosiphon matter out there, make it the subject of discussion.”

“Indeed,” Ravana agreed. “And once it is firmly ensconced in the public’s minds, we proceed to extruding our additional accusations out from it. First Veilgrad, and then Ninkabi, as the events proceeded themselves.”

“Is that really all we’ve got on him?” Ruda demanded, scowling. “Just off the fuckin’ top of my head, what about the Rust? They didn’t just come outta nowhere.”

“We talked about that,” Toby said, not looking much happier. “It’s…it’s really tenuous, Ruda. For what it’s worth, I think that’s super suspicious—we know Justinian has been into Infinite Order facilities and that suggests he may have had something to do with opening Fabrication Plant One and all that followed… But that’s still only suggestive and seems at least as likely to have been coincidence. Nothing the Rust were doing was related to anything happening anywhere else until the Fourth Legion spooked them into attacking preemptively. It was a Punaji internal matter that unfolded very predictably according to the politics of Puna Dara. The only outside actors we can confirm were Principia’s squad and that spooky lady with the curse who we’re all sure was Imperial even if she never actually admitted it.”

“In the course of normal politics,” Ravana said seriously, “laying the blame for all sorts of unrelated tragedies upon one’s foes is a time-honored tactic, but I feel it would be a mistake to employ that gambit against Justinian. He is an adept manipulator of rumor and public opinion; if we engage him as equals on that front, I do not believe we will win. The backing of confirmed facts is our secret weapon, and one we ought not lightly abandon.”

“So we don’t have anything else, then?” Trissiny asked, frowning as hard as Ruda. “No indication he was behind… I don’t know, Sarasio? That rogue Hand’s raid on the University? Lor’naris?”

“No, no, and probably not,” Gabriel replied.


“I reached out to Bishop Darling via messenger,” Ravana explained. “We are not acquainted in person, but he is an ally and I am on good terms with the Madouris chapter of the Guild; he was refreshingly forthcoming concerning our shared interests. Indeed, there are unresolved questions surrounding the Lor’naris affair, but nothing that is more than merely suggestive. Someone attempted to escalate tensions into violence by distributing firearms to the citizens of that district at the height of the trouble—an attempt which was thwarted, as I’m sure you recall, by the citizens themselves, by collecting said firearms and turning them over to the police, along with the most detailed descriptions they could furnish of the troublemakers in question. It is suggestive that no one since seems to have found any leads on said troublemakers—not the Guild or the Empire, which is…telling. Unfortunately, that gives us nothing from which to spin a story. The Church would have resources to do such a thing, but…why would they? It doesn’t seem to contribute to Justinian’s aims, apart from what Mr. Darling described as a general pattern he has of trying to cause maximum disturbance.”

“Khadizroth and Vannae talked about that, too,” Trissiny mused, sipping her second cup of tea. “Justinian’s habit of only killing off his own agents, while trying to keep as many of his opponents alive and active as possible. If I hadn’t heard that same account from multiple observers I wouldn’t believe it. It’s crazy. That is the opposite of what anyone running any kind of campaign should do.”

“Yeah, don’t need to be the paladin of the war goddess to see that,” Ruda agreed. “It’s basic common sense.”

“And a reminder we fundamentally have no idea what the hell Justinian is trying to accomplish with all this,” Gabriel added.

“It comes down to what kind of god he wants to be, right?” Juniper said suddenly.

Silence fell over the room as everyone turned to stare at her.

“Sorry, maybe that’s getting a little ahead,” the dryad continued apologetically. “I know we haven’t talked about it in so many words, but… He’s almost certainly going for godhood, right? He’s been messing with the Elder God machines that make gods and schools of magic, he’s wrangled some kind of control over the Pantheon…it all points to godhood. Right?”

“Interesting,” Ravana mused, “and…logical. Go on?”

“Right, so, remember what Elilial said at her surrender? Not that she’s exactly trustworthy, but Vesk was right there and didn’t contradict her. Gods have aspects; the way to destroy a god is to separate them from their aspect. Or, well, it’s the first step anyway, there’s no way it’s that simple. So if Justinian’s goal is his own, you know, bespoke apotheosis, and he’s been mucking around with the Elder God machinery enough to have an idea how it works, he’d definitely want to have a custom aspect. Something he’s the god of. What if he’s just trying to become the god of conflict? That would explain wanting to have everybody fighting him.”

The silence continued, marked by pensive expressions as the rest of them digested this.

“I don’t believe so,” Shaeine said finally. “Not that your insight is wrong, Juniper—in fact, I think you have hit upon the core of it. It was that aspect in particular I meant. Someone like Justinian, a maker of intricate plans, would choose an aspect on the basis of its power and security, rather than his own personality.”

“How do you mean?” Gabriel asked. “You kind of have to know what the man’s been up to for ‘conflict’ to be the word that comes to mind. He sort of radiates peace and calm in person.”

“It is as Juniper said,” Shaeine answered, “a god’s aspect and the vulnerability thereof is the key to said god’s undoing. It seems to me that there are two factors that determine a deity’s safety from such attacks. One is that the aspect itself is simply not subject to attack. For example, take the nature gods: Naiya, Naphthene, Ouvis. How would you even begin to turn their concepts against them, or induce them to act contrary to their aspects? The other, of course, is multiplicity. For further example, Izara could be made vulnerable to attack if she were made to act cruelly…or Themynra were she induced to act rashly. But to attempt the same against Avei, one would have to coerce or manipulate her into being simultaneously unjust, misogynistic, and pacifist. A circumstantially impossible task.”

“I see what you mean, love,” Teal said, nodding slowly. “Conflict… No, that’s way too easy. Too vulnerable. People are prone to conflict, but also to reconciliation, peace, and cooperation. It all depends on the individuals and the circumstances. A god with conflict as his aspect…”

“I think you’re all forgetting that there literally was one of those,” Trissiny pointed out. “Sorash was god of conquest and bloodshed, and that lasted until he got on Tellwyrn’s bad side. I think Juniper’s right about apotheosis being related to Justinian’s fundamental goal, but Shaeine is also right.” She leaned back in her chair and frowned through the steam rising from her teacup. “Hm. Ambition? Subterfuge? I can’t think of any aspect that would come from keeping everybody primed to fight him that doesn’t leave him with the same vulnerability.”

“A timely reminder that, whatever insight we gain, we are still missing too much fundamental information to truly understand our opponent’s aim,” Ravana said.

“I don’t…know,” Toby said, absently squeezing Raolo’s hand on the table. “Remember Vesk’s whole quest? The entire point of it was that… He said Justinian could very easily be the protagonist of this tale, if it was looked at from his perspective. Vesk wanted to to make us…counter-protagonists, so to speak, so he wouldn’t be locked into supporting Justinian by his own aspect. I don’t think the man is trying to do something fundamentally selfish. Whatever his goal, he’s doing what he earnestly believes is right. Something that makes all the horrible things he’s done…if not justified, then at least necessary.”

“Okay, sure, but that’s everybody,” Ruda said impatiently. “Everyone thinks they’re the protagonist of their own story.”

“Not in the Vesker sense,” Teal said, shaking her head. “Everyone thinks they’re justified in whatever they’re doing, on some level. But whatever most people are up to lacks… Let’s call it narrative weight. There’s a significance, a moral or at least philosophical importance that would be necessary for Vesk to think his own actions could be constrained by it.”

“We need more intel,” Trissiny said.

Yancey glided back into the room with his usual preternatural timing. While none of them had even noticed the Butler’s earlier departure, he entered at the perfect lull in the conversation to make himself apparent without being disruptive, proceeding directly to his mistress’s side with a folded piece of paper in hand.

“Your pardon, my Lady. A message has just arrived for you, from Archpope Justinian.”

This time, the silence was sudden and harsh, everyone turning to Ravana with eyes either wide or narrowed to slits as she accepted and unfolded the page.

“The messenger, a Holy Legionary, insisted upon delivering it to your Ladyship in person,” Yancey continued, straightening to his full height and folding his arms behind his back. “I expressed, with appropriate emphasis but all due consideration for the sanctity of a messenger’s person and the dignity of House Madouri, that the Universal Church insists upon nothing in this household. Eventually he relented, and departed.”

“Perfectly handled, Yancey, as always,” Ravana said, lowering the letter. “Well. His Holiness is hosting a gathering of, it seems, all the most powerful nobles who are able to travel to the Grand Cathedral by this afternoon. The big names from Tiraas, Madouris, and Anteraas, in essence.”

“This should go without saying, but you all know me and saying stuff,” Gabriel said. “This is a trap.”

“Well, yes,” Ravana agreed. “Clearly. The Archpope has never shown the slightest interest in the favor of the nobility—indeed, few of his predecessors have, and none since Sipasian’s antics helped launch the Enchanter Wars. I believe I am not flattering myself unduly when I suggest that my recent actions pertaining to Justinian have commanded a measure of his attention. He does not wish to be seen to acknowledge me directly, that would only lend public credence to my accusations, but very much desires to…feel me out, as it were. My noble peers will make an excellent smokescreen.”

“Hey, y’know what’d be the perfect petty revenge?” Ruda suggested brightly. “Don’t show up. Leave him stuck entertaining a bunch of hoity-toities for a few hours with nothing to show for it.”

“Now, now, Zaruda,” Ravana chided with a sly smile, “if one is to indulge in revenge, it ought never be merely petty. Don’t the Eserites have a doctrine about that, Trissiny?”

“The Eserite doctrine about taking revenge is in the vast majority of cases do not,” Trissiny shot back.

“Lemme just be racially appropriate and play demon’s advocate,” Gabriel interjected, raising a hand. “Can we afford not to take the opportunity? The three of us have had one in-person meeting with Justinian—”

“I don’t recall that having been a smashing success,” Toby said pointedly.

“Sure, not if you define ‘success’ as accomplishing anything we were trying to. But we did gain a lot of valuable insight from it. And we don’t know nearly enough about the man or what the hell he is actually trying to do. We were just discussing that.”

“I am of a mind with Gabriel on this subject,” Ravana said placidly.

“Of course you are,” Iris said in disgust. Throughout the meal, Ravana’s University roommates had been sitting in wide-eyed silence, following the discussion without interjecting, but it seemed this was a bridge too far. “Ravana, you have got to stop Ravanaing everything! The man is going to kill you!”

“Yes, that must be taken into account,” Ravana said thoughtfully.

“Well, at least she’s taking her obvious incipient murder into account,” Ruda snorted.

“To be clear,” Ravana said, “I do not believe that is what he will do. My own involvement in this affair is quite new, and it would be much more in Justinian’s character to carefully investigate a new factor than to lash out against it in blind fury. The presence of other nobility is…an assurance of safety, if an oblique one. If the Archpope attacked an aristocrat in any way, the rest of the Houses—all of them—will instantly turn on him. He will not risk that.”

“Who wants to tell her?” Trissiny demanded of the room at large. “If I do it, it’s gonna come out rude.”

“As we were just discussing,” Toby said far more gently, “turning everyone against himself seems to be a cornerstone of Justinian’s entire plan. Ravana, this is an opportunity for him to accomplish that while decisively putting a stop to your meddling in his business. Please don’t hand him a double victory!”

“Also,” Fross added, “if you get murdered, we’ll miss you.”

“Some of us will miss her,” Ruda corrected.

“Oh, don’t be a prig,” Gabriel scoffed. “We’d all miss her. Let’s face it, Ravana isn’t any more weird or difficult than anyone else at this table. We do like her, annoying habits and all.”

“I could very nearly take offense at that,” Maureen muttered into her teacup. Szith shot her a sidelong look of silent sympathy.

“You’re going to make me blush,” Ravana said serenely.

“Forgive me, Toby, but I must disagree.” Shaeine’s voice was smooth and even as always, serving to dampen the rising agitation around the table. “While it is a noted tendency of Justinian to deliberately keep his established antagonists active and in play, he has not indiscriminately antagonized the world at large. Indeed, much of his subterfuge—including notably this gambit with Angelus Knights and necro-drakes—has been aimed at creating mystery and confusion, to prevent universal opposition to him from rising up. Whatever his power, it is unlikely he can withstand a united attack from every or even most of the powerful factions arrayed throughout the Empire.”

“Precisely,” Ravana said, lifting her teacup toward Shaeine in acknowledgment. “What it comes down to is this: the risk should be taken if it can be managed. Obviously I will bring Yancey and the customary honor guard to the event. I am uncertain, however, that a Butler and two soldiers will suffice for my protection should our assessment prove incorrect and the Archpope attempt physical harm.”

“Just the Butler, practically speaking,” Ruda pointed out. “I know how noble parties go, to my eternal fuckin’ annoyance. You can’t just take your bodyguards with you to circulate amongst your peers.”

“And I was not invited to bring a plus one,” Ravana continued, “but it would be surprising if one were turned away, should I do so regardless. In fact, that will serve as a perfect litmus test: if the Church refuses to allow me the company of another protector, I will take that as a sign the risk is too great and immediately leave.”

“Okay, but that leaves the question of who else is going to risk whatever surprises he might spring,” Teal said. “I know a lot of us are pretty heavy-hitters, but… The way the trio described him manhandling three paladins? I’m not sure Vadrieny could do that.”

“Can I come?”

Everyone turned to stare at Juniper again. She shrugged, lifting her own recently-opened letter.

“I got an invitation too, from Glory, so… I’ll be going to Tiraas anyway. That’s perfect, Ravana, you can come with me after the Chruch thing; I bet you and Glory would hit it off.”

“Goddess preserve me, they really would,” Trissiny muttered.

“It’s like the old joke,” Juniper continued. “Where does a dryad sleep?” She smiled around the table at the various confounded expressions aimed at her. “Everyone there will either want to take me to bed or be afraid of what I might do if provoked. Or both. I’ll just smile real big, jiggle my boobs a bit and mention how odd it is that humans taste so much like pig. Nobody will try to stop me from doing whatever I want. And not even Justinian wants to risk my mother having a temper tantrum in the middle of Tiraas.”

“June, you don’t have Naiya’s protection!” Toby exclaimed.

“Sure, I know that,” she shrugged. “He doesn’t.”

“I do believe,” Ravana said slowly, “that is…perfect. Indeed, Juniper, I shall be absolutely delighted to have your company—as will all my peers, I am certain. I’m afraid I must decline your very kind offer in return, however; I fear I shall not be able to join you in visiting Ms. Sharvineh. I never dared hope that Justinian would place me under his authority, before an audience of my fellow nobility. I know precisely how to capitalize on this. With the assurance of Juniper’s protection, it becomes an opportunity I simply cannot afford to miss.”

Gabriel sighed heavily and slumped down in his chair. “I knew it. You’re gonna Ravana this, aren’t you.”

The Duchess smiled a vulpine smile and demurely sipped her tea. “I am going to Ravana this harder than I ever have yet.”

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16 – 58

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“Above all, in such times, we must have faith.”

The sanctuary of the Grand Cathedral was as packed as it had ever been, despite the Empire-wide state of emergency and warnings for all citizens to take shelter. In a way, they had, for all that a dense crowd might be even more vulnerable to attack; shelter was more than physical, and just as the Archpope now said to the assembled throng, it was in precisely such times that people sought the comfort of faith.

“The word is often invoked in this temple, and countless like it,” Justinian continued, his mellifluous voice filling the sanctuary to its farthest corners with its perfect, sonorous gravity. “Faith, most often spoken of as a religious sacrament. Faith in a god, in a dogma, in a church. I will remind you all in this most desperate hour, my friends, that faith goes far beyond religion. It is upon faith that everything hinges. We have faith that our friends and loved ones will not abandon us. Faith that those who sell our food, our clothing, our tools, have not shortchanged us. Faith that our governments will protect and provide as we need them to. Every interaction each of us has with another person is a thread of faith, and it is of the countless thousands of these threads that the web of our lives is made.”

He paused, gripping the sides of his lectern for a moment. No arcane magnification charm was applied to the ancient wood; Justinian needed nothing but the Cathedral’s acoustics and his own trained diaphragm to make himself heard in the back row, even now, when he lowered his voice for emphasis.

“And never is the importance of faith clearer than when it disappoints us. I understand, sisters and brothers, how your faith has been betrayed. We may speak of the gods and their mortal agents which we thought to protect us from crises such as this. We might speak of our government with its armies, which in city after city has been powerless to stand against threat after threat. But even in the midst of renewed crisis, I caution you: do not abandon faith. Faith, you see, is not certainty.”

He smiled, with both sorrow and warmth.

“In life there are no certainties; even the gods do not promise us that. The universe is chaotic, and it is not given to us to live in perfect bliss. For what would be the point of that? What is life without opportunities to strive, to grow wiser and stronger? And how could we do so if we were never challenged—and not only challenged, but specifically beyond what our faith can bear?

“No, friends, we must not despair because our faith has not protected us. The role of faith is that we may continue to believe, even in the face of evidence that what we believe in has failed. And this, friends, is the true power of faith: its capacity to triumph over reality itself. For by acting upon faith, by proceeding upon assumptions that have been broken, we remake the world around us until it falls back into line with what we have faith that is should be. Faith, friends, is the power to band together and triumph.

“I will not minimize the threat we face, nor excuse those who have failed when they should have protected us. Instead, I will caution you all not to abandon faith. Have faith in the gods, in paladins, in thrones, in all those things you count upon—for even if they have responded imperfectly, it is through the support of our faith that they may be empowered to rise to the threat.

“Above all, have faith in one another. It is the darkest times which show us the brightest light within our hearts. It is when we are tested that we raise ourselves up to persevere. It is when the bonds between us are attacked that they strengthen.”

He raised his hands in an uplifting gesture, both benediction and incitement.

“Have faith, brothers, sisters, friends, fellow members of this human family. Have faith that all will be well—and in so doing, go forth together and make it so.”

“That brilliant, evil son of a bitch,” Ruda said, hurling the transcript of the Archpope’s sermon down on Ravana’s dining table.

“Eh, it sounded a right nice speech t’me,” Maureen admitted. “So, I assume that means I missed somethin’, aye? I never claimed t’be the savvy type, politically speakin’.”

“He’s changed the terms of engagement.” Teal’s voice was barely above a whisper, her eyes fixed on a distant point beyond the fireplace. “It’s…a brilliant move. The cults are beginning to turn on him, and after Veilgrad Triss and the boys have what they need to prove he’s behind the chaos monsters.”

“Okay, I don’t get it either,” Iris said in some annoyance. “Why isn’t that good? I mean, now he’s gone and let loose dozens of the fuckers. Obviously that’s a big problem but if there’s proof Justinian is behind it, hasn’t he just nailed himself to the wall?”

“I can’t.” Ruda slumped down in her chair, tipping her hat forward to cover her eyes. “I just cannot with this horseshit. Not you, Iris, you’re fine, it’s just the sheer fuckery of it. I need a moment to wring some of the sleaze outta my soul. Shaeine, can you take over?”

“By unleashing both unstoppable monsters and immortal warriors which are among the only things which can combat them, the Archpope has effectively invalidated all the laborious preparatory work that has been done up till now to work him into a corner,” Shaeine said tonelessly. “It is now a matter of public opinion, and the facts are thus barely relevant. Now, any accusations against the Archpope will be seen as sowing division exactly when it can least be afforded—especially by Ravana and the paladins, who by taking a stand against him previously will have made it seem they are prioritizing old political vendettas above the public good.”

“But they ‘ave proof!” Maureen protested.

“That matters a lot less than it should,” Teal replied wearily.

“Politics and facts are, at best, tenebrous allies,” said Szith.

“It’s a crisis,” Ruda explained from under her hat, not shifting her position. “Can’t have division in a crisis. Didja note in the speech, how he emphasized that? And also how the gods an’ paladins and especially the Throne have let everybody down by allowin’ all this to happen.”

“Just the…the gall,” Iris hissed. “He did all this!”

“It’s politics,” Teal said, heaving a sigh. “Fuck. He played us all. He played everyone.”

“I seriously do admire the gambit,” Ruda admitted, finally lifting her hat enough to peer up at everyone. “It’s maybe the evilest bullshit I ever fuckin’ heard of but god damn was that clever. A master fuckin’ play.”

“That is public opinion, though,” said Scorn, who was not wearing her disguise ring, drumming her clawed fingertips upon the table. The group assembled was somewhat diminished in size; Juniper was still in Tiraas and the paladins, after checking in, had gone right back out to hunt necro-drakes with assistance from the Conclave. “There is still proof. The Empire can act upon this, yes?”

“That is what makes it a master stroke, as opposed to simply a clever one,” said Shaeine. “The great secret of power is its fragility. The cults, the Throne, the Church… Indeed, all religious, political, financial and other establishments, rely upon consensus for their very existence. They only come to seem immutable because we grow accustomed to them. Any can be toppled if enough of their followers decide they should no longer be obeyed—or if not destroyed outright, deprived of enough of their support to function. That was the overarching lesson of the Enchanter Wars, and that lesson is still very much on the minds of the cults and the Houses.”

“So, in order for the Empire or the Trinity cults or anyone to act on the proof,” Teal chimed in, “they would have to, in essence, invade the Cathedral in force to seize Justinian. It could still work, if it was possible to do it swiftly, but with all the power of the Pantheon backing him up and him apparently able to control it even against the Pantheon’s will… Well, the various forces assembled against him could maybe take him down eventually, maybe not. Either way, it would be a long, bloody, drawn-out struggle. And given all Justinian’s done to make himself and the Church popular over the years, a lot of the public will side with him. Especially now. It would mean a schism in basically every participating cult and very likely a rebellion against the Empire.”

“Most of the Houses’d side with ‘im,” Ruda grunted in a dispirited tone. “Specifically because they don’t give a fuck about religion. They care about their own power, which means they’re automatically against the Throne reaching beyond its traditional powers.”

“House Tirasian does have its allies,” Shaeine murmured. “Powerful ones, even. Houses Madouri, Leduc and Dufresne represent enough of a threat to give many of the lesser Houses pause, but there would also be opportunists… He also has the orthodox Shaathists, doubtless other loyalists within every cult. Justinian will not have done this until he is certain of enough allies to at the very least force a stalemate if the established powers dare attack him openly. He is, by all appearances, a meticulous planner.”

“That’s what everybody will be considering,” Teal added. “The political cost of turning on him now would be crippling… And even if he is transparently behind it, the fact is there are chaos dragons rampaging across the continent and nobody can afford a civil war in the middle of that.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask,” Iris said tremulously, “but…I mean, surely the Trinity cults? The Guild? Didn’t the paladins just go through all that rigamarole to make sure they’d side against the Church?”

“And that’d be why Justinian just yanked out the rug,” said Ruda with a bitter laugh. “Way Boots an’ the boys tell it… Boss Tricks ain’t exactly the portrait of reliability right now, the Dawn Council isn’t interested in doin’ fuck all under any circumstances, an’ Lady Gwenfaer’s paper cuts bleed politics. High Commander Rouvad seems like the kind o’ broad who’d take a stand on principle, but then again, she’s also the one who decided Basra fuckin’ Syrinx being good a politics made ‘er worth putting up with all the rest of her general Syrinxitude. We got coin tosses in the best case scenario.”

“Some might still be willing to act, if there were a plan in place and a certainty of, at least, a chance,” Shaeine said quietly. “But whoever acts first will embrace tremendous risk, and the full brunt of the opposition. The pressure will be heavily against anyone sticking their neck out.”

“I’ll go one further,” Teal said quickly. “Soon as we can talk to ‘em again we need to make sure our paladins don’t try to charge at Justinian with blades out.”

“There’s really only one of ‘em likely to do that,” Ruda said with a grin.

“Sure,” Teal replied a touch impatiently, “but it matters that they have credibility and the pull to motivate a lot of people into action behind them. Frustrating as it is, appearances matter, even to paladins. They can’t squander it by seeming to pick a political fight in the middle of a crisis.”

“So,” Scorn rumbled, “what is needed is a person in a position of power, interested in doing the right thing, and willing to be seen as a villain.”

She immediately turned to look straight at Ravana. One by one, so did everyone else in the room, until every eye was fixed upon her except that of her Butler, who stood silent as a gargoyle behind her left shoulder.

Ravana said with perfectly ladylike posture at the head of the table, casually swirling her wineglass in one hand and gazing thoughtfully at nothing. As the room fell silent, she ceased toying with the glass and raised it to her lips for a sip. It was a pink elven wine; she usually did not prefer their sweetness, but the lower alcohol content made it a beverage of choice when she had thinking to do.

Lowering the glass, and seeming to ignore the silent regard of her friends and classmates, the Duchess allowed her lips to slowly curl upward into a viper’s smile.

“Yancey,” she said, “make the arrangements for another press conference tomorrow. In addition to my accusations at this morning’s event, I will publicly charge that Archpope Justinian is behind the chaos drakes, and that he has deliberately caused all this destruction and loss of life for personal, political gain.”

She paused to take another dainty sip; Yancey, attuned to his mistress, watched her without acknowledging the command, as he detected another part forthcoming.

“I will also,” Ravana continued after swallowing, “detail the method by which an Angelus Knight is created, describe the final fate of Sister Lanora, and announce that any cleric who has been personally excommunicated by their former deific patron will be made welcome in Madouris and placed under my personal protection. Along with a warning that their lives are in urgent danger otherwise.”

“Very good, my Lady,” said Yancey. “Shall we arrange protection for the source of this intelligence?”

The Duchess shook her head. “She indicated confidence that her involvement was absolutely unknown to the enemy, and in this case I fear we must take her at her word. The irritating truth is that none of my field agents are of a quality that can match what Justinian has at his disposal. Posting a watch over her would likely do nothing but to draw his attention to her, and in the end my people would be unable to provide sufficient protection.”

“I might’ve known you’d Ravana it,” said Ruda, sounding impressed despite herself. “I know we practically asked for it this time, but c’mon, that’s gonna put you right at the top of Justinian’s shit list.”

“Yeah, no offense,” Teal agreed, “but this business in Madouris up till now has been small potatoes, Ravana. You’re not high on his priorities. If you start spewing his secrets in public…”

“It is a strategic truism,” Ravana said, again idly swirling her wine, “that when one is losing a game of chess to a clearly superior opponent, the correct move is to punch them in the face and overturn the board. This advice, while a valid point, ignores the broader political ramifications which you were just discussing. To be seen as the one to forebear the pretense of civilized behavior that we like to think governs us is to cede a significant material advantage. The solution, thus, is to provoke one’s opponent to throw the punch, and accept the censure of the onlookers.” She smiled again, showing just the tips of her teeth. “And then, in the name of self-defense, stab them in the throat.”

“Why is it even your hypotheticals jump directly to six steps too fuckin’ far?” Ruda demanded.

“Ravana,” Szith said quietly, “the Archpope can punch harder than you can. Significantly.”

“One does not just punch, though,” Ravana replied primly. “As a martial artist, you know it very well. There are questions of position, leverage, angle, maneuver… Teal has the right of it: I must admit, to my chagrin, that I have been up till now little but an inconvenience to his Holiness. If I begin revealing in public fundamental secrets which he will have no idea how I learned, I become a problem. He will be forced to…solve…me. And for me to defend myself will look altogether different than if I, or anyone, were to assault the Universal Church during a universal crisis.”

“I fear you have missed my point,” Szith insisted. “You would have to survive his attack, Ravana. Giving you full credit for the ability to cause trouble upon which this plan seems to rest, even you must acknowledge that you are not at your best on the defensive!”

“Am I not?” Ravana narrowed her eyes; her smile, if anything, widened. “Justinian is a creature of meticulous plans. Unexpected and uncontrolled violence is antithetical to his mode of operation. Even when he has unleashed it—such as now—it has always been safely far from his own base of operations, and with himself in at least partial control of all sides of the performative conflict. True carnage, the rapid unfolding of unforeseeable events, heavily disadvantages web-weavers such as he. That is the domain of paladins, adventurers, and it must be said…” Smirking, she actually bowed slightly from her chair. “…villains. I do not delude myself that this is my fight to win, or that I even could. No; our predicament is that Justinian has changed the nature of the battle to advantage himself. I will simply change it again.”

She sipped her wine once more, eyes glinting with manic anticipation.

“If his Holiness truly wishes to play about with chaos, then we shall go on a journey together, and explore the truth of what chaos means.”

“Really. Two minutes?” Despite the disappointing news, Justinian sounded more impressed than anything.

“That’s a broad guess,” Rector grunted, hunched over an instrument panel as usual and not looking up at his guest and patron. “Approximating from initial attack range, but even at the most conservative value, it was fast. Way faster than the one lost at Veilgrad. Weird readings, too… The chaos shard itself blinked out. Usually there’d be a major divine event concentrated on it before nullification. I think it was moved back to the dimensional insulation layer.”

“I suppose it is no more than should be expected,” Justinian mused. “Very well. I see I shall have to arrange something to keep the good Professor occupied. Interference of that caliber could be disastrous at this stage.”

Rector finally hesitated in his manipulation of the ancient data screen. He did not look up from it, but froze with his fingers above the glowing panel, staring at nothing.

“Thought you decided to leave her alone. Tried that, right? Didn’t work.”

“I probed at her, yes,” Justinian said mildly. “The point was, in part, to gauge her reaction; among other things, the attempt verified that she does have an interventionist streak, which has just become immediately relevant. I will consider my options. Fear not, Rector; I have several contingencies in varying states of readiness. Some may require your aid, but as always, I shall provide you the greatest advance notice I am able.”

“It’s Tellwyrn,” said the enchanter, still not moving. “Not much gets her attention except for threatening her students. Right? Is that… There’s already a lot of collateral damage.”

Justinian studied the back of his head pensively for a second before answering. “These are the painful decisions of strategy and moral cost versus benefit of which I spoke to you before, Rector. I fear that the closer we come to the final steps, the more…difficult they will grow. And we are very close indeed. Have patience for just a while longer. Soon, all of this will be finished.”

Rector remained in his rigid position for a moment, then grunted and resumed scrolling the screen as if he’d never stopped moving. After watching him for a moment longer, the Archpope retreated, not bothering with a farewell. He was not one to forebear such courtesies, but had learned that Rector was more annoyed than reassured by extraneous social rituals.

Seconds after the door shut behind the Archpope, Azradeh appeared from invisibility in the corner.

She was still testing her limits. According to one of her books—theology was among the subjects Justinian had been quite willing to let her read—a sitting Archpope gained a great deal of divine power but lost the cult-specific gifts as they were elevated from the servant of one god to the servant of all. So, in theory, he shouldn’t have Izarite empathy. Thus, she’d been lurking about him invisibly to see if he ever reacted, which he had not.

Unless he was a natural empath; those did seem to be drawn to Izara’s service. That would mean he was only pretending not to know when she was invisible in his vicinity, a thought which verged on paranoia but also wasn’t entirely implausible when it came to Justinian. But even in that eventuality, he was still pretending he couldn’t sense her, which meant she had a little leeway of maneuver until he was willing to blow his advantage. Even that was useful.

Of course, it was more likely he just couldn’t tell, period, but she was unwilling to commit to assumptions about the man.

“Wow, busy day, huh?” she said cheerfully, sauntering over toward Rector.

He just grunted, as usual. The handy thing about Rector was how little interest he had in anyone else’s comings and goings. As long as she didn’t pop out of invisibility right in front of his eyes, he wouldn’t wonder where she’d come from. Actually, Azradeh wasn’t completely sure even that would get his attention.

“Now, you make sure you’re getting enough sleep,” she lectured, circling behind him. “I will not hesitate to tattle to Delilah on you, see if I don’t.”

“Go away, pest,” he growled.

“Yeah, yeah.” Azradeh sat down on one of his less-cluttered workbenches, just loudly enough to make it clear from behind that that was what she’d done. He twitched in the most amusing way, but didn’t turn to chastise her further. “So what was that about collateral damage and attacking students? That doesn’t sound like you.”

He froze again.

“Or his Holiness,” she continued in a light tone. “Or…well, I wouldn’t’ve thought so, but who knows with that guy? He’s been really good to me, y’know? And you too, I guess. Man, though, it’s hard to say what goes on in his head. I wouldn’t think he’d deliberately get anybody hurt, but—”

“Just get out!” the enchanter snapped, snatching up a handful of brass screws from the nearest table and hurling them backward in the vague direction of her voice. Azradeh watched them sail past a good yard to her right. “I don’t have time for you right now!”

“Hey, it’s okay,” she said soothingly. “You’re just the equipment guy, right? It’s Justinian who makes the decisions. If somebody gets hurt, well, is that really your fault?”


Rector finally spun, snatching up a wrench and flinging it with far more accuracy. As usual she didn’t blink when it bonked off the bridge of her nose, but when he hurled his data screen she plucked it deftly out of the air.

“Hey, be careful,” Azradeh urged, setting the panel gently down on the workbench. “I know those things are durable, but they’re thousands of years old and it’s not like you can make more.”


“Okay, I can see you’re busy,” she said, hopping off the table and ignoring the constant barrage of tools, crystals, and metal parts which pelted her. “Promise you won’t forget to eat, all right? See ya later.”

Azradeh turned and strolled toward the door, not reacting when a glass tube shattered on the back of her head. The deluge of metal and glass only halted before she actually exited because he ran out of conveniently throwable objects within easy reach.

Once the door shut behind the archdemon, Rector abruptly sat back down in his chair and sagged, leaning forward and resting his face in his hands.

For once…for perhaps the first time in a long time…the architect of so much of the future was not thinking about his next project. He just sat alone in his secret underground laboratory, thinking about some of the things he had created.

And what they might mean.

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16 – 42

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“All right, so. How did we mess that up?”

Breakfast in Madouri Manor was a somewhat subdued affair, due to the late hours everyone present had kept the night before. In fact it was a late hour now, closer to brunch than proper breakfast, but the Lady of the house had only just returned from her overnight stay in Veilgrad and many of her guests, for all that they were at least out of bed now, couldn’t be said to be fully awake. No one answered Gabriel’s question, at least not immediately; most of them just blinked blearily at him.

Yancey emerged from the servant’s entrance to the dining room in which they convened with his usual fortuitous timing, pushing a trolley laden with cups, saucers, and serving pots, one of which produced fragrant steam.

“Ah, splendid,” said Ravana, perking up visibly. “A spot of coffee is just the thing to begin a challenging day following another of the same.”

“Hard drugs for breakfast,” Raolo said with a raised eyebrow. “Damn, I should pal around with more nobles.”

Hard drugs,” Scorn chuckled. “You are a very cute elf, Raolo. I will have a cup, please, Yancey.”

“Right away, miss,” the Butler said with a deferential nod, already stirring sugar into the cup he had placed at Ravana’s hand.

“In point of fact,” said the Duchess primly, “coffee is explicitly not a drug within the Tiraan Empire, as of a Treasury ruling issued two months ago. On the grounds that its active ingredient is also present in tea and chocolate, and is no more addictive than alcohol and overall less deleterious to one’s health, coffee is classified as a foodstuff. Immediately following this ruling, I purchased one of the few domestic plantations in the Onkawa highlands. This is one of my own products, and quite splendid in quality if I do say so myself.”

“One of your products,” Toby drawled. “Somehow, I can’t picture you working on a plantation.”

“I can,” said Trissiny, “and I will call up the image whenever I need a laugh from now on. But seriously, Gabe asked an important question. How did we mess that up?”

“Well, it seems pretty clear that you underestimated the Archpope’s capabilities,” Fross chimed, swooping in a circle over Trissiny’s head. Despite not needing to eat, the pixie enjoyed socializing with friends and rarely missed a meal. “So I guess the pertinent question is whether you blundered or he’d hidden his powers well enough you really couldn’t have anticipated that.”

“In fairness,” said Toby, “we didn’t actually go in there planning to try to assassinate him. That just sort of…happened.”

“Three guesses which of you made that happen,” said Ruda, grinning and leaning over to prod Trissiny with her elbow.

“I saw the man turn off the entire Trinity like they were a fairy lamp,” Trissiny retorted, leaning away from her roommate. “I maintain it was a reasonable reaction.”

“I for one will not sleep well,” Szith murmured, “knowing that a man willing to flood entire cities with demons and undead has such power at his fingertips.”

A hush fell over the table, in which only the soft clink of porcelain was audible as Yancey distributed coffee to those who indicated they wanted it.

“Anyway, I’m not sure how we could have seen that coming,” Trissiny finally said, frowning at the center of the table. “That’s just not the kind of thing anyone should be able to do. That, and the power behind that divine shield he used…”

“I talked with Vestrel about that,” said Gabriel. “Apparently to resist the scythe like it did, it had to constantly rejuvenate itself. Which… I mean, if he’s drawing from the entire Pantheon, stands to reason, but the thing is that amount of power should theoretically be running through him, which should theoretically fry him like a fillet at a fraction of that intensity.”

“Those feats are a logical extension of what we know he can do,” said Fross, now drifting slowly in figure eights above the table. “He is the Archpope and thus a divine caster of significant strength, and you had firsthand knowledge that he’s been monkeying with the Elder God machinery that created the Pantheon in the first place…”

“I’ll tell you what you did wrong,” Ruda declared, resting an elbow on the table to point at him. She had declined coffee, tea, or anything else, having brought her own jug of local Last Rock moonshine to breakfast. “You shoulda gone in there and Ravana’d him right from the beginning.”

Ravana set down her coffee cup in its saucer with a soft but decisive clink. “I know that I will regret learning exactly what that means, and yet I must ask.”

“Oh, c’mon, it’s not like we blame you for all the evils of the world,” Ruda said, grinning at her. “It’s one specific and consistent thing. You dig up the most unconventional and horrifically overpowered insanity you can find and point it at the first person who pisses you off. That is the approach you guys should’ve taken with Justinian. The reason you didn’t know his physical capabilities is because he’s managed to never have to show them to anybody before; he’s that good a string-puller. You don’t try to get clever with a man like that, it’s just playing his game, on his terms. You drown him and everything in his vicinity with a tsunami of overkill.”

“Hey! You pronounced that correctly!” Fross chimed in excitement, swooping around Ruda’s head. “Most Tanglophones just substitute a silent t instead of properly articulating the tsu syllable! That’s actually a very ironic phenomenon, since ‘tsunami’ is Tanglish’s only loanword from Sifanese and contains one of the very few sounds that don’t—”

“Fross,” Teal interjected, gentle but firm.

The pixie immediately halted in midair, dimmed her glow and floated lower. “Aaaaand I’m being pedantic and de-Railing the conversation. Sorry, I was just happy. I like it when things are correct.”

“I’m not sure exactly what…” Trissiny hesitated, glancing at Fross. “…tidal wave of overkill we could have leveled at him. I mean, that is more or less what we tried to do.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t Ravana him,” Ruda said cheerfully. “Ravana, care to explain the difference?”

“Your own capabilities are well established, frequently and in public,” Ravana explained, giving Ruda a somewhat dour look. “It sounds as if you attacked him with everything in your standard arsenal—all of which he would be aware of in advance and thus, being Justinian, prepared for. To destroy a target such as he, one must employ not only overwhelming firepower, but unconventional assets which he could not reasonably anticipate.”

“Hm,” Trissiny grunted, again frowning at nothing.

“There was something I noticed,” Gabriel said slowly, his own eyes narrowed in thought. “Remember when he did all that with the Light to stop us beating on him? At the time I thought he just broke our concentration with sheer physical pushback, but looking back I noticed… Didn’t it seem like all our shields, Triss’s wings and Toby’s invocation shut down at precisely the same instant?”

“Well, it was an area of effect attack,” said Trissiny. “And it hit pretty hard. Naturally that would break our focus, and at the same time.”

“Not the same, though,” Gabriel said, shaking his head. “Toby was a couple yards further away. And look, if you’re hit with a big wall of energy and something you were trying to concentrate on goes belly up, you’d naturally assume that was why. It just seems really in character for that guy to do something sly under the cover of something overt, just to stop us from noticing. Divine magic is where most mental magic lies, right? Are there methods of disrupting enemy spellcasting?”

“There very much are,” Shaeine answered immediately. “Themynrite and Scyllithene clerics both employ them. That craft is exceedingly difficult to learn. Less difficult to ward against, but even that is not a skill one acquires in an afternoon.”

“That’s a really good observation, Gabe,” said Trissiny. “Something we need to be on guard for, next time. As for…unconventional overkill…” She leaned back in her chair, staring up at the chandelier. “I think I’ll pay another visit to the Conclave, as soon as I have the time. After our business in Tiraas today, maybe. Zanzayed seems to like having me around, but if I want to learn some divine craft, Ampophrenon is probably a better bet. I think I can get him to teach me. It’s hard to read a being like that, but he seemed to regard me positively.”

“Yeah, he mentioned you last night,” Teal agreed. “Quite favorably. Overall he comes across as surprisingly progressive for someone older than Tellwyrn.”

“I can begin coaching you in the basics of defense against a divine interrupt,” said Shaeine, “but yours is a good idea, Trissiny. As Ruda and Ravana point out, our enemy will be aware of what you can learn from me. The dragons are a likely source of magical skill he will not know.”

“Seems to me that learning divine skills is a good starting point,” said Gabriel, “but, and nobody hit me, it might be a good idea to pick up some specifically anti-divine techniques. At least, whatever we can safely use alongside our own magic.”

“I’m instinctively leery at the notion, but it seems strategically sound,” Toby murmured.

Gabriel nodded. “Yeah, if Trissiny’s got an in with the Conclave anyway, it might be worthwhile to ask… Oh, what’s the red guy’s name? Vaz something.”

“Razzavinax the Red,” Ravana corrected. “A capital idea, Gabriel. He is quite personable, and in fact an established teacher of magical technique to mortals. I doubt you wish to or even can study any infernomancy in detail, but he undoubtedly knows several basic tricks to use against divine casters.”

Everyone stared at her.

“I know,” Iris said, “I know I’m going to regret the answer, but… Why, Ravana, have you been hanging out with the red dragon?”

“Oh, I’ve not had the pleasure of Lord Razzavinax’s company myself,” Ravana said lightly. “I have struck up an amicable correspondence with his consort, Lady Maiyenn, after I sent her a baby gift.”

Everyone continued to stare at her.

“This is the bulk of what a lady in society does,” the Duchess explained, now with a sardonic undertone. “Form connections to be exploited at need. I am a very useful person to know, as is Maiyenn, and each of us recognized this trait in the other. Intelligent self-interest begets courtesy. You likely have sufficient contacts within the Conclave as it is, Trissiny, but should Lord Razzavinax prove resistant to aiding the Hand of Avei I would be pleased to arrange an introduction.”

“Thank you,” said Trissiny, a bit dryly. “So, the dragons are a good starting point for some extra tricks against Justinian. I also need to arrange another quick trip to the First Legion’s base.”

“Uh, hang on, there,” Ruda protested. “I know I told you to use overkill, Shiny Boots, but I dunno if bringing in more of your pet adventurers is exactly gonna help against the Archpope.”

“No, I tend to agree,” Trissiny said with a smile. “The team I brought to Tiraas has already performed beyond my expectations, but still, you’re right. Justinian isn’t the Battle of Ninkabi; in most situations, adventurers work better in small groups. It’s not about that. Talking of unconventional assets… I need to notify Billie Fallowstone that one of her pet projects has just become urgent. And, Captain Locke knows how to build divine disruptors.”

Another short silence fell, in which most of the junior class grimaced.

“Those things,” Toby said, shaking his head. “I never imagined a day would come when I’d want to have them around.”

“And yet, here we are,” Gabriel said with a wry grin. “Good thought, Triss. If my scythe didn’t break his shield, I don’t expect any handheld weapon will, but even so. Most of his tricks are going to be divine in origin, or at least his minions’ will. Those damn things will come in very useful. That is, if Locke can produce some.”

“Um, if I recall correctly,” Fross interjected, “which, not to chime my own glockenspiel, I always do, those weapons are made largely from gold.”

“I didn’t say it would be convenient or budget-friendly, but this is urgent,” Trissiny replied, grimacing. “The Sisterhood can afford it. I may have to arrange some more resources for the First Legion, but it’s doable. Meanwhile, all of this is tomorrow’s battle. More immediately we’ve got our announcements with our respective cults, and that will begin putting major pressure on Justinian in the political and religious arena.”

“As such,” Ravana stated, “were I he, I would choose this moment while you are all thus engaged to launch a preemptive retaliation.”

“…fuck,” Gabe muttered.

“I think,” Iris suggested, “this would be an excellent day for all of us to have a little outing into Tiraas. We can do some sightseeing and shopping while the paladins do politics. And, you know…be around.”

“Some of us are…very unconventional assets,” Scorn agreed with a toothy grin.

“I am shamed to say this,” Szith replied softly, “but I cannot assist.”

“Right, Narisian politics,” Ruda said quickly. “Last thing we want is to land you in trouble with House An’sadarr, Szith, don’t worry about that. Teal, Shaeine, I assume the same goes?”

“On the contrary, we have more freedom to assert ourselves,” said Shaeine, taking her wife’s hand. “Both by virtue of our respective rank and position in our own societies, and our effective alignment as of Justinian’s recent attack on Falconer Industries and his general opposition to the Silver Throne, toward which the Confederacy desires a conciliatory stance. Szith risks censure by stepping into human politics, but I am positioned to do so with more impunity.”

“That raises a pertinent question,” said Ravana, adopting a sharp expression which was ominously familiar to most of them. “Have you, any of you, issued a formal and public accusation against Justinian regarding the various disasters we are relatively certain he has engineered during the last several years?”

“You know the problem with that,” Toby replied. “Just because we’re pretty sure it was him pulling the strings doesn’t mean we can prove it. And accusing someone that powerful of something we can’t compellingly back up…”

“Yes, I understand,” she said, nodding. “Very well, then. While you are launching your salvo on behalf of your cults, I shall make a formal announcement that yesterday’s altercation in Madouris was instigated by the Universal Church, and also accuse Justinian of arranging the disasters which befell Ninkabi, Veilgrad, and Puna Dara.”

“Whoah,” Gabriel protested. “Ravana, I know you’re already kind of neck deep in this, but that’ll make you a major target. And he’s covered his tracks too well—”

“So did my father,” she said coldly. “I was forced to lie to have him removed; that the lie in question happened to be the very truth he so skillfully concealed was beside the point. I realize you all enjoy making facetious remarks about my predilection for frontal attacks, but this, specifically, is the time for them. Justinian can attempt to discredit me, sue me for slander, and launch propaganda against me, but I am more than equipped to handle all of the above. With the three Trinity cults, the Eserites and half the Shaathists poised to turn on him, it is the optimal time to add House Madouri’s weight to the cause. The point is to put constant, widespread pressure on him from every side, more than he can wiggle out from under. Our enemy is a master manipulator who thrives when he can keep his foes dancing about; I submit that he has been indulged more than long enough. It is time, my friends, to declare war.”

This time the pause which fell was grim and intent. No one suggested disagreement, even by facial expression.

“Then I guess we better eat up good, and head to Tiraas for some ass-kicking right after breakfast,” Ruda said, grinning. “Uh, I guess that means we need to wake up our missing teammate first. Juniper was pretty tuckered out after getting home last night, huh?”

The usual number of seats at the breakfast table were filled, but that was because Raolo had joined them overnight. One familiar face was, indeed, absent.

“Oh, uh,” Fross chimed awkwardly. “Yeah, about that…”

“Thank you,” Juniper said, smiling up at Price as the Butler refilled her teacup. Price inclined her head graciously in acknowledgment as she retreated from the table.

“Don’t be shy, if you’re still hungry I’m glad to empty the larder,” Sweet assured her with a grin, lounging in his chair at the head of the table. He was attired in his Eserite style this morning, calculatedly shabby and wearing louder colors than befitted a Bishop of the Universal Church. In fact, he hadn’t had cause to put on the ecclesiastical persona of Bishop Darling for months, though ironically the pressure of the political situation behind it had been wearing on him. Today, he looked and felt more relaxed than he could remember being in ages. “I don’t often get to entertain guests; it’s a pleasure to roll out the red carpet!”

“Oh, this is already plenty generous,” Juniper assured him with a smile, forking up another bite of sausage. Behind her, Sniff chomped more of the same from a bowl set on the floor against the dining room wall. “You’re a good host, Antonio.”

“Oh, I just bet he was,” Flora said acidly.

“Not that we need to bet,” Fauna added, tapping the pointed tip of her ear. “That was quite a production last night, you two.”

“My apologies for the rest of the household,” Sweet said to Juniper. “I swear to you I have taught them manners, but they usually decide not to use ‘em. Elves are kinda like cats.”

“Well, sorry if not everybody at the table has as much reason to be as loose and relaxed as the pair of you,” Flora snorted.

“Yeah, some of us had to make due with not even sleeping properly in our cold, lonely beds thanks to the racket from yours!”

“Maybe we’d like to boink the dryad, did you ever think about that?”

“No! You only think about yourself!”

“Did I think about you two while cavorting after midnight with a bosomy bundle of carnal ingenuity?” Sweet mused, idly swirling his teacup. “No, I honestly did not. Not for a second. And it seems to me it’d be creepy as hell if I had any other answer to that question.”

Juniper finished swallowing her bite of sausage and smiled gently at them while scooping up a forkful of scrambled eggs. “Now, now, no need to be competitive. I’d be glad to make love to either of you. Or both, whatever you prefer.”



The dryad paused with her fork halfway to her mouth, raising her eyebrows at their matching grimaces. “Well. That’s a reaction I don’t often get. It’s not great for my feelings, I have to say.”

“Oh, sorry, it’s not about you,” Flora hastened to assure her.

“Yeah, you’re a sweetheart and astoundingly gorgeous,” Fauna agreed.

“But he’s pretty much our dad.”

“Yeah, going after him would be…”

They both shuddered dramatically.

“Well, okay,” Juniper said with a shrug, tucking back into her meal. “I’m still a little bemused by the nuances of family relationships, so I’ll have to take your word on that. If you ever change your minds, I’m up for it.”

“And what an odd little family we are,” Sweet said cheerfully.

“Yeah, well, all joking aside, we should probably thank you,” Flora said with a grudging little smile.

“It seems like forever since we’ve seen him this relaxed,” Fauna agreed.

“I am pretty good at what I do,” Juniper replied pleasantly.

“Damn skippy you are,” Sweet said emphatically. “It makes me think the whole world could benefit from a night of the ol’ slurp and snuggle. Or at least, several people who specifically need to be unwound a little bit. Hm, I bet I could even find somebody to ever so tenderly extract the stick from up Thorn’s butt…”

“Hey.” Suddenly frowning, Juniper pointed her fork at him. “You leave Trissiny alone.”

“Whoah, whoah!” He raised both hands in surrender. “I didn’t mean me. I wouldn’t lay a hand on her, even if I thought she was interested. Maybe it’s arrogant of me but I think of myself as kind of a mentor to Thorn. That’s not something you exploit. Some things are sacred, y’know?”

“Yeah, Tellwyrn has a rule like that. And that’s not what I’m concerned about,” the dryad shook her head. “It’s… Okay, I can’t help sensing sexual details about people, and I make a point not to share anybody’s private business with anyone else…”

“Appreciated,” Sweet, Flora, and Fauna all chorused.

“But, this is relevant, so I expect you to keep it to yourselves. Trissiny has a very monogamous nature, okay? She’s not like you and me; we do just fine with various casual lovers, but not everyone does. And she does look up to you, Antonio, so if you told her to go out and get laid I think there’s a chance she might go and do it. But she’d feel really bad about herself afterwards, and then I would be mad at you!”

“Well, every step in that chain is more to be avoided than the last,” he said solemnly. “I’m glad you spelled it out, Juniper, thanks for that. I’d hate to accidentally cause more problems for somebody who doesn’t need any.”

She nodded primly and went back to her sausage.

A second later, Price turned her head toward the door, then suddenly strode out into the hall.

“Oh,” Juniper said softly, glancing guiltily after the Butler. “Did I go to far? Sorry, no matter how many times it happens I sometimes forget not everybody’s okay with frank discussions of sexuality…”

“Nah, it’s not you,” Flora assured her.

“She just heard somebody coming to the door.”

“We still haven’t figured out how Price always picks up on that before we do.”

“Yet! Give it time!”

On cue, the doorbell rang, as Sweet brandished his teacup at the two elves.

“If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times to leave Price alone. On the list of shit I don’t need, you two stirring up trouble with the Service Society occupies several slots!”

The sounds of a visitor being welcomed into the front hall grew steadily louder while he spoke, until after only a few seconds, Price returned, face impassive as always.

“Sir, you have an urgent visitor from the Guild.”

“There you are,” Grip stated, striding in past the Butler. “I was afraid you’d already be halfway across town at this hour of the—what the fuck is that?!”

She came to a stop, pointing incredulously at Sniff, who had just finished his sausage and now raised his head to peer back at her.

Juniper scooted her chair back from the table, bringing her more into Grip’s line of sight. “I’m a dryad. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

The enforcer stared at her, then at Sniff, blinking rapidly. “I—that—what’re—no, fuck it, I don’t have time for this. Sweet, you need to get your ass down to the Guild, pronto.”

He had already stood up, abandoning his half-eaten breakfast. “How bad is it?”

“Pretty goddamn bad, and the core of the problem is how little pull anybody but you and Style has with the Boss—and Style’s apparently isn’t enough, on her own. You heard about how those Purist rejects tried to corner Glory’s apprentice yesterday?”

“Ohh, I don’t like where this is going,” he muttered.

Grip nodded. “Yeah, somehow Tricks has got his hands on a few of them, and he’s about to send us to war with the Sisterhood of Avei.”

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16 – 16

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“I’m sorry I missed ‘er, though,” Maureen said wistfully. “It’s been a real treat gettin’ to catch up with the junior class as well as you girls while everybody’s here. Seein’ Natchua woulda been a grand addition to the week!”

“I am not sure why,” Scorn grunted, idly playing with her expensive disguise ring now that she had taken it off. “Natchua behaves better now than she ever did at school, but it does not make her pleasant to be around.”

“Well, that just makes me actually want to catch up with her,” Iris said, grinning. “Which I never did before. Natchua was always a jerk; I’m suddenly real curious to see what she’s like, mellowed.”

“Her hair is less spiky,” said Scorn. “Still green, though.”

“Sometimes,” Ravana said with a beatific smile, “all it takes for a person to begin to flourish is the right environment. Apparently, Last Rock was not that for Natchua. It never occurred to me ahead of time, but I can entirely see Veilgrad agreeing with her.”

“I am just as grateful to have missed her,” Szith murmured, “and not out of any personal antipathy. Given Natchua’s situation with regard to Tar’naris, duty would have compelled me to bring a detailed report of any encounter to her House. I consider that prospect awkward in the extreme.”

“In point of fact, that occurred to me,” said Ravana, nodding to her. “Otherwise I would have invited her to stay a bit and chat with everyone. Perhaps it worked out for the best, in any case. She seemed in a hurry to return to Veilgrad. Also,” she added with a mischievous little smirk, “I don’t believe she cares for me, personally.”

“Hard to care what she cares about,” Scorn opined.

“Well, what’s done is done,” Ravana said briskly, glancing at the door of the lounge as it opened to admit Yancey. “I’m glad to have that bit of business over with, at least. Fortunately it ended early enough in the day that we’ve plenty of time to make the afternoon show I mentioned over breakfast. That is, if you are all still interested?”

“Aye, sounded a right pleasure!” Maureen chirped. “Ain’t often I get ta see a new art form bein’ born!”

“Moving lightcaps, though?” Iris asked skeptically. “As much as you like to chatter about lightcaps, Ravana, it seems like we’d have heard about it before today if that was a thing.”

“As I understand it, they are not true moving pictures like a magic mirror or scrying surface, but a sequential progression of images set to music and projected upon a large stage. For just that reason, Iris, I am extremely curious. If this works at all well, I may be inclined to invest in the company producing them. Is the carriage ready, Yancey?”

“Your pardon, my lady,” the Butler said, bowing deeply. “There is a situation in the grand hall which requires your attention.”

Ravana’s smile instantly disintegrated. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, what now?”

“I am deeply sorry to have interrupted your afternoon plans, my lady.”

“No.” She shook her head, closing her eyes momentarily. “No, Yancey, I’m sorry. It is the absolute height of stupidity to castigate a good servant for performing his duties well. I ought never vent my frustration at you.”

Yancey bowed again, his face adopting an astonishingly expressive little smile; only a Butler could have conveyed without words both forgiveness and the assurance that no forgiveness was necessary. “I shall redouble my efforts to protect your free time during this brief vacation, my lady. A delegation has arrived from the Elven Confederacy, accompanied by seven citizens of Tiraan Province liberated from captivity by House Dalmiss. You instructed that this be brought directly to your attention should it transpire, and in any case, the leader of this embassy demands your presence.”

“I see,” she said, chewing her bottom lip for a moment. “Well. That, in fact, is an extremely important matter. Girls, I am so sorry to do this yet again,” the Duchess continued, turning to her friends with a rueful expression.

“I shall never resent you for placing duty first,” Szith assured her with a deep nod.

“Yeah, you told us up front this was likely to happen,” Iris agreed, stepping forward to give Ravana a quick hug. “It’s okay, don’t you worry about us. We’re being ridiculously pampered by your staff, it’s not like it’s an imposition.”

“How about this, then?” Maureen suggested. “Tonight, we’ll all ‘ave a sleepover, an’ swap gossip like we used to back at the dorm. It’ll be just like old times!”

“I say, I like that idea!” Ravana said, smiling broadly. “We can stay in my chambers; goodness knows I have the room. After the Wells, my own bedroom feels rather like a museum.”

“It’s a date!” Iris promised.

“I’m looking forward to it,” said Ravana, nodding to each of them. “I apologize again for running off on you like this, but I’m afraid it doesn’t do to leave foreign dignitaries twiddling their thumbs. Especially not after I’ve gone to all the trouble of blackmailing them.”

She turned to go, but not before seeing a cluster of alarmed expressions

There were fourteen individuals awaiting her in the great hall, seven elves and seven humans. Ravana’s first observation, even before she took note of her own liberated people, was that not one of the elven delegates was a drow.

In fact, it seemed clear that all seven were high elves. Four were evidently military escorts rather than diplomats, standing stiffly at attention in a formation enclosing the cluster of humans and all clad in armor that seemed made of blue glass and gold plating. Just as Malivette and Natchua had described, though at the time Ravana had privately thought it sounded wildly implausible. It looked wildly implausible, but…there it was.

To judge by the other three, Qestrali fashions ran to long robes, inordinate amounts of jewelry, and lavish hairstyles. There were two men and a woman, all with long hair; one of the men wore his down his back in an elaborate cascade of braids, while the other two had theirs wound about their heads in extravagant styles. The woman’s was actually draped over a sapphire-encrusted halo of gold which hovered along behind her head under some enchantment, bobbing like a buoy as she paced slowly up and down the columned hall to examine the hanging banners. All three had robes woven with glowing patterns; the man in the lead, whose ostentatious coif was held in place by three bejeweled hairsticks, actually had large and heavy-looking shoulderpads of solid gold which hovered above rather than resting upon his thin shoulders.

Any Imperial House worthy of the title could afford to bedeck its members in such wealth, up to and including the decorative enchantments. Ravana was less sure about the feasibility of enchanting accessories to float along with clothes, simply because it would never have occurred to her to do such a thing. By Imperial standards, such ostentation was gauche in the extreme. In her opinion, excessive flaunting of luxury revealed a critical weakness of character. The question was whether this was the standard in Qestraceel, or they were trying to impress her specifically.

If the latter, they were broadly ignorant of Imperial customs, which had significant implications.

The seven humans were clumped together in clear unease bordering on outright fear, staying as far as they physically could from the Highguard escorting them. All wore dark robes of Narisian style, looking downright plain next to the surrounding elves. No coats were in evidence, but they showed no sign of having been recently chilled, so at least their escort had provided some magical protection from the cold. She also noted that they were all under thirty, five men and two women, and all notably attractive specimens of humanity.

A reminder of exactly what the Narisian elite usually wanted human slaves for, those execrable darkling bastards. Ravana had definitely arranged all this for broader political goals, but when now faced with the reality of it, the surge of revulsion and outrage she experienced was genuine. Not that she allowed any of it to show upon her face. There was a time and place for such openness, but this was not it.

Most of the elves and all of the humans were watching her and her own escort long before they met them midway through the great hall, though the man with the levitating shoulderpads was the last to look up; he was staring up at the hall’s chandeliers with a fixed frown until Ravana herself was barely five yards away. Surely he’d seen magical lights before. His clothes alone carried far more impressive enchantments than her fairy lamps.

“Ah,” he said in a peremptory tone, meeting her eyes and lifting his chin. “You are Duchess Madouri, then?”

She arched one eyebrow at his rudeness, saying nothing.

Ravana had arrived flanked by Veilwin and Lord-Captain Arivani, the commander of her House guard, with Yancey following discreetly and four of her own soldiers marching in formation behind—a detail Yancey had no doubt ordered to mirror the elves’ display.

Arivani was sufficiently disciplined not to scowl openly at guests in a formal greeting, but his expression was icy as he lifted his battlestaff to strike its butt against the marble floor with a sound that rang through the cavernous hall.

“You are in the presence of her Grace, the Duchess Ravana Firouzeh Laila Madouri, High Seat of the House of Madouri, Imperial Governor of Tiraan Province and Lady Protector of Madouris.”

That was not technically the correct greeting, nor his place to issue it, but she employed Arivani for his military competence and his personal loyalty to her, not his diplomatic skills. Besides, in this specific case, asserting who was in charge in this house did happen to be the correct action.

“Welcome to Madouris,” she said simply, a far cooler greeting than she’d so recently given the delegation from Veilgrad.

The other two high elves executed shallow bows in her direction, but the man who was apparently in the lead just pursed his lips in visible annoyance, his green eyes flicking over each of them in turn. It ultimately settled, but not on Ravana.

“What bloodline are you from?” he demanded, staring at Veilwin.

“Ah, ah, ah,” she chided, wagging a finger at him. “I’m honest grove stock, not from your fancy-pants city under the sea. If you’re thinking about trying to haul me back there, forget it.”

“Under the sea,” Ravana said aloud, allowing her eyebrows to lift in surprise. “Why…of course! I’d always heard it floated, but that makes so much more sense. There’s no need even to hide it if no one can dive that deep, after all.”

All three high elves fixed glares on Veilwin.

The Court Wizard grinned broadly and uttered the single most insincere “Oops” Ravana had ever heard, even after two years at Last Rock.

Finally tearing his gaze off the sorceress, the elves’ leader squared his shoulders and turned back to Ravana with a curt little nod. “I am Magister Danoris of Qestraceel, representing the diplomatic interests of the Confederacy. We’re here to oversee the previous agreed prisoner exchange. As soon as you produce Matriarch Ezrakhai’s daughter, you may have these…people, and we can all return to our own business with a minimum of further fuss.”

“She took the Matriarch’s daughter?” one of the Imperial women burst out in shock, then immediately clapped both hands over her mouth and tried to hide behind several of her fellows. In fact, the majority of the group huddled more closely together in a manner that made Ravana freshly furious at what must have been done to so cow them.

Not all, though. The shorter of the two men actually surged forward, ignoring the two Highguard who shifted to face him. They did not physically stop him, though, and he came up to stand abreast of the Magister, where he fell to one knee and bowed his head.

“My Lady,” he said in a voice coarse with emotion, “I swear by Omnu’s name, I am your man for life.”

“Rise,” Ravana ordered, keeping her voice calm. “And welcome home. You are a citizen of the Tiraan Empire, and now safe in your own land. This is a civilized country. Here, you will not be compelled to any obeisance that deprives you of basic dignity.”

He did stand, but hesitantly, and raised his head enough to peek shyly up at her. The expression on his face held a fervor she had usually only seen on people at religious services.

Interesting. Ravana made a mental note to keep track of these seven as they were re-integrated into society. Pawns they might be in this game, but a pawn which crossed the entire board as they had could be shaped into any piece.

“Right,” Danoris said, clearly unimpressed. “The prisoner, if you please?”

“Yes, that was the agreement,” she replied, turning a wintry little smile upon him. “I have given orders that she be prepared and can be handed over quite shortly. Of course, we must execute due diligence to ensure our own interests. As soon as the identity of these citizens has been verified, the exchange can be completed. Lord-Captain, please escort the civilians to the specialists I have arranged.”

“My lady,” Arivani acknowledged, saluting.

“Excuse me,” Magister Danoris interjected sharply, “but the essence of a prisoner exchange is that you get yours when we get ours. Not before.”

“This is a formality,” she stated, still wearing that tiny smile, “but a crucial one. I have fae magic users standing by who can verify true identities; imagine the embarrassment for all concerned if the Matriarch had sent me the wrong people. And since I am not the party here who has made a long-standing practice of enslaving citizens under false pretenses in a violation of treaty, it is not my word which is in question here.”

“You forcibly abducted—”

“Prove it,” Ravana demanded, widening her smile at his incredulous expression. “But! As a gesture of good faith, in acknowledgment of the Confederacy’s interests and to emphasize that my dispute is solely with House Dalmiss and not Qestraceel or the Elven Confederacy as a whole, I of course invite you to delegate one of your magic specialists and as many of your military escort as you deem necessary to observe the process. Perhaps you will find it intellectually interesting; I’m told fae magic differs vastly in methodology from your own.”

“My lady,” the man who had knelt to her said earnestly, dry-washing his hands, “my name is Samir Talvadegh, I’m from Tiraas and my family lives right here in Madouris, they’ll vouch for me—”

“I believe you, Mr. Talvadegh,” Ravana said gently. “I do not suspect foul play, but it is critically important that these things be done in the proper manner, and duly witnessed and recorded. This is not Tar’naris. As I am certain our noble guests from the graceful civilization of Qestraceel can attest, in an actual society the documentation of important events is an absolute necessity. Particularly when it concerns something as crucial as the relationships between sovereign nations.”

“It is to the advantage of all parties,” the female high elf said softly, “to have a verification on record to which observers from both sides have agreed, Magister Danoris. Not to mention,” she added with another shallow bow toward Ravana, “that we are all cognizant of the stakes involved, and none here would risk the ongoing negotiations between the Confederacy and the Empire by dealing falsely with one another.”

“Just so,” Ravana agreed, nodding courteously. “In particular, further diplomatic incidents must not be risked, after this morning’s events in Veilgrad.”

At that, Danoris’s scowl deepened, and two of the Highguard shifted to glare at her directly. Ravana took note that these elves were as well-informed as they were undisciplined. Really, she had never met either diplomats or professional soldiers who had such poor control of their emotions. Was this the result of too many millennia at the bottom of the sea, never having to test their wits against legitimate rivals? If this was what all high elves were like, the Imperial nobility would devour them like a school of piranha, and the Narisians had undoubtedly already made puppets of them.

Which, now that she considered it in those terms, would explain a lot.

“I’m given to understand that fae spells can be imprecise in execution,” Ravana said when no one else spoke for a handful of seconds, “but rest assured, I will take every measure to ensure the comfort of guests while the necessary is attended to, however long that may take. I pride myself on hospitality. In fact!” She put on a sudden broad smile as if just having an idea. “I believe I know just the thing to entertain such distinguished visitors while necessary formalities are carried out. This Manor is but a short distance from the Falconer Industries factory, the pride and principal economic pillar of Madouris. Veilwin can teleport us there for a quick tour and right back with no time lost.”

“We are not here to sightsee,” Danoris spat.

“I would welcome the opportunity to observe an Imperial enchanting facility firsthand,” the other male Qestrali said, his softer tone a deliberate counterpoint to their leader’s overt ire.

“Indeed, it sounds fascinating,” agreed the woman, fixing Danoris with a very pointed look.

“It goes without saying,” Ravana added smoothly, “the elves of Qestraceel have nothing to learn about arcane magic from the likes of us. Nonetheless, I believe you will find this…instructive, Magister.”

And even if he did not, she would.

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16 – 13

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They were met at the gates of Madouri Manor by an actual Butler, who introduced himself as Yancey and provided their escort into the house itself, where they were to meet the Duchess.

Compared to its counterparts in Veilgrad, Madouri Manor seemed more like the capital of a nation than the residence of a noble family. Uniformed guards stood at attention flanking the entrance despite the cold, and inside, the trappings were almost decadently lavish, with white marble columns and wall facades interspersed with suits of armor and tapestries, while from the towering ceiling hung banners in the House colors of crimson and gray. The great entry hall itself resembled a throne room, and seemed large enough to contain the entirety of Dufresne Manor.

“This place is ridiculous,” Sherwin grumbled, slouching along with his hands jammed deep in his pockets, partly against the chill; no amount of wealth made it practical to heat a space that size in the dead of winter. “Is this supposed to be a mansion or a cathedral? The Madouris were always full of themselves, even for nobles.”

“Sherwin,” Malivette said evenly, “try, if you are able, to imagine a person with basic manners and social skills. And then, for today, pretend to be that person.”

“How about you kiss my ass, Vette?” he suggested. “You’re the one who was so damn determined to make me come here today. Now you can live with it.”

Though he was facing away from her, she flashed her fangs. “Are you sure you want my mouth near anything sensitive, Sherwin?”

“Lay off him, you smug lamprey,” Natchua ordered. “All Sherwin wanted was to stay in his house and not bother anybody. That’s probably in everybody’s best interests. If you’re gonna keep dragging him out places, you can at least not bully him about it.”

“Thank you!” Sherwin exclaimed.

Perhaps fortunately, there was no time for further byplay, as they had drawn close enough to their hostess to be addressed.

Ravana Madouri herself stood before the centerpiece of the long hall, which was not actually a throne but a bronze statue of some ancient Duke of Madouris, atop a marble base itself taller than the human average, on the front of which was carved the crest of House Madouri; Ravana had, doubtless not by accident, positioned herself so that the coat of arms perfectly framed her golden head.

“Duchess Malivette,” she said graciously, inclining her head. “Duke Sherwin. It is an honor to finally meet you both. And Natchua! How wonderful to see you again.”

“I thank you for your magnanimity, Duchess Ravana, in agreeing to host us,” Malivette replied, inclining her head to exactly the same degree. “I apologize profusely for thus imposing upon you; my deepest gratitude to you for agreeing to this meeting.”

“It is no imposition at all,” Ravana assured her. “It suits me perfectly, as I’m afraid I cannot afford to be long away from Madouris while I have time home from Last Rock, and in any case hospitality is one of the great joys of my life.”

“Yo,” Sherwin grunted. “Seriously, just call me Sherwin. My House is barely a thing anymore, and good damn riddance to it.”

“Of course, Sherwin,” she said smoothly. “I’m so glad to be on such good terms already! Please, you must call me Ravana.”

“Hi, Ravana,” Natchua said a bit tersely. “Long time, no see.”

“I do hope you can stay long enough for us to catch up, Natchua!” Ravana said with an apparently sincere smile. “I believe the last time we spoke was during all that excitement when the campus was invaded.”

“Excitement is one word,” she agreed, then turned her head toward Sherwin. “Not to change the subject, but I didn’t know you were a Duke! You should’ve told me, I feel like I’ve been rude all this time.”

“You have,” he said frankly. “That’s why I like you, rudeness is more my speed anyway. Seriously, it’s just Sherwin. Say Duke and then my last name, Natchua. Go on, say it out loud.”

She didn’t, but paused to consider for a moment, then grinned. “Ah. I see your point.”

“I have a suitable chamber prepared for us to converse in private,” Ravana said politely, “if you would be so good as to accompany me. Natchua, will you be joining us?”

“Oh, I’m just the transportation,” Natchua said quickly. “Last thing I want is to intrude on noble business. If you’ve got a servant’s lounge or something where I can hang out until it’s time for Vette and Sherwin to go home, that’d be just dandy.”

“Actually, since you’re here, why don’t you come with?” Malivette suggested brightly. “I hadn’t planned on you being along for this trip, Natch, but I bet you’d be very interested in the discussion! In fact, the outcome might be important to you, too.”

Natchua turned to stare at her, sucking her lips back in between her teeth and biting down. The vampire just smiled innocently back.

“Yep,” she said after a moment, shifting her gaze to Ravana. “Figures. You two’ll get along great. Didja know, last time we met Ravana and I were both curse victims, and she somehow convinced our whole party to go torture a dryad instead of running away from a battle like sensible people. It was every bit as asinine as it sounds, but in the heat of the moment she starts talking and the next thing you know, you’re doing whatever harebrained thing she suggested and damn if it doesn’t seem to make perfect sense at the time.”

“Oh,” Sherwin said dourly. “One of those.”

“I apologize for that, and in advance for everything else Duke Leduc is going to say,” Malivette said sweetly, ignoring his twitch. “He is not accustomed to being outside his bedroom, or speaking to anyone except demons.”

“Oh, but this all works out splendidly,” Ravana said, her pleasant good cheer undiminished. “I should be delighted to have Natchua join us. In fact, if you don’t mind, I would like to include my lady in waiting, unless your business is too sensitive. May I present Daina Antevaan. Daina, these are the Duchess Malivette Dufresne of Veilgrad, Duke Sherwin Leduc, and my old school friend Natchua.”

Another woman approached from the shadow of a colonnade lining the great hall, a statuesque blonde who had hair a shade darker than Ravana’s and stood head and shoulders taller than her Duchess.

“It is an honor,” she said tonelessly, the brief greeting hinting at an accent that was neither Imperial nor Stalweiss. Her blue eyes fixed on Sherwin, narrowed slightly.

“The pleasure is ours, of course,” Malivette replied. “The matter I wish to discuss is somewhat sensitive, Ravana, but anyone who has your trust has my own. We don’t object in the slightest. Right, Sherwin?”

“I seriously don’t care about any of this,” he complained, looking somewhat unnerved by Daina’s continued appraisal of him, which was both intense and icy. “I’m just here because Vette is pushy, and she hasn’t even bothered to tell me what the big deal is yet. All of you do what you want.”

“Splendid,” Ravana said brightly. “If you would accompany me, then? I have had refreshments laid out for us.”

She turned and led the way toward a towering archway opening onto another long columned hall, this one far more compact than the great entryway but just as lavish in décor. Before following, Natchua, who had been staring bemusedly at Daina, suddenly gasped.

The blonde woman finally tore her eyes off Sherwin to meet Natchua’s gaze, and they stared at each other in tense silence for a moment.

Malivette finally cleared her throat. Pausing only to glance at her, Daina inclined her head once in acknowledgment, then turned and glided off after Ravana, who had paused under the arch to wait for them.

The party proceeded after their hostess in silence, even Sherwin apparently cowed by the tension in the air. It was a terse few minutes, which served to further accentuate the sprawling size and confused layout of Madouri Manor, but they finally came to another tall oak door with an arched top, currently standing open to reveal an ornately appointed sitting room far larger than was necessary for their small group. Ravana came to a stop next to the door and gestured them inside, still smiling.

Natchua drifted to the back of the procession, save only Yancey, who trailed diffidently along with several yards of space between him and the guests. Upon coming abreast of the door and their smiling hostess, instead of turning to enter the room, Natchua grabbed Ravana by the upper arm and kept going, stepping forward till the two of them were just out of sight of those within.

Yancey was on top of her almost as if he’d teleported, but he only placed himself nearby and pointedly within her field of view, holding off from any more direct action at a subtle hand gesture from Ravana.

“What the hell do you think you’re playing at?” Natchua growled in a low tone, leaning forward. Malivette could probably still hear her, but at least Sherwin would be kept out of the loop.

Ravana, looking only mildly bemused at this treatment, raised one eyebrow. “I’m afraid you’ll need to be considerably more specific, Natchua.”

“I’m talking about putting Scorn in a room with Sherwin Leduc!” she hissed. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Oh, drat,” the young Duchess said with a little pout. “You can tell that easily? And after all the effort it took to design a disguise ring that would work on her; Rhaazke seem somewhat resistant to applied enchantments.”

“Wh—no, I’m sure it’s fine, I’m the best warlock you’ll ever meet. That is not the point, Ravana!”

“What I am playing at, in your words,” Ravana murmured, matching Natchua’s low volume but with considerably more calm, “is testing her restraint. She is justifiably repulsed and enraged by the sight of him, and given Malivette’s presence, is unlikely to successfully harm him in the worst case scenario. Really, it’s an ideal opportunity!”

Natchua tightened her grip and tugged the girl forward, baring her teeth. “People are not toys for you to experiment on for your amusement, Duchess.”

At that, Ravana’s pleasant expression abruptly cooled, and she finally grabbed Natchua’s hand with her free one and pried it off her arm. “Toys, is it? Scorn is one of the more physically and magically powerful individuals in the world at present, but arrived on this plane with a notable lack of nuance, subtlety, and self-control. With my help, over the last year, she has been gaining these qualities, and doing an excellent job, I might add. I am turning her into someone neither I nor anyone else could hope to control, because she is my friend, and I want what’s best for her. Everyone deserves to live free and empowered, yet most people never will. If I failed to share what I know of the method with someone important to me, that would be treating them like a toy. And given that you are blatantly using Sherwin himself for free room and board, Natchua, you should perhaps pause and consider your prerogatives before you begin flinging accusations.”

Natchua narrowed her eyes to slits. “If not for me, Sherwin would still be hiding in his room. I’m the reason your little campaign to draw him into your politics has yielded anything at all.”

“Why, there, you see?” Ravana said primly, suddenly all smiles again. “It’s just as I said. We do what we can for those close to us, even if it is sometimes uncomfortable for them. And now, I believe we are keeping the others waiting.”

So saying, she nodded once, then stepped around Natchua and the door and glided in.

Yancey remained behind, watching Natchua impassively until she threw up her hands in frustration and followed the blonde Duchess into the parlor.

“There you are, I was beginning to worry,” Malivette said with deceptive mildness as Natchua perched beside her on the loveseat she’d chosen. A cozy arrangement of furnishings surrounded a low table on which was laid out a tea set complete with platters of sandwiches and scones. Sherwin was sprawled in an armchair with a disgruntled expression, while Scorn in the guise of Daina Antevaan perched on the edge of another seat in an almost excessively ladylike posture. She had finally broken off her grim stare at Sherwin, her eyes now tracking Natchua. Rhaazke hearing was no better than human, and Natchua had sensed no infernomancy at work in here, so the demon shouldn’t have caught any of her quick conversation with Ravana, but she was definitely sharp enough to know something was up. Malivette leaned toward Natchua, regaining her attention, and murmured, “Remember what I said to Sherwin about social skills? Same goes.”

“Remember what he said back to you?” Natchua muttered in reply. The vampire had the temerity to flutter her eyelashes at her.

“I must, woefully, apologize for the state of my hospitality, Malivette,” Ravana said once they were all seated, an ironic statement as Yancey was already deftly distributing tea. Without having to ask, he gave Natchua a cup with exactly as much honey as she liked. “In point of fact, more than one of my ancestors regularly played host to vampires, and there is a unique human blood cookbook among my steward’s hereditary effects. Unfortunately, it seems to presume means of acquiring the essential ingredient which were not ethical even then, and most definitely are not legal now.”

“On the contrary, I’d be a bit disturbed if you had provided me refreshments,” Malivette replied with a wink. “Don’t you worry, I get plenty to eat.”

“No, you don’t,” Sherwin grunted. “Look at you, Vette, you’re like a scarecrow. Those four thralls are enough to keep you alive without sucking any of them dry, and that’s about it.”

“That’s a very cheerful thing to bring up in mixed company, Sherwin, thank you,” she said with a tiny sigh. “Daina” shifted her stare back to him, thinning her mouth in overt dislike. “Under the circumstances, I hope you won’t be offended if I come right to business.”

Ravana glanced at Sherwin and then Natchua, her polite little smile widening to the point of real amusement. “Perhaps that would be best.”

“I’m for it,” Sherwin mumbled around a bite of cucumber sandwich.

“I’m going to narrate a bit,” Malivette continued, “for the benefit of those who haven’t been raised in the traditions of the aristocracy. Sherwin and Ravana doubtless know all this background detail, but it will help our newcomers to follow along.”

“Hey, works for me.” Sherwin took a loud slurp of tea, then waved his cup vaguely at her. “If I ever knew any of that shit I’ve worked hard to forget it.”

“The three houses of Dufresne, Leduc, and Madouri are in the same predicament, certain specific details aside,” Malivette said, no longer paying him any overt attention. “Our bloodlines are reduced to a single individual each, with no heir available. In this situation, the meanest cobbler in the Empire can legally adopt someone to hand down whatever possessions he may have upon death, but as part of the reforms which followed the Enchanter Wars, the Houses are constrained in this ability. Most of those reforms actually expanded the powers of the aristocracy at the expense of the Throne, but this was an example of the Great Houses acting to enable themselves to…cull the weak, as it were. Once a noble House has been reduced to the point that it cannot perpetuate its own bloodline, it is forbidden from adding new members to the family through adoption. Thus, faltering Houses are encouraged to die off so that their rivals can more easily scavenge their remains.”

“Good fuckin’ riddance,” Sherwin grunted. A short silence fell, in which everyone turned to stare at him, and he had the grace to blush and straighten up a bit. “I mean, ah… I’m sure you both come from very nice families, I was just referring to my case. Nothing good has ever come out of House Leduc and nobody’ll miss us.”

“Daina” opened her mouth, Ravana shot her a piercing sidelong look, and she shut it silently.

“The adoption of new heirs can be done,” Malivette continued, disregarding the byplay, “but there are checks upon it. For any of the three of us to designate a new family member and heir to our legacies would require the approval of either the Silver Throne itself, or two other Great Houses. This, unfortunately, will not be forthcoming in our case. Though Ravana and myself have both worked diligently to prove our loyalty to the Throne, there is no advantage to House Tirasian in helping us to perpetuate our lineages when the Emperor benefits far more from keeping us subservient and dependent. And it goes without saying that none of the other Houses in the Empire want any of us to continue, least of all any of the Great Houses.”

“Uh, scuze me?” Natchua raised a hand, and Malivette nodded graciously to her. “What exactly is a Great House? I didn’t realize there was a hierarchy.”

“There is always a hierarchy,” Ravana said with dark amusement. “Those who are by nature obsessed with power tend to be…well…obsessed with power. Specifically, a Great House is one which holds an Imperial governorship. As the Imperial provinces are each on average the size of most nations of the world and mostly used to be independent kingdoms, they are effectively the families of kings and queens, subordinate only to the Emperor himself.”

“And there,” Malivette said with a grin, “is a loophole. Because, by the law, a Great House is one which holds or has held provincial rule.”

“Yes, like House Dalkhaan,” Ravana agreed, nodding. “You remember those thugs in ill-fitting livery who assaulted the University, as we were just reminiscing, Natchua? Guardsmen of House Dalkhaan, which by that point was nothing but a single bitter old woman presiding over a desiccated husk of a legacy. Yet because one of her ancestors was a Sultana of Calderaas, she was entitled to style herself a Duchess.”

“Oh!” Natchua turned to Sherwin. “And that’s why you’re a Duke! Because the Leducs and Dufresnes have been trading rule of Veilgrad back and forth for centuries.”

“Fat lot of good it did ‘em,” he grumbled.

“Ravana already knows the direction of my thoughts,” Malivette said with a coy smile. “You hinted at this from your earliest correspondence. But I believe, by now, you all understand what I now suggest.”

“Even though all three of your Houses lack allies,” Daina said softly, “you can form an alliance yourselves. Override the prohibition on adoption, designate heirs, and secure the continuation of your families, if not the actual bloodlines. Will that not invite retaliation?”

“None of us have much to fear from the other Houses,” Malivette stated. “Another point we have in common is that we have been left in peace by them because every sensible, self-interested noble family in the Empire fears to antagonize any of us, with some justification. I share a border with the holdings of House Daraspian, and even they haven’t dared try to stick their grubby fingers into Veilgrad. And I am but the newest monster of the trio; House Leduc has spent centuries demonstrating that to draw their ire is lethally dangerous. House Madouri’s reputation is a trifle less specifically fearsome, but it is still the single richest and longest-reigning House in the Empire, and not known to deal gently with rivals.”

“That leaves the Throne, though,” Natchua commented. “Can’t imagine Sharidan will be pleased about you going behind his back. Uh, just let me know if I’m talking too much, I realize this is none of my business.”

“On the contrary, Natchua, I’m quite pleased to see you taking an interest,” Malivette reassured her. “And yes, you are right. This suggestion is, by nature, somewhat antagonistic toward the Throne. But, as I said, the Dufresnes and Madouris of this age are established allies of House Tirasian, and this is not a direct attack upon its power—merely an assertion of independence, one which the Emperor is in no position to begrudge. I believe we can soothe any ruffled feathers through continued demonstrations of loyalty. Especially if we can bring House Leduc into the fold.”

“Right, well, I’m out,” Sherwin said shortly. “I don’t mind doing you two a favor; you seem like decent sorts, the both of you, at least as far as nobles go. Just lemme know when you’ve got all the paperwork and I’ll sign whatever. But House Leduc needs to die.”

“You’re wrong about that,” Malivette said, turning a serious expression on him. “Like it or not, Sherwin, Veilgrad needs the Leducs.”

“Bullshit,” he snorted. “I am by far the most benign member of my family since the conquest of the Stalrange, and let’s face it, the best thing that can be said about me is I’ve only ever harmed demons. Nobody fucking needs the Leducs.”

“There has been a balance in Veilgrad,” she said, her soft voice a pointed contrast to his gruffness, “one whose importance has only truly become clear to me since it was broken. We had the upright and righteous Dufresnes to reassure the people and provide guidance, and the sinister and dangerous Leducs to exert pressure on those who would encroach on our domain, not to mention the horrors that have a tendency to arise in the region. Let’s face it, our corner of the Empire is unusually prone to… Things that bump in the night. The vampire who destroyed my family may have been from one of the deadliest lineages, but lesser breeds have plagued the area for centuries. The werewolf problem has been ongoing for at least as long, there is a long tradition of necromancers infesting the area, and the mountain forests nearby are prone to coughing up some of the more disturbing breeds of fairy found on this continent. Not to mention that we are caught right between Avenist and Shaathist territory, with all the tension that implies, and the Daraspians aren’t the only house down in Vrandis who like to do the kind of business that spills trouble over into other people’s backyards. Veilgrad has always benefited from having its dark protectors, even as it has from its nobler family of leaders. I, finding myself alone, have tried to do both, and… I have to acknowledge, my hold is slipping. The chaos crisis was only the worst example, not by far the only one.”

There was silence in the wake of her soft admission, Ravana looking solicitous and even Sherwin frowning at the vampire in thought.

“My steward, Lars Grusser,” Malivette continued after a moment, “already effectively runs the province. He is both competent and popular, a reassuring presence who fills exactly the role that House Dufresne traditionally has. By adopting him into the House itself and continuing its name and holdings, I would only be legally legitimizing the de facto state of affairs. Ravana, of course, is still young enough to have plenty of time to produce an heir the old-fashioned way, but in the interim, having a designated successor will help to stabilize her rule.”

Ravana nodded once.

“And Sherwin,” Malivette went on, turning back to him.

“No,” he growled. “The last goddamn thing I want is more Leducs around.”

“Upon adopting an heir,” Malivette pressed, “you can immediately abdicate the High Seat and go back to enjoying your privacy while they handle the actual business of being Veilgrad nobility.”

“Anybody who might want that position absolutely can’t be trusted with it,” he snorted.

“He’s got a point,” Natchua agreed. “Not to rain on your parade, Vette, but take it from the world’s foremost expert: warlocks are a lot more trouble than they’re worth.”

“Ah,” Malivette said with a knowing smile. “But imagine if there was an ideally suitable candidate! Someone able to continue House Leduc’s tradition of infernomancy. Someone already known, liked, and trusted by the people. Someone well-regarded throughout the Empire and held in esteem by the Throne itself. Someone who has already shown care and concern for Veilgrad’s people, and involved herself in the community. Someone who, umprompted, is has even taken it upon herself to restore Leduc Manor to its former glory.” Her smile broadened, showing off her fangs. “Someone who, just as an added bonus, is functionally immortal.”

“Now just a goddamned minute,” Natchua squawked.

“Hmm,” Ravana murmured, turning an expression of delighted fascination upon the drow.

“And let me put it to you this way, Sherwin,” Malivette crooned, ignoring Natchua’s spluttering. “Tell me which would more enrage the ghosts of your parents: to let House Leduc quietly fade from the world, or to hand over their entire legacy to an irascible, stateless, juvenile dark elf?”

He, in turn, shifted to study Natchua. A malicious smile slowly blossomed on his face, followed by an exact replication of Ravana’s tone. “Hmm.”

“Sherwin, you backstabbing little earwig!” Natchua shouted.

“You even sound like my mother,” her replied, grinning openly.

“This is the single worst idea I’ve ever heard!” the drow exclaimed, waving her arms frantically. “I mean that, and I’m the one who deliberately picked a fight with Elilial! I am the last person who needs to be in charge of a province!”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Natchua,” Malivette said in a cooler tone. “It is still House Dufresne, not House Leduc, which rules Lower Stalwar Province. But that is just my point: the things you have already been doing for the city all this autumn are exactly what good non-ruling nobility should do.”

“I was just bored!”

“You were bored, and so you spent your time and resources making people’s lives a little better, in whatever ways were available to you. That’s exactly what people want in an aristocrat, and what so few aristocrats actually do in practice.”

“I—that—you—this isn’t—fucking—”

“Natchua,” Malivette said, softly and more seriously. “To be frank, not only do I think you would be good for the province, but I think this is exactly what you need.”

“You should see about sucking some of that blood directly to your brain!”

“There is your immediate problem with the Confederacy and House Dalmiss,” the vampire said relentlessly. “Right now you are stateless and thus vulnerable. You pretty much can’t apply for normal Imperial citizenship; all that demon-summoning is not going to be looked on positively, war hero or no. As an isolated exile, you’re one lapse in security from suffering whatever vengeance your erstwhile Matriarch sends at you next. But as the Duchess Leduc, you would be untouchable. Even if the Throne and the other nobles actively despised you—which, let’s be honest, isn’t unlikely—they would not tolerate such an assault upon Imperial aristocracy. The powerful will always protect their own position first and foremost.”

“Yeah, well… I mean, in theory, but I still don’t…”

“More to the point,” Malivette continued more gently, “I think this would be good for you. You had one purpose that was keeping you going, one you weren’t expecting to survive past its completion, and then… It was done, and here you still are. I know you’ve been floundering, Natch, trying to find your place. You’ve found it in Veilgrad. This is just making it official.”

“This is a little more official than I had in mind!”

“Welp, you’ve sold me,” Sherwin said cheerfully. “The more I hear about this, the more I like it.”

“Goddammit, Sherwin!” Natchua snapped.

“Hey, Natch, lemme pitch you the point that changed my mind,” he said, grinning. “Just take a moment and imagine your mother’s expression when she hears about this.”

That brought Natchua up short, staring at him with her mouth slightly open. After two heartbeats, she closed it, struggling against a small smile. “Well… Okay, that’s a pleasing thought, but…”

“I quite like this idea!” Ravana said brightly. “I do feel, though, that I may owe you an apology, Natchua.”

The drow narrowed her eyes, shifting them to the blonde Duchess. “Oh? What’d you do this time?”

“I am sorry to hear you have been having trouble from House Dalmiss,” Ravana said earnestly. “I confess, I may have been somewhat responsible for provoking them. You see, the Narisian slave trade has ensnared several of my citizens into involuntary servitude to various members of your former House. I felt that Matriarch Ezrakhai could do with a practical lesson in empathy on this matter. As such, I have her daughter in my dungeon.”

Everyone stared at her in dead silence.

“It is a very comfortable dungeon,” Ravana insisted. “I had it thoroughly renovated before installing anyone. I subscribe to the modern philosophy that there is more to be gained by showing consideration to political prisoners than by making them suffer needlessly. Of course, it may all be moot if Ezrakhai proves to be stubborn and I have to begin mailing her fingers and ears, but still. The principle of the thing, you understand.”

The silence continued for three more seconds, and then Natchua burst out laughing so hard she slid right off the loveseat.

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13 – 45

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“You went and tattled on me?” Professor Yornhaldt said with uncharacteristic exasperation, the result of his last several minutes spent trying to chivvy the students gathered in the rear hall into groups while simultaneously arguing with his colleagues. “Mister Finchley, really.”

“Whoah, now. First of all!” Fedora smoothly inserted himself between Yornhaldt and Finchley, pointing two fingers at his own eyes. “You got a problem with one of my boys, Prof, you take it up with me. And second, you’re goddamn right he went an’ tattled. Good man, Finchley. Oy, Emilio! Were you seriously gonna let him do this?”

“Rest assured, I argued against it,” Professor Ezzaniel said dryly, leaning against Radivass’s stand with his arms folded. “But Alaric has seniority here, and Arachne’s absence does not make this a democracy.”

“I am tired of this debate,” Yornhadt said irritably. “With the sanctuary effect compromised—” He broke off momentarily as Fedora darted forward, trying to punch him in the nose. The incubus’s fist, of course, halted inches away. “Yes, Murgatroyd, I know, but we have also verified that it is beginning to weaken! The students’ safety is of paramount—”

“Okay, here’s your problem,” Fedora interrupted. “First rule of any engagement: know your enemy.” Ezzaniel nodded emphatically, but did not interject as the Inspector continued. “You’re thinking like a wizard, and if we were dealing with a wizard, I’d rely entirely on your judgment, Professor.”

“We are dealing with a warlock, which in terms of—”

“The warlock’s a stooge, at best,” Fedora said dismissively.

“Forgive me,” Yornhaldt snapped, “it seems I keep trying to speak while you are interrupting. Murgatroyd, I don’t even know what that fog effect is, which means this individual—”

“It’s called the Fog of War, and it’s a closely guarded Salyrite secret,” Fedora retorted, ignoring Yornhaldt’s exasperated sigh at being cut off yet again. “You don’t wanna know what I had to go through to learn that spell even exists. The Topaz College is very careful not to bust that out where the Black Wreath might see it and figure out the trick. Which is beside the point: don’t worry about that warlock! He or she is hired muscle, period. The man in charge is that Hand of the Emperor, and he does not think like a wizard, he thinks like an operative. His enemy is in a secure, virtually untouchable position, so rather than bash his head on that in some kind of magical pissing contest he’ll maneuver to get us out, and that is what we are seeing! Fog blinding us, demons coming at the front door and our invincible magic protection on the fritz. He’s made going out the back the most attractive option, which means… Anyone?”

“Means that’s what he wants us to do,” said Gilbert Mosk, who stood at the forefront of the students unabashedly listening to this exchange.

“Bingo!” Fedora crowed. “And when do you do what your enemy wants you to do?”

Hildred tentatively raised a hand. “…never?”

“I was looking for ‘fucking never,’ but I’ll accept that, Hil.”

“Actually,” Ezzaniel said mildly, “if you know more than your enemy it is a very strong ploy to make them think—”

“Thanks, Emilio, but you can stop helping.” Fedora folded his arms, leering at Yornhaldt. “Ergo, sending students out the back is the last bloody thing we should be contemplating, here!”

“It’s not that I don’t respect the logic of your arguments,” Yornhaldt said stubbornly. “I understood and acknowledged all that when Emilio was pointing it out a moment ago! But we must consider the stakes. I cannot, in good conscience, keep the entire student body pinned down in a position we know is not secure!”

“Alaric, he’s right.” Professor Ezzaniel’s calm tone was like a bucket of water on the increasing heat of the argument. “You are thinking like a mage. There are only two entrances to the Grim Visage, both small and accessible only by narrow bridges. Even if the sanctuary effect fails entirely, this is a phenomenally defensible structure. To abandon it would be folly.”

Yornhaldt dragged a hand over his lower face, heaving a deep sigh. In the momentary pause, the sound of the back door clicking shut captured everyone’s attention.

“Conover!” Fedora barked at the young man who had just slipped back inside. “What the goddamn hell do you think you were doing out there?!”

“Having a look,” Jerome said, unfazed by the demon’s ire. “I thought you might want to know, Inspector, you were right. We’re flanked; someone is coming up the bridge toward the door. And it’s Lorelin Reich, so it’s obviously a trap.”

“Reich?” Ezzaniel frowned deeply.

“Okay, how ’bout this.” Fedora turned back to Yornhaldt, tucking his thumbs behind the lapels of his rumpled trench coat. “Before we risk any kids either way, how’s about me and the boys go have a look-see? If there’s a trap, better it springs on us than the students. Fair?”

Another pause fell, in which Yornhaldt nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful.

Behind Fedora, Moriarty nudged Rook. “You’re not going to complain about having traps sprung on us?”

“The way I see it,” Rook replied philosophically, “we were always gonna die to something ridiculous and right out of a particularly half-assed chapbook. If we gotta go, I’d rather go doin’ my damn duty and protecting the kids. Wouldn’t you?”

“Well said,” Finchley agreed.

“Chapbooks.” Moriarty tilted his head. “…you can read?”

“Oh, fuck you,” Rook retorted, grinning broadly.

“Now, now, boys, save some for the villains,” Fedora said cheerfully, making a line for the rear door. “If we’re gonna play it up like it’s story time, you always banter in front of the enemy. Fall in, let’s go lick the strange glowing gem!”

“From anyone else, that’d be a figure of speech,” Rook commented as he brought up the rear, Fedora having already vanished through the doorway into the fog beyond. “You would not believe the shit this guy keeps in his pockets, though…”

“Hang on,” Rafe said suddenly when the last of the campus guards had vanished outside. “If I’m here, and Alaric’s here, and Emilio’s here, and our entire security department is now out there, who’s guarding the front?”

He was answered by shouting and the clatter of booted feet from the door to the Visage’s main commons, followed in just moments by the crack of lightning.

Most of the students present in the common room lost seconds to confusion and panic, but the very moment the front door burst open, Szith and Scorn both surged into action, placing themselves in front of the stairs to the second level, the Rhaazke with arms stretched and claws bared, the drow with her short sword upraised in a fighting stance.

Men in the shabbily-maintained livery of their House barreled inside in complete disorder, bellowing and brandishing battlestaves, and from the moment of their arrival, total chaos reigned.

The intruding soldiers pointed weapons threateningly, shouting orders—most of which were contradictory, demanding that students come quietly, back away, put their hands up, lie down, and more. Some seemed to just be shouting, wordlessly. In no semblance of a formation, they staggered into the room, quite accidentally blocking the door as the sheer press of their comrades pushed them further inward and to the sides.

At the same time, the University students began sorting themselves in response. Some clearly outperformed the invaders in terms of poise, and within seconds a ragged defensive line had stretched to either side of Scorn and Szith, consisting of eight youths wielding either blades or magic. Three shields, two of golden divine light and one of arcane blue, partially blocked them off from the troops. Behind them, though, more of their classmates either panicked or simply froze, some rooted in place and others streaming away toward the merchant hall were the professors were gathered, or toward the stairs to the rented rooms.

In the cacophony of shouts and scuffles, there was no telling who fired the first shot or why, but it was only seconds before one of the Dalkhaan guards discharged a staff. Immediately, lacking any better plan, the rest followed suit, and the din of screams rose amid the cracks and explosions of lightning.

The Grim Visage was still a sanctuary against significant violence, and no lightning bolt struck flesh. The effect had limits, however, and it was only moments before the magical shields were battered down by lightning bolts. Nor was the onslaught harmless, even aside from the panic it induced. The stone walls and furniture were not immune to violence, and it seemed that ricochets did not count as attacks to the sanctuary effect. Splinters and sharp chips of rock went flying, a few inevitably striking people.

The stink of smoke and ozone filled the air, and not a coherent word could be discerned between Szith and Scorn trying to get their fellows into order and the increasingly panicked raving of the armed men now spraying the whole room with lightning.

Amid the carnage, a hand seized Maureen and hauled her bodily to her feet. In the press of bodies she was pulled several yards before managing to twist around and see who had her.

Melaxyna tugged the gnome free of the crowd by the banister and pushed her toward Sarriki, pointing toward the door behind the bar, and then shoved Sekandar, whom she had also pulled along, in the same direction, before diving back into the fray to round up a few of the more panicked students.

Maureen was glad enough to be led along. At least someone was in charge, apparently.

By the time a wall of solid blue light slammed across the front of the common room, effectively isolating the attacking soldiers, Melaxyna and Sarriki had retreated into the pantry with five rescued students.

“I’m gonna go ahead and assume this isn’t what it looks like,” Fedora called, as he sauntered out onto the bridge. “Because it looks like I can have my boys here blast you right off into space and there’s not a damn thing you could do about it. But nah, surely a smooth operator like you would never put herself in such a vulnerable position.” He grinned nastily, coming to a stop, and tucked his hands into the pockets of his coat. “Unless she was takin’ orders from a psycho who would totally put her and everybody else working for him in that position.”

He and the three campus guards had advanced just beyond the range of the Fog of War, to a widening of the bridge which gave Finchley and Rook—the better shots, though not by much—room to spread out a bit and sight along their weapons to either side of Fedora, while Moriarty behind them kept an eye on the surrounding ledges and bridges which bedecked the vast slanted central chamber of the Crawl.

Ahead of them, Lorelin Reich likewise came to a stop, keeping her hands upraised. She paused, studying the four of them, before answering.

“I guess this is the proper place for me to bluster in return. Would you mind awfully if we advanced a bit past that point? I am somewhat pressed for time.”

“Well, I have all the time in the world,” Fedora drawled. “What with my defensible position and clock ticking down till mama bear comes home. But sure, guest’s privilege! What’s on your mind, doll?”

Slowly, Reich lowered her hands. “Here’s the situation: we are ordered to capture your entire student body.”

Fedora leaned slightly to one side, pretending to peer around behind her. “…we?”

“Myself,” she replied, “a little more magical support, and a handful of soldiers.”

“Uh…huh. And you plan to do that…how, exactly?”

“As things stand,” she said in an even tone, “I don’t see any way that is possible. We are, you understand, required by the firmest of commands to assist our patron in this endeavor. To refuse would be nothing less than treason. To fail, however, is another matter.”

“This is starting to veer in an interesting direction,” he remarked. “Do go on.”

“Understand that I can’t simply surrender, or retreat,” Reich continued. “My…employer…has stepped away to attend to an urgent matter on the surface. In his absence, I will of course do my utmost to fulfill the commands he has left. It is my opinion that the utmost I can do in this situation is try to reach a compromise with our targets.”

“Hmmm.” Fedora made a show of stroking his chin, tilting his head back to gaze upward in a pantomime of deep thought. “Quite the pickle you’re in, there, hun. Now, I’m gonna assume you’ve got something good and nasty pointed my way right now, so I won’t be so blithe as to ask how any of that is my problem, but as negotiations go, your position—”

“Boss!” Rook said suddenly. “Watch it!”

He had appeared behind her in total silence. At the soldier’s warning, Fedora snapped his attention back forward and Reich whirled in shock to behold the Hand, where he had simply not been a moment ago. His suit was ragged and torn, stained with grass, and had pieces of glass and wood stuck in it here and there. Though no sign of injury lingered on his exposed skin, drying blood streaked from the top of his bald head down half of his face. It lent an even wilder aspect to his expression, which was very nearly feral.

“Sir,” Lorelin gasped, immediately adopting a tone and posture of relief. “Thank the gods, I was almost out of option—”

With a single backhanded blow, the Hand sent her hurtling off the bridge.

Melaxyna turned from the door, where she had poked her head out through the curtain. “Okay, that’s calmer for the moment. The wizard has cut off those idiots, but between them and your little friends throwing spells back at ’em, that shield of his is under fire from both sides. It can’t stand up long, no matter how much mojo he’s got. Sarriki, let’s get these kids back into the basement until this settles down.”

“The others?” Sekandar asked, holding Szith’s saber at the ready. “Can we get anyone else back here?”

Melaxyna shook her head, approaching him, and also spread her wings; their full span nearly filled the pantry, encouraging the group toward the back door which Sarriki was in the process of unlocking. “They’re either champing at the bit to fight or have buggered off outta there. I realize you ducklings are big damn heroes in your own world, but take my advice: let the grown-ups settle this while you’ve got grown-ups around to settle things for you. All too soon you won’t anymore.”

“I’m just as happy ta sit this out,” Maureen said emphatically, still clutching Crystal’s core fragment to her chest as she gladly retreated through the rear door into the lower chamber.

She’d never been down here before, but Teal had described it to her; this didn’t look anything like she’d been told. Of course, much of that had been due to Rowe’s attempt to subvert the Crawl, but whatever hodgepodge of stolen and cobbled-together magics he had assembled had long since been cleared out. The chamber was octagonal and bordered by what looked like doors with stone frames. No, metal. No…

In spite of her anxiety, Maureen had to step closer to one, reaching out to touch it while the rest of the group streamed past her. It was metal, though its deep gray color and matte texture resembled stone at a casual glance. It was the material of the gates themselves that was more interesting; Teal had said they were like windows into different parts of the Crawl, but whatever power had animated them seemed to be turned off, now. They were simply panels of black. Featureless black which devoured all light and felt like nothing when she carefully prodded at one with a fingertip.

At least it smelled okay down here. The new management was clearly using this as an extension of the pantry to house more expensive foodstuffs that weren’t as readily available in the Crawl, including dried meat and herbs, which made the air pleasantly fragrant compared to the tavern above. There were bags, barrels, and casks to provide a decent range of surfaces on which to sit, of which most of the rather shocked students quickly took advantage. Sekandar took up a position near the stairs, saber in hand, while Sarriki slithered around checking on the others and Melaxyna planted her fists on her hips, surveying the room with an annoyed expression.

There was a stone structure in the center, like an altar. It was taller than Maureen, and apparently built right into the floor. She stepped over to it, studying the odd geometric markings inlaid along its sides.

At the back, facing away from the door, she paused, finding a small rectangular slot just above her eye level. There was a subtle marking right below it which seemed familiar. The whole arrangement jogged something in her memory…she had the feeling she had seen this recently. But Maureen’s recent memory was largely a melange of panic and shock.

“Tsk,” the succubus muttered. “Well, we know this place is of some kind of central significance to the Crawl, after what Rowe was doing down here. Seems like there should be something we could use to defend the Visage from attack, if we only knew how it worked. Sarriki, did any of that asshole’s little pet project survive in some closet?”

“Yes, Sarriki, why don’t you enlighten us.”

Even Sekandar had turned to regard the succubus as she spoke, and now gasped, backing away from the steps and the figure who had appeared in the doorway.

It was Melaxyna.

She held her position, blocking the exit, and fixing a gimlet stare on the other version of herself in the room. The first Melaxyna straightened slowly, staring back, then glancing over at Sarriki.

“Interesting,” the naga mused. “Before this gets too dramatic, let me just remind everybody that at a close enough range, I can smell the difference. Who wants to come get a kiss first?”

“Oh, don’t bother,” the Melaxyna in the door said disdainfully, still glaring at her counterpart. “Of all the weaselly horseshit I might have expected you to try, Rowe, I have to admit this was not on the list.”

“Back! Back away from them, retreat to the merchant hall!” Professor Ezzaniel strode unflinching into the din, grabbing students and bodily moving them away from the soldiers and the already-faltering shield between them. “Domingue, you will cease throwing fireballs at that immediately. Everyone move back past the door!”

“I don’t know how well combat potions will work with this sanctuary dingus, but I can’t throw these until we get the kids out of range,” Rafe said from near the bar. “Hang tight, old man, just a bit longer…”

Yornhaldt’s teeth were gritted in concentration, but he managed to reply. “What…is that?”

“Just a sleeping gas, should put ’em down easy enough. And it’s heavier than air, so we should be safe on the second level. Anything more aggressive I’m afraid the sanctuary will block.”

The dwarf nodded curtly. “You may have to throw through staff fire. This is going down any moment…”

“Scorn,” Ezzaniel was shouting from below, “so help me, if you do not get us all killed here I will fail you. All of you, get back!”

“Didja ever regret not taking a nice, quiet research job?” Rafe asked.

Despite the tension causing the tendons in his neck to stand out, Yornhaldt managed a grin. A tight, strained one, but still. “Did you?”

“How very dare you, sir. The idea.”

Then, with a grunt, the mage slumped forward and the arcane shield collapsed. Emboldened, the soldiers began firing again in earnest, now also pushing forward toward the stairs.

“Aw…shit fire,” Rafe growled, resting his free hand on Yornhaldt’s shoulder and hefting a bottle of potion with the other. “EMILIO! Don’t let them get up the stairs! Draft who you have to, but keep them below our level.”

“Are you serious?” Ezzaniel exclaimed, flinching as he was sprayed with stone chips from a nearby explosion of staff fire against the wall.

“Serious as fine cuisine, brother!”

Ezzaniel didn’t bother to castigate him further. “Scorn! Szith! Get back here! Forget everything I just yelled at you, we are holding this line!”

She didn’t even scream as she fell, too shocked by the suddenness and the blow to her face. And then, seconds into the infinite descent, by having her fall suddenly slowed as she was seized from behind.

Reflexively, Lorelin ignited a divine shield, and there was a yelp from above her.

“Cut that out, ingrate!”

Habit took over. Had to think clearly, had to be someone else in this situation. Find a new mask, someone who would not panic while plummeting to her death. Calm did not come over her, but thanks to years of practice, she managed enough of a facade of calm to fool even herself, mostly. Repressing reflex, she dropped the shield.

Immediately, Fedora grabbed her again, and their fall slowed and became more horizontal. The incubus groaned alarmingly, and as a downside of the more lucid mask she was wearing at the moment Lorelin realized that his wings wouldn’t enable him to fly with her weight tugging on them, but it seemed he could at least manage a glide.


The central shaft of the Crawl was dotted with ledges, bridges, and tunnels, but none were conveniently in front of them. Of course.

Fedora tried to bank, but did so too suddenly, and his wings folded up under the pressure. Lorelin shrieked as they shot straight downward again for a few seconds before the demon could get his wings open and steady once more.

“If this doesn’t end up saving my life,” she said tremulously, pitching her voice over the rush of passing air, “I want you to know I still appreciate it!”

“If it doesn’t end up saving your life soon, I’m dropping your ass,” he grated. “I’ve got men up there facing that monster and I care about them a lot more than you!”

“Then—” she started to ask why he was bothering, but instantly thought better of it.

“Everywhere,” the Hand snarled, “I am surrounded by treason. From every corner!”

“Aw, shut your fuckin’ yap,” Rook growled, and fired.

“FOR THE EMPEROR!” Finchley bellowed, doing likewise.

Their eyes didn’t want to make sense of what transpired next; the Hand seemed to flow around the lightning bolts that ripped toward him point-blank. Rook managed to squeeze off another shot before their target was somehow upon them.

He grabbed Rook’s staff, and the soldier had the presence of mind to let it go rather than engage in a tug-of-war with a being far stronger than himself on a narrow footbridge.

“Down!” Moriarty shouted from behind them, leveling his own weapon. Finchley dropped to the floor, but Rook wasn’t fast enough.

The Hand seized him by the throat, hauling him around in front to stand squarely in Moriarty’s sights. Rook grasped at his arm with both hands, trying to claw the man’s grip loose, but the effort was as futile as trying to dig up an oak tree.

“Fire at will, Private Moriarty,” the Hand sneered, locking eyes with his prisoner. “By all means, give your comrade a quicker end than I will. In fact, all of you, feel free to spare one another the full punishment for your betrayal. Whichever is last to go shall suffer the retribution meant for all three. Well? Who’s going to—”

Rook released his arm and jabbed him right in both eyes with his index fingers.

With a roar, the Hand hurled him off into space.

Of course. That symbol was…

Maureen held up the rectangular piece of quartz she had been clutching. In the distance, the volume of crackles and explosions increased as the battle in the tavern picked up again. Near at hand, the first Melaxyna was slowly easing back to the side of the pedestal, bringing her even with Maureen’s position. The gnome, though, stared at the engraving on the metal capping one end of the crystal. It matched. And holding them side by side, she could see how neatly the thing would fit in that slot.

“Now, let’s nobody go and get too excited,” the nearest Melaxyna said soothingly. “We’re still under sanctuary, remember?”

“And it had limits even before it was under attack,” replied the other succubus. “You may remember, Rowe. A nice, slow application of force can slip by it. Or—”

Suddenly, a hand came to rest on Maureen’s head, fingers curling into her hair. “Ah, ah, ah,” the demon clutching her cooed. “I do remember, cupcake. But there are some here who haven’t seen it yet!”

She did the only thing she could think of, and shoved the crystal into the slot.

Sekandar whirled, taking aim with the saber. “Take your hands off her.”

“Oh, I don’t think so.” And suddenly, it was Rowe’s voice again; Melaxyna’s shape melted away to reveal him. “Sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, my little eclairs. Now then, we’re all going to have a nice, calm—”

The entire structure trembled. All around them, tiny lights appeared from hidden crevices in the walls between the gateways, which themselves suddenly shifted to display a pure, glowing white.

Heaving a sigh, Rowe roughly twisted Maureen’s head up to meet her eyes. “All right, kid. What did you just—”

Suddenly his grip was torn loose form her hair and the incubus was bodily hurled across the room by an unseen force to impact one of the white gates. Upon striking its surface, he slipped neatly through and vanished.

Rook unabashedly screamed, a long, high wail that echoed in the vast cavern, even as he curled himself into a fetal position. Not until he had fully run out of breath did he process the fact that he wasn’t actually falling.

Cracking one eye open, he peeked out from under his arms. He was lying on his side, in midair, a few yards from the bridge on which Finchley, Moriarty, and the Hand were all staring at him in stupefaction.

Further inspection revealed that he was resting upon a square panel of pure white light, suspended in midair.

“Oh,” he said weakly. “Well. All righty, then.”

“You made it,” Lorelin gasped as soon as he released her, slumping to hands and knees on the transparent panel onto which Fedora had just dropped her. This afforded her a dizzying view of the horrific drop still stretching out below, but at least it felt solid, which was a great step up from her situation of a moment ago. “Thank you. Oh, gods, thank you.”

“Uh…yeah, sure.” Standing behind her, Fedora tilted his hat back so he could scratch his head, turning in a slow circle to peer around them. “Yeah, I’ll take credit for this. Why the hell not?”

It wasn’t silence, but the quiet which descended upon the common room felt like it after the incredible noise which had just reigned. The blue beams of light which sprang up from the floor produced a deep, arcane-sounding hum that filled the room. More importantly, however, they each seized one of the intruding soldiers, forcing him bodily into a stiff, upright position, and held him.

The assembled students and professors stared, dumbfounded, at their suddenly imprisoned foes. The soldiers’ expression were of pure terror, but it seemed they couldn’t move anything but the muscles in their faces.

Battlestaves littered the floor where they had been wrenched out of hands by some invisible force and dropped.

Slowly, Rafe lowered the arm he’d been in the process of hauling back to toss his bottle of sleeping gas. “Well…damn, old man. I did not know you could do that.”

Still panting from mental exertion, Professor Yornhaldt had to swallow heavily before he could answer. “I can’t.”

The Hand blurred, then snapped back into focus, and suddenly his expression was of pure shock at finding himself unable to shift space. In the next moment it got worse.

He was jerked physically upward as if on an invisible string, and in midair, six square panels of light identical to the one supporting Rook appeared around him. These, however, snapped together to form a cube, catching him in the air.

“AND JUST WHAT,” Crystal’s voice thundered through the Crawl, “DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY KIDS?”


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13 – 38

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The Crawl shuddered.

The rumble was low, but it echoed through the vast slanted cavern, accompanied by the distant clatter of falling rocks and a few small plumes of dust that drifted down from above. And, moments later, by fearful mumbling from the ill-equipped soldiers gathered on the stone bridge which arched down to the entrance of the Grim Visage.

“Steady,” said their captain, his voice nearly as gravelly as the Crawl’s.

“Focus,” snapped the Hand of the Emperor a moment later.

Willard Tanenbaum did not lift his eyes from the great carved face that gave the Visage its name, despite the sweat dripping from his brow. “Sir… The Crawl is known to have a sentience of its own.”

“A rudimentary and diffuse intelligence, mechanistic and barely aware,” the Hand said curtly, also staring at the Visage. To the observers behind them, the two men seemed simply to be standing there, frowning; the subtle magic they worked made no visible effect, aside from the minor seismic reactions it was beginning to provoke. “Like a god’s. In fact, rather like a sleeping bear. Keep focused, work slowly and steadily, and don’t jostle it. We can finish our work and be gone before it wakes, if we’re careful.”

“Tiptoeing around a bear is one thing,” Tanenbaum replied, still without breaking his stare. “Carving a hole in the wall of its den without waking it, in the short time it’ll take Tellwyrn to get back here—”

One of the rough-looking soldiers cursed—in Glassian, oddly enough—and turned to bolt back toward the exit. He froze with a yelp, finding himself face-to-face with the Hand who had an instant before been in front of him, next to the warlock.

“So long as we are not incompetent,” the Hand said icily, staring at the would-be deserter without expression, “it will work. So long as we are not cowardly, we will not be summarily tossed off the bridge. Do I make myself clear?”

Another faint rumble sounded from the depths. The men pressed closer together, the one faced down by the Hand retreating frantically into their midst.

“Clear,” Tanenbaum said after a short pause. The Hand kept his gaze on the men for a moment longer, then stepped to the side, moving around them to rejoin the warlock.

“Sir.” The captain stepped out of the group to meet him. “The Duchess sent us for what we were told was a simple police action on a college campus.”

“Are you protesting your treatment, Captain?” the Hand asked quietly, a dangerous sibilance creeping into his tone.

The soldier did not react. He was clearly made of sterner stuff than the rest of his command, possibly the only one among them to whom the word “soldier” truly applied, though in most militaries he would have been considered too old for active duty.

“I’ll serve however I’m ordered, sir,” the Captain replied evenly. “And I’ll shoot any man who deserts right in the back before he gets ten paces, as we did in the old days. But I warn you, sir, this isn’t the old days, and this isn’t the Imperial Army, nor even the House guard that trained me. These boys are not a group I would pit against adventurers and monsters, or whatever else is coming outta there, sir. They’ll not stand up to that, no matter what you or I threaten ’em with, sir, begging your pardon.”

“It won’t come to that,” the Hand said, relaxing somewhat. “Keep your men in line, Captain; all they’ll be needed for is to keep the retreat orderly, as we’ll have prisoners in tow. I have all of this under control.”

He stepped past the officer, rejoining Tanenbaum, and no one who doubted his assurance was daft enough to voice it. Even when the Crawl rumbled another sleepy protest.

“You tryin’ to catch flies?” one of the guards sniggered.

His companion finished his long, luxuriant yawn before turning to give him a rude gesture, earning another coarse laugh in reply.

In front of them, a few feet away, Lorelin Reich lowered her arms, turned around, and stared at them.

“Sorry, ma’am,” the first man said unrepentantly. The one who’d yawned, at least, cleared his throat and straightened to a semblance of attention.

“Do you have any idea how difficult this is?” the priestess demanded.

“Not really, no.” He shrugged, and scratched the side of his neck. “No offense, I can’t actually see you doing anything. Just standing there in front of the door.”

She had, in fact, been at it for over half an hour now, standing and staring, occasionally making hand gestures. The campus chapel’s magical defenses were visible to the naked eye: the walls and door were slightly blurry, as if seen through murky water, and a few inches in front of that was an almost transparent layer of blue light, cast by an arcane shield. Lorelin’s guards, in truth, weren’t giving her enough credit; what she was doing had caused both of these effects to occasionally flicker or ripple.

Nothing of import had happened, though, and the two men were clearly losing patience. They were typical examples of the troops the Hand of the Emperor had found, which was to say, unimpressive. Neither of these was one of the aging House Dalkhaan regulars, but the younger, scruffier generation of hirelings whom very few Houses or militaries would have taken. Both were in need of a shave and some long posture drills, and one was so overweight he couldn’t button his uniform coat. At least neither had so much as leered at her. Fading and decrepit or no, Dalkhaan was still a House of Calderaas, and Calderaas was Avenist country. Men with such habits weren’t drawn to military service there. Not even a “military” slovenly enough to accept these dregs.

“Then take my word for it,” Lorelin said patiently, “it is difficult. I would appreciate it if there were no distractions.”

The man she was speaking to put on a mulish look and opened his mouth, doubtless to complain, but the yawner jabbed him in the hip with the butt of his staff.

“Sorry, ma’am,” he said, nodding.

She nodded back, and turned again to face the chapel. That was undoubtedly as much acquiescence as she was going to get.

Before she could even raise her arms again, there rose a shrill whine at the very edge of hearing, like a particularly large mosquito in the ear. It ended suddenly, followed by the complete disappearance of the force field around the chapel. A second later, the building seemed to solidify before them as it shifted back into phase with the world.

“Hey,” the yawning man said brightly, “it worked!”

Lorelin had her back to them and so didn’t conceal her expression, frowning at the doors in consternation.

Fortunately, she was standing at the base of the three steps leading up to those doors, and so was not close enough to be struck when they suddenly burst open.

Both guards raised their staves, one fumbling so badly he nearly dropped it, to take aim at the group who appeared in the chapel’s doorway. Two drow women stood at the forefront, one in formal robes and holding a puppy of all things, the other with a green streak dyed through the center of her hair.

A wall of silver light snapped into place across the top step. Lorelin shifted backward away from them.

“All right, hold it right there,” one of her guardians said. “Let’s not go and do anything rash, kids. You’re not in trouble, but you need to move off the campus, by the authority of the Emperor. Let’s lower the magic, nice and easy, now.”

“If you do lower the shield,” the green-haired drow said to her companion, “I can kill all three of them before they can fire.”

“Ugh, no, you can’t,” a female plains elf just behind her snorted. “All he has to do is squeeze that clicker—”

“Okay, that’s enough of that kind of talk,” the guard snapped. “You don’t want the trouble that’ll come from defying an Imperial edict, much less attacking troops operating under the Emperor’s banner.”

Lorelin shifted to look back at them, then up the stairs again at the students. Another elf, a woodkin this time, had pushed forward between the two drow, and whatever he had just conjured formed a blue glow from his clenched fist.

Of course, she was aware of the identities of everyone who was supposed to be in that chapel. What were they doing awake?

She held up a hand, and a golden sphere formed around the two troops, sparkling in the sunlight.

“There, see?” the more talkative of the two smirked. “You’re not the only one who can—”

Lorelin clenched her fist and the shield bubble contracted abruptly, slamming both men against each other. One discharged his weapon, which sparked blindingly against the inside of the sphere. It immediately widened again, leaving them staggering.

She clenched the bubble three more times in rapid succession, smacking the pair together until one of the staves cracked and both men were too dazed to stand unaided, then released the shield entirely.

One of them immediately flopped to the grass, unconscious from an unfortunate impact of his head against a staff. The other stumbled woozily, clutching his own skull with both hands.

A rod of pure golden light appeared in Lorelin’s grip. Not bothering with any further finesse, she lifted it overhead and slammed it down atop the distracted soldier’s head. The lightworking dissipated at such sharp contact with solid matter, but not before doing its job; he dropped like a sack of beans.

She turned back to scowl at the five students, who were now staring in confusion through Shaeine’s shield.

“I wish you hadn’t done that,” Lorelin said testily.

“Yeah, I just bet you—wait a second.” Raolo pointed accusingly. “You did that!”

“That chapel,” she said, “was phased out and shielded, with both effects somehow tied to the powerful fae geas laid on this mountaintop. I was tasked with cracking those defenses using my skill at divine magic, based on a very brief demonstration of how the geas could be interfered with. Frankly, I’m far from certain I could have opened that door if my life depended on it, but at the very least, I could have stalled for hours.” She held out her arms in an exasperated shrug. “But then you had to go and open it up yourselves! And now here you are, out in the open where he can get at you.”

A human girl—that would be the young Duchess Madouri—slipped through the cluster of elves to position herself at the forefront of the group.

“Stalled?” she asked in a tone of mild interest.

“All right, listen,” Lorelin said, heaving a short sigh. “It’s too complicated to explain the whole thing right now. Professor Tellwyrn is temporarily absent, and your campus is under attack. Most of your classmates have been evacuated into the Crawl, where they should be safe, at least for the short term. Tellwyrn will be back before too long, and I’ve contacted Imperial Intelligence. Help is coming. But for right now, with you outside the protections of that chapel, you’re in more danger than any of the rest of the students. You need to get off the campus, quickly. Don’t go to the town, the— He has allies in Last Rock, and didn’t bring them up here, so I know they’re waiting below. You’re college kids, I’m sure you know someplace in the area to hide yourselves from official eyes? Don’t tell me where, just get there.”

“Just a moment.” Ravana held up a hand in a peremptory gesture to forestall both Lorelin and her fellows, Natchua and Addiwyn both having opened their mouths. The effect was somewhat ruined by Shaeine’s puppy leaning over to snuffle at her upraised hand.

Lorelin blinked, and squinted. Was that a baby hellhound? Well…that answered one question, and raised a whole host of others.

“Who, exactly, is leading the attack on the University?” Ravana asked calmly, lowering her hand out of the puppy’s reach.

“There’s no time—”

“Natchua, are you able to send a shadowbolt through any shield she can conjure?”

“Not directly,” the drow replied with a tiny, unpleasant smile. “But I know a dozen ways to crack a divine shield in less than four seconds. Then shadowbolts.”

“You see, madam,” Ravana said in that condescendingly pleasant tone aristocrats apparently learned in the nursery, “all we know is that you were engaged in trying to dig us out of our protected chapel and have a predilection for turning on your allies. There is little ground for trust, here. You will have to offer more than vague hints.”

Lorelin let out a long, slow breath, controlling her expression. In the tension of the moment, she had actually not considered the sheer physical danger of her situation, but one of the drow was a fellow light-wielder of some skill, and apparently the other was a warlock. And, as Ravana pointed out, they had no reason to trust her. In this situation, they might well decide that blasting her was a preferable option to walking away.

Well, she’d handled worse. Unlike the Hand, at least these could be reasoned with. Hopefully. How much did they know? Best to play it safe, for now.

“About a month ago,” she said, deliberately glancing up the path to display nervousness, “the Hands of the Emperor began acting strange. Paranoid, aggressive, showing sudden magical abilities they’d never had before. Within a week they were back to normal, with the exception of one. He had been working with Tellwyrn on…your situation. Now, for whatever reason, he is obsessed with her and completely out of his mind. The Empire won’t acknowledge one of their Hands has gone rogue, so he is still acting with the Throne’s full authority until they can get here and put a stop to him. He is behind the attack on the campus, and is down in the Crawl with a Salyrite warlock, trying to dig your classmates out of the Grim Visage.”

She could tell already, even before she finished explaining: they knew. Ravana and Shaeine kept impassive, as she would expect from noblewomen, but Raolo and Addiwyn exchanged a satisfied glance and Natchua nodded slightly. Someone had not only awakened them with a fresh source of hellhound breath, but brought them up to date. Her instinct had been correct: trying to prevaricate would probably have led to a barrage of shadowbolts.

Belatedly, it occurred to Lorelin the only likely source of up-to-date intelligence and hellhounds who could get in and out of Tellwyrn’s heavily-defended chapel without disrupting its wards. Well, Shaeine was involved with Vadrieny’s host, after all…

“Listen to me.” She glanced once more in the direction of the Crawl, affecting subtly more nervous body language. “I realize that for students at what amounts to a school for adventurers, being asked to stand down is tantamount to a challenge, but you need to think strategically. This Hand is a complete lunatic; the only troops he’s brought are losers like these.” Lorelin nudged one of her erstwhile guards with a foot, prompting a soft moan. “The other Church contact working for him here is as wary as I am; I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s called for help, too. Fighting this guy will only escalate matters. There’s no actual way he can win here; all he can do is cause damage. Please get yourselves out of the area so you don’t become that damage.”

Lorelin stared pleadingly up at them. Had it just been the surface elves or Natchua, she’d have put on the mask of a reasonable authority figure, but the two noblewomen made it complicated. They wouldn’t acknowledge any authority on her part, and would be suspicious of too much earnestness. Just a touch of fear and vulnerability should hopefully do the trick…

“Well?” Addiwyn prompted after a pause in which they all just watched her, as if by staring hard enough they could read her intentions. “Are we trusting her or not? She did tell the truth…as far as we know.”

“Trust is a stronger word than I would choose,” Ravana said, glancing at Shaeine as if for confirmation. “But…yes. Fact-checking aside, she is correct on one point: escalation is a concern. An unstable man with the powers of a Hand of the Emperor can cause incalculable damage, not least because he will not act strategically. His very presence here proves this; there is no possible victory in assaulting the University.”

“So…we run, then,” Raolo said with a sigh. “Well, I don’t like it, but it’s sense. I know a place—”

“I will be proceeding with the plan I outlined for you,” Ravana said smoothly.

“Of course you bloody will,” Addiwyn muttered.

“Now, see here!” Lorelin did not have to augment the frustration in her voice.

“If any of you wish to follow the Vidian’s advice and flee, I will not judge you ill,” Ravana stated, stepping forward and turning to face them, the motion neatly placing her at the head of the group and physically excluding Lorelin from the discussion. “Mistaking strategy for cowardice is the mark of the defeated. It is only sensible to secure your welfare. However, the woman is correct: while the Hand cannot win, here, he can cause damage. Our classmates will be in the Grim Visage, and he will be interfering with the Crawl as he taught her to do here. If he can overcome the sanctuary effect, he will be in a confined space with a large group of people, many of whom are physically quite powerful. He will be taken down, but in that situation, it will inevitably be a bloodbath.”

“That is a big ‘if,’” Raolo pointed out, then craned his neck around Ravana to address Lorelin. “Hey, you! What are the chances he can actually do that?”

“…I have no idea,” she said honestly, pausing to think for only a second. “I don’t understand the magic involved, and I don’t know the capabilities of Hands even before they’re…interfered with, or malfunction, or whatever happened to him.”

“Very well, then,” Ravana said briskly. “I will proceed. I welcome anyone who chooses to join me and will not begrude any who would rather retreat. You,” she added, turning to indicate Lorelin with a curt nod, “will report to this Hand, inform him that we have broken out and are on the way to the uppermost terrace of the University to pursue some plan against him. That happens to be the literal truth, by the way, in case you are actually in his pocket. If he cannot get through the Visage’s defenses, we lose nothing by making him run around wasting time. If he can, this will save the lives of many of our classmates.”

“Except you will have a Hand of the Emperor after you!” Lorelin exclaimed. “If you’re expecting your warlock friend to help—”

“The imperviousness of Hands to warlock magic is precisely how it is known among the nobility that they are fae-powered,” Ravana said condescendingly. “Don’t you worry, I know what I am doing.”

“How did you know she’s Vidian?” Raolo asked.

“That’s Lorelin Reich,” Addiwyn sneered. “The one Arquin chased out of town.”

“I recognized her, yes,” Ravana said pleasantly. “Also, it is generally a safe thing to assume of a cleric who is as adept an actress as this one. Now, there is no more time to waste.”

With that, she glided the rest of the way down the stairs, turned right, and headed off up the path toward the upper campus. After the barest pause, the rest of her fellow Sleeper victims followed. Every one of them.

Lorelin watched them go for a long, incredulous moment, then threw up her hands in frustration, turned, and stalked off in the direction of the Crawl, leaving two bruised bodies on the ground behind her.

“Prince Sekandar, can I ask you to keep this safe for me?”

He sighed, but reached out to accept the scabbarded saber. “If you like, Szith. I’m never going to convince you to just call me Sekandar, am I?”

“I’m sure it speaks well of you, in your culture, that you make yourself so approachable,” she said, her face a mask of Narisian calm. “In my culture, the habit of excessive familiarity with one’s betters can be lethal. In a few short years, I will return there, and after Natchua’s…performance…I suspect my conduct will be scrutinized closely.”

“You don’t want that sword, then?” Scorn asked. “It is the bigger one. More powerful, yes?” The Rhaazke sat on the stairs, one arm draped over Maureen. Generally she didn’t enjoy being physically dominated by her classmates, but under the circumstances, Scorn’s towering protective presence was as comforting as Iris on her other side, murmuring to herself and rubbing some dried leaves between her fingers. They smelled pleasant; Iris claimed what she was doing would have a calming effect on the pub’s occupants.

The more than a hundred refugees from the University filled the place to capacity, and had already displaced most of its usual crowd. The tension could have been cut with a knife, but so far it had stayed relatively calm. Maybe Iris actually was helping.

“Do you recall when Matriarch Ashaele visited the campus?” Szith said, putting on one of her tiny smiles. “The guards she brought with her carried sabers like these.”

“Yes, I remember,” Scorn said impatiently. “Powerful swords, like I said.”

“Power is not without is disadvantages. This is a better weapon.” The drow rested a hand on the pommel of her short sword, which was still belted at her waist. “A saber must be swung in wide arcs, which handicaps it in close quarters, and makes formation fighting very difficult. For organized infantry combat, you want short swords—like this one, or those the Silver Legions carry. For precisely that reason, Narisian House guards are not permitted to own them. They may only carry the saber, which is a dueling weapon. Aristocrats and their protectors are trained in a ritualized style of formal combat which leaves them no match for an organized infantry. I am a soldier of House An’sadarr, sworn to fight for the Queen and Tar’naris. Thus, I have a weapon which is better suited to these tight quarters.”

“Interesting stuff,” Maureen said, nervously turning over the chunk of decorated quarts which was (hopefully) the heart of Crystal in her hands. “An’ Sekandar, here, is also trained in Narisian dueling?”

“Well, no,” the prince said with a smile, “but also sort of yes. Up here on the surface, a saber is more of a cavalry weapon—and Calderaan cavalry is rightly famous, if I do say so myself. We also have a dueling style which uses it. Probably not the way Szith was taught, but I can manage not to cut my own leg off, if this comes to a fight. Hopefully,” he added, turning to the drow again with a more sober expression, “it won’t come to that. If I understand how the Visage works, it can’t.”

“One always hopes battle will not come,” she said, shifting her gaze to the front of the tavern. “One always assumes that it will, and prepares accordingly.”

The doors were shut and had been barricaded with furniture, but Melaxyna and Fedora both perched on the second-floor windows which were set in the eyes of the great face that gazed outward at the Crawl’s entrance. Neither of them was putting on any pretense; though his rumpled suit, coat, and hat contrasted with the ragged piece of hide she wore as a dress, both were in fully demonic form, complete with alabaster-pale skin and crystalline eyes—and, more relevantly, wings and tails. These provided an aid to balance, as there was no actual place to sit in front of those windows, leaving them precariously clinging to narrow sills.

A sharp whistle turned every head in the room; Xsythri, Melaxyna’s hethelax henchoman, had clambered up onto the rail near the group on the stairs and was waving frantically for her boss’s attention.

The succubus heaved a dramatic sigh, then shoved herself off the wall and glided the short distance down. Fedora did not follow, but kept his head turned and attention fixed on their conversation, disregarding whatever he was watching outside.

“We’ve got a problem, boss lady,” Xsythri began.

“Wait, wait, don’t tell me,” Melaxyna said sourly. “We’re out of mushroom beer again.”

“Of course not, you know we can’t give that to student—no, dammit, worse than that! I just had to break up a little scuffle in the market room.”

Melaxyna’s lashing tail suddenly went still. “…how bad a scuffle?”

“Not bad,” Xsythri said, eyes wide and worried. “Very minor, just some jostling from being too close together. Somebody threw a punch and that went nowhere, cos of the sanctuary effect.”

The succubus heaved a deep breath, turning her head to stare sightlessly at the front of the tavern again. She couldn’t see out the windows from this angle, but by that time they all knew the Hand was out there with some of his new lackeys, doing something.

“Why’s that a problem?” Iris asked warily, opening her eyes and pausing in her soft chant. “Sounds like an inevitable little nothing, in a situation like this.”

Melaxyna shifted again to give the witch a long look, then abruptly whirled, wings flaring out for balance, and punched Xsythri in the face.

Her fist stopped an inch from the hethelax’s nose, a soft ripple in the air marking the sanctuary effect’s protection.

“Oh, nice,” Xsythri snapped. “That’s great, boss, thank you for your concern.”

“Yeah, so…we’re protected, right?” Iris prompted. “Ow! Hey!”

Melaxyna had struck again, this time lightly flicking Iris’s ear with a fingertip.

“The sanctuary effect,” the succubus stated grimly, “is absolute. All violence—all violence—is impossible within the Grim Visage.”

Under the demon’s stare, Iris stopped rubbing at her ear, her eyes going wide. Sekandar let out a long breath, and a soft growl rumbled deep in Scorn’s throat.

“But now,” Melaxyna said, again turning to face the entrance, “the effect is…relative. Whatever the hell that guy is doing out there, it’s starting to work.”

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13 – 31

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Instinct could be trained, and in gnomish children, it was; a parent’s first task was to replace fight-or-flight panic with automatic decision making. Maureen did not even have to think about the situation or overcome her shock and horror. With a weapon suddenly pointed directly at her, she burst into motion, and the act of doing so snapped her back to cogent awareness.

She bolted to the side, whipping around the corner of the shelves and deliberately setting off in an unpredictable zig-zag course. Thanks to Arachne Tellwyrn’s peculiar sensibilities, the library was laid out in a deliberately confusing fashion; when complained to about this she either made vague statements about knowledge being the reward of effort, or just cackled. Now, the architectural obstinacy might have saved Maureen’s life.

The Hand came after her, of course, and she listened to his every step. He was fast for a human, but necessarily less agile than she, and not as familiar with the twists and erratic turns of the stacks. Maureen’s mind caught up, and she deliberately brought strategy to the forefront—both to survive and to push aside unproductive fear and grief over Crystal. Evading humans was often a matter of getting into places they physically couldn’t, and as per her Aphorisms she had scouted everything on the campus for usable scenery to exploit. The Hand clearly had better-than-normal senses, based on how adeptly he kept after her, but she stayed ahead. It became easier after she darted across the central aisle of the main room into what students called the Old Stacks, even though every wing of the library had been built simultaneously. Here, the bookcases were of a baroque style, built on tall, clawed feet that made a space beneath them which was very handy for hiding things in, or rolling under if you were a gnome.

Maureen went three rows back until she made the transition from marble to carpeted floor, planning as she went. Reaching into her Pack, she produced a length of iron pipe she’d found among the blacksmith’s scraps and not yet devised a use for. Hearing the Hand closing on her location, she took aim between the stacks and, in one of the basic moves she’d trained in from early childhood till she could perform it perfectly under pressure, hurled the object in an overhand spin.

It hit the carpeted ground and bounced forward end over end, almost as if rolling. The rhythm of its ends striking the carpet as they moved away closely mimicked the impact of gnome feet in a run. It was a standard trick and wouldn’t fool any gnome, but tall folk fell for it almost every time unless they were in the habit of chasing gnomes. And tall folk who made a habit of chasing gnomes did not tend to linger upon the mortal coil any longer than necessary.

She crouched and held her breath. The Hand paused, and then took the bait, heading off to Maureen’s right. Still not breathing and moving with great care for stealth, she slipped around the nearest corner in the opposite direction just in time to avoid his sight.

Silence slowed her, but not by much. In her first Youngling Games she had taken the ribbon for balancing stealth and speed, and though she was a wee bit out of practice, it remained one of her specialties. In a way, Maureen was the perfect gnome for this situation, having tailored her personal adventuring strategies for avoiding and escaping trouble rather than pummeling it. The powers of Hands of the Emperor were kept deliberately vague, but they were known among the Folk as beings who should not be taken on directly.

With her ears flat back, listening for pursuit, she detected the Hand’s awkward movements as he began prowling more carefully among the Old Stacks, while she slipped across the library’s main atrium toward its invitingly open front door, her softboots silent on the polished marble floor. Designed after wood elf moccasins, they featured untextured leather soles which could be slapped roughly down to create a sharp tapping noise on most surfaces; this made it all the more surprising that they could also, with a more careful step, be used to walk in near-total silence. Maureen’s great-uncle Tomkins had famously snuck up on a plains elf once.

Not until she had passed through the door and whipped around it to press herself against the front of the building did she indulge in a breath again.

It wouldn’t take him long to discern that she’d left the library. She should be putting space between herself and here…

This. This was exactly why her folks had sent her off to this cockamamie school, and why she’d wanted to flee weeks ago. It was a great education, great teachers, mostly fine classmates and already she’d made valuable friends, but… Light’s own goggles, she didn’t want adventure. A quiet workshop with a steady paycheck, that was the life, and gnomish sensibilities be damned. Now…

…now, her hand was in her Pack, and she only belatedly realized her fingers had closed around the handle of an arcane welding torch. The Hand’s modified weapon was apparently meant for short range, judging by the fact that he hadn’t fired it after her, or used it to destroy the stacks providing her cover.

Maureen wanted nothing to do with any adventures, but now her face settled in a grim scowl, and she drew the torch from her Pack. Life wasn’t about what you wanted, it was about what you did with what you had.

She had a murdering bastard and a welding torch.

Carefully, she peeked her head around the door frame, one ear extended to listen. The sodding great lummox had actually gone deeper into the library, to judge by the faintness of his sounds…

“Whoah, whoah!”

Maureen jumped and jerked back around, igniting the torch and stepping back. The towering figure just looked at it quizzically, showing no fear of a heat source meant to melt steel, then turned her frown back on Maureen.

“Scorn!” she hissed, shutting the torch off. “What’n—how’d ye sneak up on me? Yer the size of a barn! I didn’t know ye could turn invisible!”

“No, can’t,” the demon said, studying her quizzically. “I can do a thing that makes people to not notice me. It’s not easy though, lots of energy and total concentration needed. Also even harder here, where I am the world’s only Rhaazke. People notice me very easy. But we are told to evacuate to the Crawl and I am seeing strange men on the campus who don’t belong. I figure, best be safe. Looks like you met some, too.” She glanced again at the torch. “Best not, Maureen. Crystal will not be happy about fighting in the books.”

Maureen felt her face crumple, and she lowered her hand. “Scorn, Crystal…” Unbidden, the fresh images flashed across her vision again. Crystal rising off the ground, twisting in obvious pain, her metal plates stretching to reveal… Her eyes widened. “Crystal. That’s it. Crystal!”

“Hey!” Scorn exclaimed as the gnome scuttled back into the library. Maureen ignored her, dashing straight across the atrium into the stacks.

Almost immediately, he re-appeared in front of her, holding out his modified wand.

“You are not an Imperial subject,” the Hand grated, baring teeth. “If you surrender peacefully and provide intelligence, I can see—”

“Up yers,” Maureen snapped, dashing around a corner at full tilt. She came immediately to a silent halt—a difficult move, as inertia wanted to push her forward into a telltale skid or crash that would reveal her intentions to a pursuer. This, too, she had practiced.

Sure enough, the Hand came barreling around the corner right behind her, and Maureen hurled her entire weight into a pinpoint punch that hit the side of his knee. She felt and heard something important give in the joint, and he went crashing against the nearest wall of books with a howl. Before he could finish falling, she was running again.

Choosing a straight path this time, she made it back to her corner in seconds, eyes already scanning the ground.

Yes. There it way, lying amid a ring of scorch marks on the carpet, exactly where she remembered seeing it fall. While the rest of the golem’s body had been violently ripped apart, one piece had descended straight to the ground, glowing as if shielded. Cursing herself for not paying enough attention or connecting the dots at the time, Maureen dashed past, snatching up the rectangular chunk of what looked like quartz mounted in a bronze housing, and ran back for the exit.

Once again, the Hand blocked her path. He was on his feet, which was impressive considering that blow would have crippled an ordinary human (healing powers?). Also, his snarl was wider, and this time he seemed disinclined to talk, leveling his wand.

Maureen didn’t slow, and he didn’t look behind him. Consequently it came as an apparent surprise to him when his neck was seized by a single hand large enough to wrap the fingers around it fully.

Scorn casually picked the Hand up and hurled him away; he crashed to the ground a good ten yards distant, knocking over a bookcase in the process. Maureen never slowed, aiming to dart between the Rhaazke’s legs on her way back to the door.

She didn’t protest, however, when Scorn scooped her up in one hand and set off for the front of the building herself.

“Sorry if this is insulting for gnomes,” the demon grunted as they shot back out into the open. “Your whole stride is as long as the circumference of my grip and we need to get—oh, isn’t this good.”

They were indeed making much better time, each of Scorn’s bounds covering several yards, but now she skidded to a halt, claws tearing gouges in the grass.

“These’d be some o’ the ones you mentioned, then,” Maureen said quietly, clutching the piece of crystal to her chest.

“All right…ladies,” one of them men before them said, slowly eyeing Scorn up and down. “If that’s the right term. We’re gonna have to take you into custody, in the Emperor’s name.”

They wore uniforms, but not those of the Imperial Army, and really did not much resemble soldiers. All three were middle-aged at least; the one in the center had solid gray hair and a potbelly straining at his slightly threadbare coat. The man who had addressed them wore an eyepatch and had a thick carpet of stubble from not having shaved in at least three days. Altogether he looked so much like a villainous Eserite from a chapbook it was almost as if he was trying to. They all held staves, though, and two of them were pointed right at Scorn and Maureen.

“This campus is private property,” Scorn informed them. “We are students, and you are not supposed to be here.”

“Yeah, well, we’re actin’ on orders from his Majesty the Emperor,” the paunchy man in the middle stated, grinning. “This ain’t likely to be private property much longer, not that that’s for the likes of you or I to fret over. Now, we don’t have time to pussyfoot around, so this is your last warning. Come along quiet-like, or get shot down.”

“Ah, yes?” Moving slowly and very carefully, as if not to spook them, Scorn bent and lowered Maureen gently to the ground. The one with the eyepatch smirked and the man in the center grinned more broadly still.

Then Scorn, with a speed that would have been astonishing for her bulk even had she not just set them up with her slow movements, seized the two on either side of the little formation by their collars and slammed them all bodily together. The older one was knocked to the ground, losing his grip on his staff, but she hiked the other two up and, turning left and then right, hurled them with all her strength.

One slammed against the wall of the gymnasium two stories up and then flopped to the ground like a broken doll; the other clipped a tree in passing, which sent him into a spin. He vanished into a hedge a good thirty yards away. Neither had a chance to scream.

Scorn leaned forward over the remaining man, grinning more to display her fangs than because she was amused. Gaping up at her, he tried to crab-walk backward as her shadow descended over him.

“You,” she said, “and what army?”

“There’s the last two,” Yornhaldt said in obvious relief. “And…company, I see.”

“Now, Scorn,” Fedora said solicitously as the Rhaazke came to a stop before them, “a pet is a big responsibility! I know he’s cute and all, but are you sure you’re ready for—”

“You are worse than Teal’s friends!” Scorn barked. “You’re not the funny character in a story, and this is no time for your silly. We are invaded, and this fool will tell us intelligence!”

Her prisoner, who had been frog-marched here with both arms twisted behind his back and the wrists trapped in just one of her large hands, sneered and spat on the ground. Scorn ignored this, simply flexing her knees and helping Maureen clamber down from her shoulder with her free hand.

The gates of the Crawl stood open, and Professors Rafe and Yornhaldt stood to one side of them, along with Fedora. Moriarty had taken up position at the other side, staff in hand, and now focused his attention on Scorn’s prisoner, though he did not raise his weapon. That would have put both students in his line of fire.

“Fair enough,” Fedora said easily. “Fine work, Scorn. You got through all right, then? Any trouble?”

“I think the other two he was with might be dead,” she grunted. “This one seemed sort of in charge, though. He will have answers if any of them do. And Maureen saw the Hand of the Emperor.”

“Not telling you shit,” the captured man grated with impressive defiance, considering Scorn’s grip on his twisted arms now had him bent almost double. Judging by the way his knees were buckling, he wasn’t flexible enough for that position.

“Yeah, you will,” Fedora said cheerfully, “and you know it. Just a question of how long it takes, is all.”

Yornhaldt sighed. “We should continue this discussion below, then. We’ve done all we can up here, and apparently hostiles are overtaking the campus.”

Fedora scowled at him. “Professor, we can’t just leave the kids in—”

“We have no time, Murgatroyd,” Rafe said with uncharacteristic seriousness. “We cannot transport unconscious students across the campus while it’s under attack. The protections on that chapel are damn near absolute; they’ll be okay.”

“Nothing is ever gonna make me trust a passive set of magical defenses over having my eyes and hands on the scene,” Fedora growled.

“Yes, any defensive measures can be cracked,” Yornhaldt agreed. “But I activated the chapel’s wards myself and verified that they are all functioning. The time it would take someone to get through them is much longer than it will take Arachne to return, at which point it becomes moot. I don’t take risks with the kids’ welfare, Murgatroyd. I would not leave them there if they were not as safe as we could make them, but Admestus’s assessment of the situation is correct. You two are the last,” he added to Scorn and Maureen. “Bradshaw and Magelord Tyrann have secured the research fellows in their new meeting hall; it is apparently out of phase with this reality and unapproachable until the Magelord decides the coast is clear.”

“It’s in phase enough for him to issue taunts,” Moriarty grumbled. “Rook thought he was hilarious, which is proof positive of unprofessional conduct…”

“I don’t care whose feelings get hurt as long as he can keep the research staff safe,” Fedora said, grinning. “Truth be told, I like that guy. Did you two see Stew or Crystal? We directed them to the fellows’ hall, but…”

“Sir,” Maureen said miserably, stepping forward. She held up the slightly scorched piece of quartz. “Th-the Hand, he… He got Crystal. I salvaged what I could. This piece was…it was protected, somehow, seemed important. I’m just hoping…”

Rafe, Yornhaldt, Fedora, and Moriarty fell silent, and their faces changed in perfect unison. First sobering, then turning icy glares upon the prisoner.

“Serves you freaks right,” the man grated.

“I don’t recognize that uniform,” Fedora commented flatly. “Looks like House livery, though. Whom do you serve, soldier?”

“You deaf?” he spat. “You’re not getting shit out of me!”

“I respect that,” Fedora replied, nodding. “Scorn, please break his arms.”

“WaitwaitwaitwaitWAIT!” the soldier squalled, growing progressively more shrill as Scorn tightened her grip. “Stop, I’ll talk!”

“Oh, splendid,” Fedora said pleasantly. “Last Rock University thanks you for your cooperation. We’ll get to that in just a moment, though, there’s something we need to do, first. Scorn, I believe I just gave you a task.”

She grinned and tightened her grip again.

“Desist,” Yornhaldt said flatly over the man’s renewed yowling. “Enough, Scorn. And you ought to know better,” he added to Fedora, who shrugged.

“Tellwyrn would think it was funny.”

“She isn’t here. Carry on your interrogation without undue violence, please. Maureen,” he added in a gentler tone, giving her a smile. “May I see that?”

Swallowing heavily, Maureen stepped up to him, raising the piece of crystal in both hands. Yornhaldt took it from her with extreme care, slowly turning it over in his grip, studying it from all sides with a pensive frown. Behind him, Fedora had leaned in to speak to their prisoner in a low tone, while Scorn kept him firmly pinned and Rafe looked on. Moriarty, apparently considering all this under control, constantly scanned their surroundings, holding his staff ready to be upraised.

“You did very well,” Yornhaldt said at last, smiling at her. “You said this piece looked protected?”

“Aye, she…” Maureen paused and had to swallow again. “He used some kind o’ energy-overloadin’ device on ‘er. Just…it just pumped power straight into ‘er, till she swelled up an’ couldn’t take it.”

“Part of the magekiller’s toolkit,” Yornhaldt said soberly. “A standard wand’s shots are no match for a standard wizard’s shield, but that modification works exactly as you describe. Most spells will go off explosively if fed too much power. It has its drawbacks, like the short range and very limited charge, but I can see how someone like Crystal would be exceptionally vulnerable to it. Please, go on.”

“Aye, well… She exploded, Professor. Bits went just…all over. ‘cept that piece, it kinda floated down. I… I was near panickin’ at the time, this happened right in front o’ me an…”

She trailed off, and Yornhaldt transferred the last piece of Crystal to one of his thick hands, so he could lay the other gently upon her shoulder. Maureen drew in a steadying breath and raised her head again.

“But when I paused fer thought, I remembered seein’ it. That bit, there, was mostly protected from the blast. Obviously she was made with interior defenses to preserve that in case o’ some disaster, so I thought… Well, I mean, I hoped.”

Yornhaldt nodded. “The enchantments upon this are beyond me, Maureen, but I can tell it is a data storage device of astounding complexity and depth. If there were any piece that could contain Crystal’s memory and personality, I should think this is it.”

“Then… Then she’ll be okay?” Maureen asked tremulously, hope rising in her. “We can fix ‘er? Well, I mean, Tellwyrn can?”

“I was not part of Crystal’s construction,” he cautioned, “and I do not understand these enchantments. I won’t promise you any outcome, Maureen. But it’s just as I said: if there is any part from which Arachne can restore Crystal, this is it. You did the best thing possible by retrieving it. Here: please keep this safe until this crisis is resolved.”

“Oh, but,” she protested as he held the object out to her. “Shouldn’t you hang onto it? Wouldn’t that be better?”

“Until we have secured the campus and Professor Tellwyrn is back,” he said, “my job will be to defend the students from whoever attacks them, and yours will be to stay safe. She is better off with you, Maureen. You have amply proved that already.”

Reverently, she accepted the crystal back from him and hugged it to her chest, nodding. Her throat was suddenly too tight to speak.

Then, the quiet was rent by a sharp crack, followed by a scream of pain, and then sobs.

Yornhaldt whirled to glare at the prisoner, who now hung limply from his captor’s clawed hands.


Holding the man’s un-broken arm in one hand, she pointed with the other at Fedora. “He told me to.”


Fedora pointed at Rafe. “Admestus said I could!”

“’strue, I did,” Rafe agreed. “C’mon, if we decide he doesn’t deserve to suffer, we can always fix him. Ooh, or I can do experiments on him! Arachne never lets me test potions on the students!”

The paunchy man wailed louder.

“Anyway,” Fedora said, raising his voice, “we did learn some—”

“Sir!” Moriarty barked. “Movement ahead! Multiple incoming, wearing the same uniform as this guy.”

“All right, enough,” Yornhaldt snapped. “Everybody into the Crawl. It seems our battle has just begun.”


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